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You know what i like?


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*I Like* the way some people carry on here so I get nauseated enough to puke my lunch and don't have to worry about gaining weight.

*I Like* the government instillation I work at having a total ban on using cell phones when driving or risk paying a 75$ fine. ...heh...people are even afraid to scratch their ear while driving now.

*I Like* having 2100 minutes a month calling time on our new cell phones.

*I Like* October being sooner than November.

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I like being scared by this forum. Wait, scratch that.

I heavily DISlike the lagginess of the site at night for me. I'll assume I'm in a different time zone.

I like that AlienSlof has resumed posting mods, even if she doesn't allow comments, and even if I never downloaded any of them before.

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I like the fact that some people show jealously on these forums.

*Turns green with envy*


Happy now? :smile:

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