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I like my daughter is getting ready to graduate. (Only 29 days)

I like that she is going to West Virginia University

I like that she will be trying out for their marching band this weekend

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I like West Virginia. Easily one of the top five most beautiful states overall.


I like that Lis' youngling is college bound, and hope that mine will one day do the same. (I'm also wondering what instrument she plays, as my own plays the trumpet. LOUDLY. FREQUENTLY.)


I like that my daughter is on the A honor roll. I'm less fond of her resistance to a reasonable bedtime. *grumbles*

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*I Like* not posting right now.

*I Like* not typing this.

*I Like* how y'all are imagining things....

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I like West Virginia. Easily one of the top five most beautiful states overall.


I like that Lis' youngling is college bound, and hope that mine will one day do the same. (I'm also wondering what instrument she plays, as my own plays the trumpet. LOUDLY. FREQUENTLY.)


I like that my daughter is on the A honor roll. I'm less fond of her resistance to a reasonable bedtime. *grumbles*

I like that my daughter also plays trumpet and some piano. I like that I was a drummer.

I like that your daughter is on the honor roll. I like mine is in the Honors College and garnered her a few scholarships. I like when hard work pays off.

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*I Like* finding a bit of news that may interest a certain newbie ..um, excuse me... a "Regular" friend of mine:

40 years ago today, The Ramones released their debut album, igniting the punk rock era.

The front cover depicting the New York City musicians leaning against a brick wall became an iconic punk statement.

The most well-known track was the opener, Blitzkrig Bop with its call, “Hey ho, let’s go!”

They formed in 1974, the band toured virtually nonstop for 22 years until they played a farewell concert in 1996 and disbanded.

Tthe four original band members–none of whom were related, all took on the last name of Ramone

*I Like* Queen way much more than The Ramones.

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I like that I was able to see the Ramones in concert before they retired.


I like Queen too, but not as much as the Ramones. Also, I've never seen Queen in concert.


I like that it turns out that I might have more to say than I originally thought.


And at the risk of breaking the unwritten three-like guideline, I like the Battle Bunny's screenshot collection <3 :happy:

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*I Like* how so many twits playing Fallout 4 that have a YuToob account also think they have to post lame vids. :facepalm:

*I Like* playing some games I have not looked at in years. :laugh:

*I Like* Carah. :wub:

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