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You know what i like?


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By stuff, I think I meant face and fur, though I could be wrong. It could mean tail.

I like that Dezi has started posting nearly every second...post. Damn my limited talky amount thing.

I like that Mos (still creepy and old!) misspelled "regardless" in his sig.


Aeryn is Irish? I'm so lost. And that's awesome. But still, lost. That show was confusing.

CHEEEEESSSSE FOR EEEEVEERRRYYYYOOOOONNNE!!! Wait, scratch that. Cheese for no one.

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I like it that I'm getting a certain something in the mail from a certain someone.

I like it when that certain someone monopolizes my comments in my profile....heh...funny.

I like starting a new job soon.

I like my new place, because it's my own space, but will share with a certain American.

I like it that Aeryn333 has Elven blood in her, thats, so cool.


You know I went from a lurker that only posted about mods I DL..a hermit that stays to themselves and never posts in forums, to look at me now..

I like that your all, convincing me, to go back on my word that I would never post in a forum ever again..of course this helps thats its an International one..;)

Me Grans says, every time I get impish and I still do.. that its the Sidhe, in me, when she told me when I was a wee thing..I had Elven blood, I used to think she was slagging me, but I know now, it is true...we are far more than our egos think we are..our souls go back in time, as far as we dare to see..

Go raibh mile maith agat, ( a thousand thank yous) for the nicest thing I heard about meself in a long time..

I really like that..and I really like that you noticed..Carah :)

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I think I like rain, though I guess it's going to be a hard week from that point.


And I heard that about the bears!


Good lord woman! You have the ears of a bat! Uh... the hearing of a bat...with perfectly ... erm...normal human... ... ...type... ... is it cold in here? Feel a storm coming on.


I have to like rain. I live in the UK. Though I dont have to like it as much as the Irish have to.



You'll have to forgive me.. I am just catching up with this post, after telling meself I would not get involved in none of this silly away with the fairies bit..you all are a right bunch..


Aye..We really have to like the rain,'specially here in West Cork. Aye you got that right la..

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Okay...ahem...I like to do what i am told...by a certain person who tells me to do things, so... aherum...I fekkin love Lisnpuppy! Satisfied!? See what you made me do...again!


...and before anyone reports me for 'fekkin' usage , it is a perfectly decent, or daiscent word in constant use in Ireland, even by the clergy... or is that just in sitcoms?



No your right la.. feckin' is every day language, 'specially here in Cork..everybody uses it and its not the same as the word, that it resembles..So your feckin' right.

I like that the Nexus, doesn't edit out 'slang', so one can just be themselves.,.like Yank forums do..No offence..to any Yanks present..

I like that people here know how to fence properly, for the most part, and not pull out their swords and just stab..wihout thought..

I think I like it here..and that for me is saying allot..for I don't like the world's apathetic nature right now, much at all anywhere or the people in it. I am not social at all..

OK thats the other topic, but I am not going there, for I like to focus on the positive..even if its hard to find at times.

I like Carah, and Dez, and Sarya for they speak their minds, I like Mos, for his honesty and sense of humour..

The world must have ended for the hermit is opening up if just a wee bit..and taking a chance..

I like good craic....

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I like it that one Aerin goes off for a bit, and then , another Aeryn appears , as if by magic, to fill the temporary void. Though what will happen when the other Aerin comes back... may have to appear in the ' I hate....' thread.


I like it that Aeryn has read all of this thread, and that it has been dusted off as it should be, from time to time.

I like to think that people may be walking around with Elvish blood in them. ...or is it Elven. Elvish was that other guy, right... the ...uh... fat one. ...sang a bit.


I like it that the heat has finally broken in torrents of ... torrential rain, lightning and thunder. I like it that my fell hound obviously 'got some' on his away day, and that he hardly bays at all, for a change, as the thunder booms all around us.

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I like the word 'craic'... tho... if Aeryn doesnt mind Ill spell it phonetically, so that some of our more 'fekkin ignorant' North American cousins will know how to pronounce it : crack.


I like it that Aeryn will probably have posted again before i even finish this. I like to have another Aeryn to repond to early in the am. I like it that she has decided to foreswear her anchorite status. Even if she doesn't include me by name in the list of people she 'likes'. < wipes away a wee tearie >


EDIT: I like it that i got this one in before she got one in. Hah.

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I like the word 'craic'... tho... if Aeryn doesnt mind Ill spell it phonetically, so that some of our more 'fekkin ignorant' North American cousins will know how to pronounce it : crack.


I like it that Aeryn will probably have posted again before i even finish this. I like to have another Aeryn to repond to early in the am. I like it that she has decided to foreswear her anchorite status. Even if she doesn't include me by name in the list of people she 'likes'. < wipes away a wee tearie >


EDIT: I like it that i got this one in before she got one in. Hah.



Well it takes me time to know someone I don't use the word like easy, I say what I mean and mean what I say.. and I have not read as much stuff of yours as I have of theirs, so give me time..but wipe away the wee tear...me dear Brit.. give me time.. and this Corkonian may let you in...and now that you phonetically spelled craic, you gonna tell the wee ones on the other side of the pond it has nothing to do with the nose or sniffing.

I like that you like anither Aeryn, there's room for two of us..


You know what I like Dez, her quiet subtle, soft, gentle, romantic nature, and her simplicity, she says more in a line or two then many do in many lines.. Admist all this insanity..and that she can take a good joke without offence..;)


cheers mate

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You know what I like Dez, her quiet subtle, soft, gentle, romantic nature, and her simplicity, she says more in a line or two then many do in many lines.. Admist all this insanity..and that she can take a good joke without offence..;)


cheers mate


I like that Aeryn has called me Dez,not once, but twice!

I like that my fathers side of the family came from Ireland!( does that make me a 'Wild Goose'?)

I like being a romantic,shouldn't we all..just a little?

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You know what I like Dez, her quiet subtle, soft, gentle, romantic nature, and her simplicity, she says more in a line or two then many do in many lines.. Admist all this insanity..and that she can take a good joke without offence.. ;)


cheers mate


I like that Aeryn has called me Dez,not once, but twice!

I like that my fathers side of the family came from Ireland!( does that make me a 'Wild Goose'?)

I like being a romantic,shouldn't we all..just a little?



I like that you like I called you Dez, but thats what you prefer innit?

I like that you family comes from Eire, what part?...No that does not make you a 'wild goose' as me Grans says a drop of Irish blood makes you Irish..

Aye, but I do believe we romantics are a dying breed..See You can't be Irish and not be a romantic..we are a land of romantics..we have made longing an art form here..I am a Bard and so I believe that what you say is true, and I like you still believe..


What I like is Irish sentiment, for it comers from heart and soul, it is like no other..


Is buaine port ná glór na n-éan,

Is buaine focal ná toice an tsaoil.

A tune is more lasting than the song of the birds,

And a word more lasting than the wealth of the world.


Sláinte (good heath)

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