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You know what i like?


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I like it that dezi is left with a subtle feeling of warmth and an afterglow of friendship...or was it an after warmth and a friendly glowing subtlety. I like it that it probably works out the same, whichever. And I like it that i probably know the answer to at least one question, today.


I like it that sitebot started feeling just a little bit peeky,while i was posting earlier, and that it was probably me what caused its defenestration. ...or does that only happen in Austria?


I would like to know what one does with all of the wool that one has gathered over the decades. Knittting doesnt seem to deplete it any.


I like it that mos feels the need to mention some kind of purging at least once in every post. What are you trying to tell us, mos?


I would like everything a lot more, if a certain dear friend was back in full and healthy action again.

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I like it that toan... has so many more pairs of feet than nature intended, for sticking in his mouth.


I like it that Aeryn speaks in brogue, and Irish, and adds 'la' at the ends of her statements, often. I like it that I have just researched my greatest works here and can direct Aeryn to page 175, Snow Arena, where she will begin to discover the jewels that are my wit and wisdom, and scintillating personality, and general awe inspiring charisma. She will have to wade thro acres of dross, and flame, to find this out. And some of the others' stuff is pretty awful too. I like it that, if she does this, she will discover the hint of a beginning of the germination of the seed that grew into a significant relationship, secret but to the very sellect few. And the blind. I like it that i think that Aeryn has nothing better to do with her time than to find reasons to like me.


I like it that i am like a cat which, on entering a room, will always jump into the lap of the person who dislikes cats the most.


Hmmm..Though I have written more last night then I have in ages, I give this at least one more go to this thread..


I like that toan, is puzzled by Aeryn, though what puzzles him I am unsure he even knows.


I like that Chesto likes the ending.. la, so very few even understand it, do you??..Even here in Eire, its is strictly Corkonian slang..and aye it does slip out now and again la..


I like that Chesto likes I speak Gaeilge na hÉireann...

Look at my Sig, these are things I believe with all my heart..tír gan teanga, tír gan anam.( a country without a language , a country without a soul)


I like that a Brit is trying desperately to get an Irish person to like them..bloody ironic innit... 'specially when that someone is from West Cork..that Chesto wants me to discover, his wit, wisdom, and scintillating personality..oh and aye and awe inspiring chrisma..

I am not so easily convinced, but point me in the direction of this Snow arena, and I might give it a go.

But know I look beyond the words, to what is beneath, every womon in my family has the Sight.

I might consider wading through, the Snow arena perchance, where is it?


I like all this subtle, mysterious, cryptic statements that slip out in peoples posts, as if some grand puzzle awaits being discovered.


I like that Chesto likes my dialect, I thought only Americans refered to regional accents as brogue..;)

I like talking like I do everyday, I don't water it down, anywhere, anytime for anyone.. this is me just being me..la

I like that I am me...no more no less, just me..


I like Chesto thinks I have nothing better to do with my time..I think..


Is this a particular endevour of yours, for you might find yourself on the wrong side of the fence when you thought you were on the right side. I can be cyptic also..;)


However I like that Chesto from his profile seems a gentle soul., and poetic by nature..and is well thought of by others..


I like that, a challange, is only best reponded by a mirror image...of such challange..

Since you set me about a task, and when you tell me where that Snow arena is I will do it, if you can find the translation to this..and why I choose it..

De réir a chéile a thógtar na caisleáin.




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I like that Aeryn thinks I don't know...whatever it was. I think. Maybe. Which could have possibly been right on the mark, or not, depending on the weather in yesterday.

I like not knowing whether Aeryn is speaking in a dialect thingy or simply making spelling mistakes. I also sort of like that rude jarring sensation in my head from the sheer number of commas. I see Aeryn's writing and I'm all "Ouch. But that's ok, I just wonder what it would sound like in...sound." Kinda seems like it would be like a cross between G-Man and an Irish person. Which is totally awesome.

I like that my train of though just derailed, killing 52 innocent daydreams.

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I like that toan just completely derailed my train of thought!

I like that as well. It was my point after all. You...you wouldn't have happened to have had any hazardous or harmful material on said train, would you? I really don't want to call in the haz-mat team. Their receptionist is so rude.


*Reads any of Dezi's other posts* ...well, dang. *Picks up phone*

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i like having only one sibling to deal with unlike my mom who has 4


I like that I have 6.


I like the surprisingly pleasant feeling of getting my first mysterious kudo. Much nicer than getting a cootie! :D


I like that my ornery grandmother will be 100 years old in November.


I like reading about things people like.

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