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You know what i like?


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I would like to introduce, to the 40 year old male scumbag(s) who pm'd someone, who is no longer sharing the warmth of our collective fires, such unacceptable pm's that the concerned, rightly concerned, father of this beloved someone banned her from this site, another, very , very rarely seen Chesto. Chesto The Avenging Angel. He will be speaking to you , scumbag(s), in the third person.


He would like you to know that he will seek you out, for you have caused to be taken away a small, but brightly burning, light that helped to illuminate a bit of the darkness that life so often casts upon us.


He would like you to know that you think that you can hide amidst the shadows you would seem to inhabit, but that he WILL find you.


He would like you to know that he will be coming after you , not with a soppy hound and silken bindings. He will be coming after you with a horsewhip. He will be beating on you with this horsewhip until you run fleeing from this place, this hallowed place. And all that will be left of you in this place will be the hint of the squalid little stain that you are.


He would like you to know that it would be better if you ran now, rather than waiting to be found out. For you will be found out. And you will be exposed. Oh yes. You so fekkin will be exposed.


He would like you, and concerned father , to know that this is a binding oath. And he always keeps binding oaths.


Run. Run, now.

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Chesto, oh Avenging Angel, I beseech thee: Take this, it's dangerous to go alone. *hands Chesto the Dread Sheep of Finding and Stain Removal*

I like to believe that I know what the Angel is on about.


@person scheduled for execution: Beware the sheep. It comes for you.

@blacksnake: Lemme guess...you went skiing? No, no...bowling! Yes, definitely bowling.


I like the quote "I am heavy weapons guy. And THIS is my weapon."

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I would very much like, that my dear mates go read, and consider supporting something that many have asked for an alternative place to vent, and that would read such thread as why I started it..

I like to think that my friends will understand my reasons, and that I did not just fro me, but for those of us, who have said they wish..there was something other than I hate..

I ask you to join me as I stand in my integrity for I feel all uncomfortable, after I leave the I hate thread when I too need to vent..my integrity just cannae abide with it anymore..

I would like if you took a moment to read why I started it, and my deeply valid reasons, and for all who have talked challenged and dared someone to start such a place..


Chesto you have PM from me, I rather not talk about said subject here that if it inflames you I am sure it will me also..

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I like that I just became a veteran I noticed, then again I felt like one of those for a long time.. figuratively speaking.
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Hi everybody! Haven't checked in on the thread much lately, feel a bit bad that Chesto had to ask his kid about my acronym! If I had known that I'd have effin left the f out.


I like making up my very own home-made words. Like for me the word effing is not a substitute but a real word, and I like it. I have been reprimanded for circumventing the bleep thing (sorry -head's not working well todya) on another site and I didn't like that.



I like not being sick. Wish I wasn't.


I like poets.


I like pretty dresses. Impetus for me to try to learn how to mod.


I don't like the standard exnem behind. Gawd it's ugly. it looks way too familiar. I installed a different one but I'm too sick to play on the desktip computer and the laptop isn't able to run oblivion. So you're stuck with me. And I'll have to wait to see what it looks like.


I really like that Slof took the time to help someone who was having trouble modding. That's better than great! It gives me hope. I've done a little dabbling in modding for another game but I wasn't that motivated at the time. I'm really motivated now, because I like pretty clothes that don't necessarily look like hooker-ware. I like Sinblood. I want to make clothes more like his.


I want hip huggers and tunics and less of the pot belly look that the rounder women models have.


I like Tesnexus. I've already learned so much, and I just want to learn more!!!

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I like aquiring wisdom and experience, mostly when I have the opportunity to pass it along to others. There's something deeply satisfying about being the 'Go-To Guy' for certain information, at times.


Of course, I also like an uniterrupted night's sleep, which sometimes doesn't happen when you're the 'Go-To Guy'...

Meh... c'est la vie.

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I'd like my Oblivion+SI+Official Plugins+Lotsa mods to work. For once. Hopefully I can fix this by Friday.


@dedzdimona: You're a Filipino? Or you just understand the language?

my mother was born in the phillipines.

I like that today I soar,my wings are strong and I revel in seeing the sunlight!

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