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Lorenzo's artifact gun Remodel


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Lorenzos artifact gun has to have, one of the coolest shooting effects, it's fun to use, it does some nice damage and you get it after a nice long quest there's one tiny problem IT IS UGLY, they just re used the gamma gun for it,(IMO one of the ugliest weapons there is) this was made by Jack Cabot? the rich 400 old man? he just super glued it to a gamma gun how lazy can he get? no, we need something better something cool!


one way of going about it is making a cool Syfy gun like the Recharger rifle or the sonic emitter and that would be the absolute best




another way which is okay if no one wants to do it I just figured it could be cool its gauntlet styled weapon like the power fist but instead of a punch, the arm extends as if using the force.


Thank you for your time. and your pretty faces, you are very pretty :wink:

Edited by CarlosBowserParra
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Hell, Jack even says he rigged it to a "Laser Rifle" in the dialogue, and says it uses standard energy cells. Definitely a case of Bethesda getting lazy. Could probably rig up the artifact to be a muzzle for a laser rifle without too much difficulty, then just copy over the projectile and damage info from the existing weapon.

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