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You know what i like?


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I like small children

I like chocolate malts

I like pizza


*I Like* that you came up with a good barbeque menu.

*I Like* that some people don't have enough snap to know what they mean.

*I Like* using the editor so some people don't know what I really thought.

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You know what I like Dez, her quiet subtle, soft, gentle, romantic nature, and her simplicity, she says more in a line or two then many do in many lines.. Admist all this insanity..and that she can take a good joke without offence.. ;)


cheers mate


I like that Aeryn has called me Dez,not once, but twice!

I like that my fathers side of the family came from Ireland!( does that make me a 'Wild Goose'?)

I like being a romantic,shouldn't we all..just a little?



I like that you like I called you Dez, but thats what you prefer innit?

I like that you family comes from Eire, what part?...No that does not make you a 'wild goose' as me Grans says a drop of Irish blood makes you Irish..

Aye, but I do believe we romantics are a dying breed..See You can't be Irish and not be a romantic..we are a land of romantics..we have made longing an art form here..I am a Bard and so I believe that what you say is true, and I like you still believe..


What I like is Irish sentiment, for it comers from heart and soul, it is like no other..


Is buaine port ná glór na n-éan,

Is buaine focal ná toice an tsaoil.

A tune is more lasting than the song of the birds,

And a word more lasting than the wealth of the world.


Sláinte (good heath)

Dez is good, or Dezi, when I was little the boys used to cally me dizzy...lol...In some ways I still am :biggrin: .

No idea where in Ireland.all I know is that my Great grandfather came to boston from Ireland,married a woman named Annie Sullivan,and that my Grandfather was born in Boston. He is very tight lipped about his life and I know not why. But such is life,so I accept it!

One of my goals is to visit Ireland in the very near future,the next couple of years.I've been to the phillipines where my mother was born,to visit family there.

I lke that I answered some questions,but others remain as they shall, perhaps unanswered

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I like that I'm no longer lost. Phew. It was like being in limbo with only those annoyingly vague and confusing shows to watch. Y'know, Lost and Jericho...and stuff.

I like not being able to understand a word Aeryn (right? the one with the blocky guy in their sig) says. I think I'd prefer not to know what's going on.

I like that OMGWTFBBQ menu as well, Mos. You creepy old man, you.

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I like that I just dunked my boss and got away with it(fund raiser).

I like Pizza.

I like that people enjoy talking about what they like more than they like talking about what they hate.

I like old school rock 'n roll(Queen, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Etc.)

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I like that I just dunked my boss and got away with it(fund raiser).

I like Pizza.

I like that people enjoy talking about what they like more than they like talking about what they hate.

I like old school rock 'n roll(Queen, AC/DC, Def Leppard, Van Halen, Etc.)

I like those bands too! :biggrin:

I like that I work from home!

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*I Like* thinking about the light of my life. And though the thought of her not being with me is saddening; the thought of her not being here also warms my heart, awaiting our times we shall be together.

*I Like* that some people will read that and shall think, "aw, how sweet".

*I Like* that other people will read that and fight the urge to puke. ...heh...

*I Like* that Queen rocks and Kiss sucks !

*I Like* finally finding the kill file thingie for the forums.

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I like it that toan... has so many more pairs of feet than nature intended, for sticking in his mouth.


I like it that dezi works from home. I like it that i work from home, also. I like it that i use such a broad definition of the word 'work' that it can be said that i work at all.


I like it that Aeryn speaks in brogue, and Irish, and adds 'la' at the ends of her statements, often. I like it that I have just researched my greatest works here and can direct Aeryn to page 175, Snow Arena, where she will begin to discover the jewels that are my wit and wisdom, and scintillating personality, and general awe inspiring charisma. She will have to wade thro acres of dross, and flame, to find this out. And some of the others' stuff is pretty awful too. I like it that, if she does this, she will discover the hint of a beginning of the germination of the seed that grew into a significant relationship, secret but to the very sellect few. And the blind. I like it that i think that Aeryn has nothing better to do with her time than to find reasons to like me.


I like it that i am like a cat which, on entering a room, will always jump into the lap of the person who dislikes cats the most.

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