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Skyrim 1.4.27 released on Steam


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Can there be at least one thread without someone complaining about Steam? :wallbash:

Now about the patch.

*Mod load order functionality

*Followers now sneak properly when player is sneaking

*Fixed issue where keyboard would fail if Rename Item was selected before choosing the number of charges, while using Arcane Enchanter

Definitely favorite changes!

I regret to say "they" are not helping to prevent the complaints. Mind you I set the game's property to "Do not automatically update this game" ... and Steam "workaround" the "bothersome user" in a creative way, updated itself and reset ALL my previous global settings, returning things like "managing" friend's interaction for me, Changing my choices at ingame properties, resetting my "will" on downloads+cloud and everything else Steam could find granted to annoy me to death?

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Hey guys, just wanted to give you a heads up that the Beta, or pre-release version of SKSE is working just fine for me with the new Skyrim update 1.4.27. I have put a couple of hours on the update while using the latest SKSE Link to silvercloak.org and did a lot of checking. All mods including Sky UI are working for me and I have experienced no problems with any of my mods. Simply installed the SKSE 1.4.13 and launched SKSE via NMM.


MONGO like good news! :dance:

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The latest title update for Skyrim, 1.4.27, is now out of beta and available to everyone playing the game on Steam. For a full list of change, see below..


UPDATE 1.4.27 (PC Only)



  • Fixed occasional crashes when loading a save that relies on plugins/master files that no longer exist


Some of my saved games still do not load since the 1.4.26 update :wallbash:




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