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You know what i like?


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I would like to think that whoever decided that someone should no longer have access to this playground will consider the following:

This playground, admittedly raunchy at times, is safe, caring, loving in its warped way, in-yer-face-out-there-obvious-for-all-to-see, and full of people who demonstrate all of the former at some or all times.

That there are other playgrounds that are not like this. That are dangerous. That will have none of the friends that someone has made, and who look out for that someone. That this someone may seek access to, having been denied access to this one.

That, though your decision is a perfectly understandable and valid one, perhaps it is just not the right one for this particular playground.

That this someone's friends would very much like to see this someone back here, asap. So that they could relax and delight in the knowledge that she is causing her own brand of spunky mayhem amongst those who have taken her to their hearts. ...and not somewhere more dangerous.

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I like it that mos is cleverer, and more subtle, than i gave him credit for. That he didnt follow the trail of breadcrumbs into the dark, dark forest, full of hidden snares and terrors, that is ones own thread.

I would, however, like mos to accept that, however clever and subtle he is, there still isnt a thread in which to display ones intense dislikes, and that doesnt contain the word 'hate'. I would, still, like to think that mos will do something about that.

I like it that mos doesnt know that the things i needed to hear included instructions on how to remove battered cardboard underpants. ...without removing the skin along with them. Mos's method would have required great skin loss, i am sure.

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I like that I'm completely oblivious.


I like that mos reminded me of my "baby sister" (ha) who is so stubborn that I learned very early never to suggest things to her. Instead I'd tell her a story and give it time.


I like that being oblivious I have no stories.


I like that this was Chesto's last cardboard panty day.


I like that it aggravates my husband when I call them "panties".


I like that I do it so often he calls them 'panties' out of sheer annoyance.


I like that it makes me giggle.


I like that I very rarely hate, but sometimes I do.

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I like that it aggravates my husband when I call them "panties".

I like that I do it so often he calls them 'panties' out of sheer annoyance.

I like that it makes me giggle.

*I Like* that you aggravate your husband by the use of "panties".

...heh...that didn't sound like I meant, but it's funnier .... Ok....try this one:

*I Like* that your use of that word wouldn't bother him if he didn't care so much for you.

*I Like* you getting giggles from him using the word because amusement laughter is a good thing.


I like it that mos doesnt know that the things i needed to hear included instructions on how to remove battered cardboard underpants. ...without removing the skin along with them. Mos's method would have required great skin loss, i am sure.

*I Like* not understanding the current British fashion trend in "panties" or whatever they call their cardboard "undies" , nor am I interested in how he removes them as long as it does not include me.

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I would like it to be known that, <clears throat; assumes deep manly voice > I have never worn panties in my life. < from somewhere comes a sultry female voice > well, in real life. ...that the cardboard ones i had been wearing, for purely self-defence reasons, were removed successfully with very little help from anyone else. And that mos would be one of the very last people on the face of this earth that i would ask to remove anything of mine, ...unless it was the garbage.

EDIT: this was sitebots first successful attempt to thwart me.

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I would like it to be known that, <clears throat; assumes deep manly voice > I have never worn panties in my life. < from somewhere comes a sultry female voice > well, in real life. ...that the cardboard ones i had been wearing, for purely self-defence reasons, were removed successfully with very little help from anyone else. And that mos would be one of the very last people on the face of this earth that i would ask to remove anything of mine, ...unless it was the garbage. ...and sitebot, which technically speaking isnt mine, but am feeling so very possessive of sitebot right at this moment, as it , yet again, refuses to let me post this, that...aowr0yg0[orvv024]g0q0vq40tyqq3qqnpb-n#pa#bmnvf \\owrv.


the fell hound has left the room. I fekkin still like that.

EDIT: this is me in triumph over sitebot, my foot planted firmly on its throat.

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I like the abbreviation ROFLMFAOZOMGWTFBBQ...copter.

I like how much Chesto posts, and how they all seem strangely relevant to things.

I like not knowing what the carp Chesto is talking about when he references me.

I like being oblivious too, myrmaad.

I like not mentioning the carboard pan-...fek.

I like that I survived my latest in a series of increasingly annoying medical tests, which happened to be an MRI. They have been, in order: Blood test, x-ray, bone scan, ultrasound, x-ray, blood test, and this MRI. They machine was from LG. It was loud. I had to listen to insipid music from high-pitched, whiny women, and high-pitched, whiny men, thanks to the radio station (95 Crave? 95 Craig? I'm not sure) and its "retro-sexual" weekend thing. Thank Azathoth that my city has a Pride Parade, else I would never have known to not listen to said radio station.

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