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You know what i like?


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I like the fact that some people show jealously on these forums.

*Turns green with envy*


Happy now? :smile:


<pukes on jojo man's shoes>

*I LIke* that I can make his wardrobe coordinated.

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I like it that :


- Aerin does not yet know that the source of her freakish, and spunky, energy is that very grape flavoured lipgloss which she likes. I like to think that she wont prang either her dirtbike , or her freakish spunky self, on her holiday.


- Sarya is finally getting a normal vacation which...will obviously not involve bears, whatsoever.


- toan has discovered the terror that lurks at the heart of this thread. I like it, also, that he wishes to cover up this discovery.


- I get to post this directly under dezi's, that she still likes to say 'Babae', and that someone made her happy.


- jojo's nice shade of green


- i dont eat what mos eats.


I like it that my fell hound has not lost, entirely, his 'call of the wild' and that he is quite content to explore, all by himself, the very centre of town, as he follows his nose to whichever female dog it is on heat in Blackpool, only 20 or so miles distant. I like it that i guessed which direction he had gone by knowing which way the wind was blowing: from Blackpool. That he had been taken in by a kindly , eccentric, old English lady who fed him chicken, and probably tittered in mock horror as he attempted to mount her treasured West Highland Terrier, whose name escapes me now, and then turned him into the fuzz before he could recommence his journey onwards, to Blackpool. That fell hound was content to traverse 4 lanes of busy mid- town traffic to get as far as said bonkers old woman. That he is known, locally, for standing in the middle of our street and requiring any automobiles attempting to progress past him to gently, and slowly, nudge him out of the way with their bumpers. That that is how streetwise he is. I like it that my son was capable of dealing with the stern, but kindly, animal welfare officer who didnt charge us the £60.00 he could have for returning said fell hound. While i lay reclining upon the sofa with my wrist thrown languidly over my hot, fevered brow, in a state of collapse and suspected heart failure , having tramped miles and miles on the hottest night of the year looking for said fekkin fell hound, and longing for a flagon of Absinthe, the colour green of which mos would have approved.


I like it that a number of total strangers got involved in looking for the fell hound, including two who took to their cars to widen the search. For all i know, they're still out there, looking. I like it that im going to go and look for these strangers to tell them to call the hunt off. I like it that stuff like this can renew , or even new, your faith in your fellow man.


I like it that sitebot has required that i only type this all out twice, after crashing me out the first time. I think that i may be in with a chance there. I fekkin like that.

I like that i still pray as i am about to hit the 'add reply' button. Though to which diety...i know not. I like it that my keyboard is still teeth proof. And that fekkin fell hound is staying as far a way from me as is physically possible, while still, and forever more, indoors.

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I like Chesto's story, though not so much the parts involving dog+traffic...come to think of it, all that's left is a crazy old lady and same British jargon. Oh well. I still like.

I like the word flagon, as well as pint.

I like Westies. They're cute. They have little ears and stuff.

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I like it that I'm getting a certain something in the mail from a certain someone.

I like it when that certain someone monopolizes my comments in my profile....heh...funny.

I like starting a new job soon.

I like my new place, because it's my own space, but will share with a certain American.

I like it that Aeryn333 has Elven blood in her, thats, so cool.

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*I Like* wondering what the "stuff" is in Toan's remark "little ears and stuff"


*I Like* all the stuff "stuff" can be thought of as being.

*I Like* "stuff".

*I Like* Carah's "stuff".

And bets are she'll like to have her "stuff" in her new place.

I bet Sarya has Ruskie "stuff", and Aeryn has Irish "stuff"

*I Like* not thinking of some people's "stuff".



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