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You know what i like?


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i have met some truely amazing people here Aeryn Dezi Chesto im not in a hole and not all my wounds will heal but they must life goes on and changes and i will follow it to the end to me life death mean the same thing no matter what it is


i feel unwelcome on the forums for some reason therefore i will take my leave for a while


good day


Carth Onasi

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i have met some truely amazing people here Aeryn Dezi Chesto im not in a hole and not all my wounds will heal but they must life goes on and changes and i will follow it to the end to me life death mean the same thing no matter what it is


i feel unwelcome on the forums for some reason therefore i will take my leave for a while


good day


Carth Onasi


With me big Irish mouth I feel that allot, unwelcome, till I'm reminded by the few that I am..Do what you must, but let it be because its what you need, not that you feel unwelcome..for that is not true..by those that matter. Eh that's all I have to say.. la..

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(sidebar: I've been given a six-hour span back in cantonment, away from the Field Exercise, to launder uniforms after an unfortumate incident with an open bucket of motor-oil left in the truck carting our rucksacks)


Carth: I'll avoid the sappy "T'is better to have..." cliche, and just say that I've been there, yeah it sucks, and yeah, you're likely to be a little gunshy in relationships for a while, but it does get better eventually.

Your friends will still be here when you return, and will still be happy to see you.

Until such time, bro...

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I like it that the mad auld etc., etc., is still making demands on my time, as is someone else. I like it that i have been otherwise engaged with very happy events, though along with some not quite so happy. But at least I havent had to get out the silken bindings to do a bit o' the...

...wait a mo...

What's this I hear? Someone trying to slip away?! tyreil...?


C'mon, fell hound. Bring them danged silken bindin's. We got us some o' that draggin' to do! And dont let the fact it's a feller put ya off, ya danged mutt. We'uns equal opportoonity draggers! ...and where the hey has that little booger, toan... got to? Yet more o' that danged draggin! ...and myrmaad!? A feller never gits any rest any more! Dangnabbit!


I like it that i can come and hide here, especially as I may have just invited the Stasi, or whatever you call the Russian Secret Service, on my arse.


I like it that i can still duck and dive.

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I like it that i still have things to like, unlike, it seems, others.


I like it when twirps, with a 't', have a go at a Goddess. ...then get to wait in delicious anticipation for their ultimate come-uppance. Some twirps never learn. I fekkin like that.


I like it that i may be too busy , or forgetful, to do lots of things, but that there is one sublime duty i will never forget.

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