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You know what i like?


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I like it that i received a pm that contained all of the combined works of O'Casey, O'Faolin (sp), O'Brien, O'Malley, O'Hara, more O's, Plunkett, Yeats, Synge, Donleavy, Joyce, Behan, the blessed Milligan, the saintly Beckett, and oh so many more unremembered by me, at this time.

I like it that it was so huge, and yet so precious in its hugeness that i am stuck with the problem of wondering which of the many other precious pms, pics, etc, sent to me by kindly, and loving, folk who wished to warm the fundament of an old coot down in the dumps from time to time, or merely as a pick me up at the start of the day, and which i am so loathe to part with, that i must ponder the old paraphrase: No greater love hath a man than that he should give up his love of fundament warming pms, pics, etc, for another, altogether, pm.

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I like to think that most Finns are like Lordi. That they may damage your eardrums, but that they will fill you with a wild and inexplicable, laughter filled, joy.


I like to think that the Finn who isnt like Lordi, and who drives a fizzy red penis extention, and who not only damages your eardrums but the general environment, as well, and whose effect on perfectly sensible women, for the most part, of rendering them insensible, is completely incomprehensible to me and any other erect -walking individual, will fulfill toan's expectations and desires at some sooner, rather than later, date and have to be carted off in a horse drawn cinder wagon, drawn by the slowest, most decrepit horse the Finnish nation can produce. Or, at least mos's dead one.


I like to think that Lisn is going to have to submit to a bit o' the draggin for even mentioning the aforementioned , fekkin Finn in the same thread to which i am a usual, and suspect, contributor.


I fekkin like to think that.

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I like realizing there are new people in my life I really like.


I like that Aeryn hates the I hate thread.


Weirdly I like that Aeryn thinks she says too much and that she has a tendency to clam up and say nothing, because even though she's from a faraway place, I have the exact same feeling. And I really clam up when I clam up, I call it "losing my voice" but it's figurative not literal, and it's much more lethal: example: the poem I posted the other day is the first poem I've written since 2004 when I went through a horrible life crisis that still makes me cry if I think about it, and then I need a smoke which terrible habit I first started reacting to said crisis in 2004.


I like that I'm half Irish.


I like that Chesto sees me, he's quite the gifted mage.


I like that Josh can laugh about the paintball incicent.


I like that I seem to be finding my voice little by little.


I don't like posting before I've read all the messages just because I feel as if I have to say it now, and then realizing I missed something important.


I like that this forum has more goddesses than any other I've inhabited in 12 years of forum dwellings.


I don't like that I get all gimpy and awkward when people I like say nice things about me. Probably because in spite of the powerful Chesto Spell of Greater Inclusion I still feel "new".


I like opening my eyes and realizing it's a new day!


I like the Edit button.


Ah there you are myrmaad..

I like that you like that I hate the I hate thread..and though I have posted to get off my chest a couple times, I vote its name be changed to I do not like..and I made it plain that I'll play the word game, for thems the rules, but what I mean is I don't like..For hate is an ugly thing..and its not good for the insides either..


I like that you returned, I am new also, well I posted about mods...But I am Saggitarian I usually just plunge in when I decide to and more often then not suffer from hoof in mouth disease..and then go real quiet and just sneak back into my all to familiar cave.. if it wasn't for a certain someone that asked me so nice I couldn't refuse her, to stick it out ..I do this so often that taken such hoof out is really an art form now..I just don't get many American expressions, or jokes..and its equal they likewise don't get ours,so no harme no foul..yet I still can get hurt, though I come off all Corkonian Rebel here..


I been a loner so long, I forget that other people exsisted even, just me and the Sidhe..they don't break your hearts..

I like the Sidhe..some of my best freinds and loyal they are too..


Well, I don't smoke, well not fags..I should just leave it and wait for the remarks, thats the imp in me..or as me Grans use to say the Sidhe coming out, can be mischievous at times all in good craic (fun)

But I'll be good.. we like having a go over here, stroll up to a American tourist and say, eh got a spare fag I can borrow do ya now la.., and watch their faces..

Better one is.. eh comere woud ye..Like woud ye be having a spare rubber I can use,la, I'll give right back..when i am done..That really gets a look, and a ewwww..A rubber is an eraser..and a fag a cig..I hope I made both you and Dez laugh..just a wee bit..Though they use those terms more in the UK, we Irish like to play with them too..Especially after a couple Murpheys..which I occasionally inbide in..


I like Chesto also, him and I are haveing a Brit-Irish Challange, all for the craic, and I'm sure no-one knows what we're on about..


Well lass according to me Grans and she was a wise auld Druid, They be no such thing, as half Irish, the other half donnae count for teh Irish blood dominates so ye be Irish plain and simple..la


Well la, that has to do with humyn emotions, not the wide expanse for what is time and space anyway..its who we are in our soul, and where is home in our soul that matters..not where you happen to be born in this lifetime....and humyn emotion, is same, we say or express or say it in different words, but its all the same..on teh inside..


As for reading the thread before posting I read the whole bloody thing,and then posted on what caught me eye, after I finished..So your not the only one..Besides its a good way to get to know people by following the train of their thoughts..

I like following the train of others thoughts, well trains worth following that is..and you usually know which trains to stay on and which ones to disembark at the next stop..some have ye leaping out the windows...and rolling down vast embankments, to land face down in the bog, with mud all over yer face.. just to get off.. Its where the thoughts go..Up and down hills doesn't matter atall.., its do they lead anywhere that matters..


I like that i don't like that once again I have said to much..


I like the edit button too..

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I like it that myrmaad has yet to realize that once she has had one of the Chesto's huge,hairy, gooey, loving hugs, that new is the last thing she will ever feel again.

I like to think that, in this case, that is a good thing.

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I like it that josh can fall off a roof, be relatively unscathed, and have the presence of mind to appreciate the accuracy of the shot that took him out. I like it that i may have to revise my whole theory on the non-existence of Angellic forces.
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I like Chesto..and thank the gods for it otherwise I would beat his arse thrice for saying bad things about by beloved Finn Ferrari driver Kimi Raikkonen.


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