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Stereotypes in Men.. uncalled for or accurate?


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Yikes, was going to put a picture of myself up on here but after seeing what I... look like currently.. I decided against it til I get me a more flattering photo without the uncombed hair and other hidious disgusting problems... like my currently.. poor taste in T Shirt... well I wasn't going out or anything! anyway I am rambling..


Anyway, im in a class with only female students.. im doing Computer & Business Admin... fancy for studying Secretary and PA work really..


Well, last week.. I got Stereotyped.. not in the good way where a lady would say "Oh god look at that handsome man" instead, when these girls(I consider anyone between 16 and 25 a girl) were talking about certain offensive material you can find on the internet and in other things I said "Yes I also think that stuff is disgusting" and before I finished some rude and loud girl yelled out to the whole class "Yeah right your a boy you do that all the time", naturally I bit my tongue since I didn't want to cause a scene after that insult.


But the point is, is wearing glasses and being abit... more larger than other people automatically.. in girls eyes, make you a pervert?


I'm starting to think this is true, but I sincerely hope it is not so, if theres any ladie's who are reading this please weigh in your thoughts, guys too, would love to see if anyone else has been stereotyped as well.

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I am not sure that any stereotyping is because of your looks....but rather that you are male- period. I am not saying I agree with it, mind you...just that even if you were Brad Pitt the attitude would have been the same...perhaps worse?
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I wouldn't worry about it, as said it's probably because you're male. I've worked in several female dominated workplaces and you do tend to get one or two who think all men are degenerates, you have to wonder if they've had some kind of bad experience in the past.
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  On 3/4/2012 at 7:37 AM, Dweedle said:

Well, last week.. I got Stereotyped.. not in the good way where a lady would say "Oh god look at that handsome man" instead, when these girls(I consider anyone between 16 and 25 a girl) were talking about certain offensive material you can find on the internet and in other things I said "Yes I also think that stuff is disgusting" and before I finished some rude and loud girl yelled out to the whole class "Yeah right your a boy you do that all the time", naturally I bit my tongue since I didn't want to cause a scene after that insult.


But the point is, is wearing glasses and being abit... more larger than other people automatically.. in girls eyes, make you a pervert?



Hmmm well the only "stereotypical" thing that you've mentioned is that ALL guys watch porn on the net ... correct me if I'm wrong.

And that is a load of rubbish, many men are quite happily married or involved in relationships where such things don't measure up to the women in the their lives.


BUT, have men seen such things on the net ? ... of course yes, EVERYONE has at some point in time ... but do ALL men spend all their time hunting down the latest porn

doing the rounds ? ... No, definitely not.

The thing is women have also seen and do see boobs etc on the net, does that now mean that we're now perverts as well "just because we've seen it" ? ... no way.

The "girl" in your class's who made that dumb reaction is in fact the stereotypical one herself ... but honestly she only said it to be funny so don't stress, build a bridge and

cross over, don't let it bother you.


What do you mean by "... more larger than other people ...", are you saying you're over-weight or "over-weight" ? ... if it's the second one then that's also a load of rubbish.

What you as a guy may feel is important isn't to me ... I find that "over-weight" guys more often than not think that that is all that there is too it ... I ignore them and so do my

friends ... we want REAL MEN.

Talk about unfaithful and useless in bed is an understatement ... give me a real man, who's going to honor me rather than a guy who thinks the world revolves around him.

I'd far rather spend my time with a woman if need be at least she knows what's important to me ... sorry about that but that's the truth of it.


Also when it comes to looks, I've dated good looking guys and even a real nerdy guy with glasses, skinny and funny voice, the whole trip really ... one of the best relationships

I've ever had ... damn he was so caring and loving and went out of his way for me ... I genuinely loved him a lot and treated him with respect.

My friends thought that I had lost my mind - the male friends btw - but my girlfriends understood quite clearly what was happening, I had found a guy who loved me.


Lastly, is it called for, stereotypical males ... many a time "yes" but "not always".

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I tend to agree with Jim and Lisn. There is that notorious and pervasive perception of raging male hormones, but obviously there are exceptions to it, and a new study you might consider sharing with your instructor, if he or she is cool enough to realize you were uncomfortable being portrayed unfairly that way, supports the inaccuracy of the perception.


Here are two different new stories about it.






And a snopes for good measure



There are tons of articles regarding this study that can be found via google.


In the long run, most "common knowledge" is woefully inaccurate, anyway.


And in response to what Ninti was on about, I fell in love with a "big guy" one time. I was already married, and he was our best friend, we were the three musketeers. He may not have photographed well on the average day, and most people probably couldn't see it, but he was beautiful to me.

Edited by myrmaad
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Everybody stereotypes everyone else. But, given the circumstances in your story, was she serious or trying to be funny?


A few years ago, to finish my degree I had to take a humanities class. The only one that I was able to take due to my schedule and in order to get finished that year was in performing arts. The first day in class, there I am the only male with 12 women. A few weeks go by and one night shift we had a call right at shift change, so I'm late for class and show up in uniform (I was a fire fighter at the time). At the end of the class two women come over and start talking to me, which was weird as none had said more than 2 words to me up to this point, and ask me about being a fire fighter. One blurts out she was surprised because "you're so graceful and in good shape, most of us thought you were gay". Laughed all the way home until I told my wife, who said I had better act as if I were as long as I was in that class (end laughter).


Someone is always going to place you in some category they feel you fit into based on their perception or prejudice. Just realize that it is their problem, not yours, and usually there isn't much you can do to change their mind anyway, so let them think what they want to think. It isn't worth agonizing over.

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While I completely agree with everything you said, Tidus, I think the trouble here is that Dweedle now feels like he's been painted with that brush, and it makes him uncomfortable, and now he feels he may have to bear that humiliation the entire semester.


Totally unfair.

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It can also be a lot of fun. When somebody try to place me where I do not belong, I simply try to play that role. Just out of fun, and I overplay. If somebody expect me to be gay, macho, hippie, cool, whatever, I simply try to play the role to confuse them. Though I do have troubles playing macho :tongue:
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Dweedle, I have read your post and those of all of the responders. I cannot really disagree with what anyone has said thus far. All I would like to add is this. Stereotypes of any kind are just so much twaddle (not sure if that is really a word). Do your best to ignore that sort of thing, and even if possible maybe try out Balagor's suggestion. I sort of liked it! :P :dance: But if not, at least try to remember for your own peace of mind not to engage in stereotyping others as you go through life. When you come right down to it, as I have said many times in these forums, we are all just human beings...:)
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If someone is wisecracking at your expense, worst thing you can do is let it get under your skin.


And besides, if it was just porn, being a little presumptuous in nearly all circumstances about a young males use would probably be rather accurate most of the time < some Canadian study couldn't even find a young male who didn't use porn for their study :laugh:

If it's some other ill nasty interwebz business they were talking about.. well that's not really very funny imo. Getting a rise out of you with the porn thing is pushing a bit of a boundary there, It's not really cool to joke like that with people you don't know, and if it bothered you, just say it does. If they still want to make fun of you on the subject, and basically bully, forget those LOSERS.

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