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You know what i like?


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*I Like* the mystery of not knowing what kind of ice cream Josh likes...since he's never named it.

*I Like* that some justice may be delt out, even if not in quantity and quality deserved.

*I Like* knowing somebody is feeling better after an illness, though did not know severity.

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I like it that toan can deal so blithely with all those medico type things. I like it that i no longer faint dead away at the mere sight of a white coat.


I like it that my insomnia makes me more prone to blubbing like a ...oops...too many goddesses about...a very blubbersome thing, and that i can blame said insomnia for the blubbing, thus covering up the fact that i am , indeed, a very blubbersome thing.


I like it that i can go to my son with an impenetrable, to me , series of capital letters, have him explain them, and breathe a deep sigh of relief that myrmaad is not loudly declaring war on me in some obscure melanesian language. ...or toan, either, though... even my son wondered if there might not be a small melanesian threat of hostilities in his.


I like it that dezi thinks that i would look ..ah...that way in ..uh..articles of ladies undergarments, which, i repeat, i have never in my life worn. ( one word outta you and...its the draggin'!) I like it that dezi's heart is on the mend, and that she likes her benefits with fringes. I, too, am partial to fringes. ...did i just say that out loud?


I like to think that josh can gloat a fek of a great deal.


I like it that Aerynn dragged herself here, again, though...i would have been happy to have done the draggin' o' her, as i , and fell hound , were already out to do the draggin' o' Lisnpuppy. ...and it's left *censored*, dear. Arteries havent hardened to quite the extent that i've become a right *censored*. Though, give them time.


I too like the edit button, as i may return to add to this list when i am fully awake. Next month.

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I like mos he such a warm thing for a bloke..

I like that he got such a hot gal for his life..lucky *censored* ;)


I like that Aeryn can see Mos' warmth. :wub: WAMB

I like that Aeryn thinks I'm hot. :whistling:

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I like mos he such a warm thing for a bloke..

I like that he got such a hot gal for his life..lucky *censored* ;)


I like that Aeryn can see Mos' warmth. :wub: WAMB

I like that Aeryn thinks I'm hot. :whistling:


I like that Carah has Mos, excuse me Mos while talk to about your lady..


I like that Carah likes that I thinks she hot..Its that one seductive eye, and wisp of red hair photo, a part of a mouth that is very suggestive..never mind the scintillating personality. lets stick to the photo.Tis what we call here a come hither photo...

They say a picture speaks a thousand words, that one says, see the hidden Sidhe, I am mischievous, I am mysterious, and I am hot and I know it..Do you. Like..Aye..la :whistling:


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*I Like* though Chesto is speaking (typing) English, it's a task at times to know what the heck he's talking about.

*I Like* though Aeryn speaks (types) Irish, I have absolutely no problem at all understanding her.


EDIT: had to change a word to 'heck' because the profantiy filter saw the first four letters of the name of a famous Arther as being nasty. What's wrong with Charles %&$!ens ? Fe. Oh, now I'm annoyed. D I C K E N S ...heh... got one over on it ! woo oho !

*I Like* that !



Eh I like that Mos likes me Irish, but I am watering it down for you and others la..

I like to ask me mates here go read this, its very short, and anyone else thats curious about we Corkonians..http://www.irishabroad.com/Culture/Slang/corkslang.asp

I like it will explain in a just a few short paragraphs why I don't talk to you like meself..but it will slip out simply because its who I am..la.. to all you people that call me mate (thats freind here, well its really chara Irish word for it, which means freind.....

I like it better than the word freind)because I see freinds hurt each other here, its why I use that term lightly, like we'd not hurt one we dare call a chara in Eire, loyalty knows no bounds than that of a Celt.. awww go an give it a read for me, it will take ya all of less than a minute..read an understand your new mate a wee bit better.


I like that you'd be saying the same about me..boyo..Like also, it will slip out..

I like to challenge anyone who speaks American English to stop trying to do that for a moment I mean concentrate on not talking like you have since you were child..go ahead give it a shot..Leave out all the slang you know,and believe everyone will understand and give it a go..

I like to believe that not one of you could do that why, ingrained programming.


Like I understand Chesto, because me ol' pal of almost nigh on 9 years now, she resides in the Midlands there in UK.., so I know all the 'slang', as you call it we just call it everyday talk..its hard to stop everyday talk, just because one speaks English..dosn't mean its American English..we always have to water down things for you Yanks, ( i mean that in a non offencive way) or you never know what we're onto.. ;)


I like that the filter doesn't understand, or filter out.. most our slang so I can say *censored*, bloody'ell, twit, gob, wanger, git, bullocks, beaver, arse, feck..I could go on..lolol

I like that Chesto is most likey rolling over right now laughing his arse off..for we have different slant on the censorship of so called cuss words...


Yet like not a harmless words can I use.. that doesn't even mean what it means in US..S-H-I-T-E.. which means something different here, and they reduce that wonderful colloquialism with a different meaning to poo..because it contains something, that what is is it a natural bodilyy function...which has nothiugn to do with my word that happnes to contain a wee piece of it...Eh like my word which loses oh so much in the censored translation of such..to poo

Or like gob-s-h-it-e. OK well not so non offencive that one, yet in jest with a friend its not offencive at all, it depends here whom your talking to thats why they are not censerored..setting can change a word meaning..like *censored*..You say you right *censored* to a mate its a compliment of sorts , *censored* to a stranger thats being an arse is something else..like..and then there's the other meaning we'll leave alone..lol


I like that your reading me on a different level la, that's why you get me Mos :)

If you want to curse freely I recommend using UK slang..then you can do it all you want.. ;)


I like that Lisnpuppy is now probably regreting she said post you lazy arse you..after she reads this..

Well thats what you get when I am in the dark mood I am in. ;) luv ya sister Blessed Be!!!

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I like the fact that I've spent more hours futzing about with the many mods I've d/l'ed for Oblivion than I've spent actually playing Oblivion.


I like the fact that I'm a better Medic at age 41 than I was an Infantryman at age 23 (there's some positive karma for ya').


I like how 99.9% of the commentary on TESNexus (and associated forums) is written in grammatically correct language, and not IM(an idiot) abbreviations OMFGLOLBBQEIEIOetc...


"Hookers and lookers and nookie that stings,

These are a few of my favorite things..." :whistling:

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I like Dani

I like Aeryn's link,brought a smile to my face!

I like that today is better than yesterday

I like that I'm me and that if I wasn't I wouldn't be!



"Hookers and lookers and nookie that stings,

These are a few of my favorite things..."

this made me laugh, human bean,you 'bad' boy :whistling:

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I like Dani

I like Aeryn's link,brought a smile to my face!

I like that today is better than yesterday

I like that I'm me and that if I wasn't I wouldn't be!



"Hookers and lookers and nookie that stings,

These are a few of my favorite things..."

this made me laugh, human bean,you 'bad' boy :whistling:



I like that Dez took the time to look at my link and it brought a smile to Dezi face..

I like that today is better then yesterday for Dez

I like Dezi new avatar, umm quite seductive if I might say so ;)

Did I say that, no not me :whistling:

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Allow me to be the first to say that I like Dezi's new avatar.


@humanbean: I too feel your pain. Mods have stolen many an hour from my Oblivion playing time.

I have no idea what that means, so I'll say this: I make a better Pyro than I do a Medic.

A few posts back I proved you wrong with, I believe, ROFLMFAOZOMGWTFBBQ...copter.

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