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You know what i like?


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*I Like* having a three day weekend

*I Like* releasing a mod today

*I Like* that it can be found here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24431

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I like that you are in such a great mood

I totally dislike Facebook who've blocked my account for no reason :(

I also totally dislike the fact that whoever hacked my FB account also hacked my email account and deleted all my special emails :sad: :(

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*I Like* finally getting some cold weather

*I Like* that a lot of people don't know I was the first person to do humorous screenies in Nexus

*I Like* giving up having a "smart phone" and not being tied down to it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

*I Like* finally getting part of the dead tree in our yard cut down

*I Like* having another three day weekend

*I LIke* Carah and I being able to get out of town for part of it

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I like early mornings with peace and quiet

I like sunny days that are warm and calm

I like kids and their insight, clear and bright

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