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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Actually, I was able to improve the situation with the unofficial Nexus Mod Manager that had SKSE support, weirdly enough. Now it's a mod causing it not to launch. Without any error. Even in SSEEdit. Somehow. Gotta do process of elimination now.

Edited by Falloutdude11
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I've just updated to the most recent version of SKSE64 to support the Skyrim: SE 1.5.39 update. Game now crashes even before reaching the Bethesda logo. It doesn't seem to be mod-related, as the same thing happens with all my mods disabled. Not sure if it's something that I did wrong (I doubt that though) or if there's a problem with the latest version of SKSE64.


Edit: ​Something about my game was broken. Validating files with Steam fixed it.

Edited by LOLZpersonok
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Ok I'm pretty new to the modding scene so don't tear me a new butthole if i say something stupid. My game crashes immediately before the bethesda logo when i launch with skse64. Normal launch works just fine however. Last version of skse worked great, and now my game wont even start up completely. Any help?? I have already validated game files, and im doing a fresh install now to see if that works. I'll update if I figure anything out.



Ok so ive uninstalled every single mod that i have, and now skse launches fine. Does one of my mods need to be updated for the new skse or...? Sorry if these are stupid questions, im just trying to figure s#*! out at this point.

Edited by BrANdt4l0p3
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I don't know if this forum is read by any of the SKSE developers these days, but I'd like to ask:


Has any thought been given to externalizing the offsets used by SKSE? If this could be done then any changes to Skyrim SE would only require an update to the externalized offsets file instead a recompile of SKSE, and would remove the requirement to recompile every mod dll that uses SKSE.


I'm thinking of something like a .properties file with name=value pairs like (assuming that offsets represent class definition locations).

Edited by Arizona_Steve
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