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[WIPz] Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE64)


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Any OnKey, Input or OnControl events/functions do not work at all.


^Just reporting bugs or no functionality stuff, not being salty.


Can you be more specific and provide how you are testing them? Because those have been tested and they do work. If there is anything special or inusual in your input setup, that could help too (I'm mainly saying this because a fourth input device was added in SE, apparently a virtual keyboard, and not sure if these functions would work with that device).


Also, make sure the object where you are registering the events is "alive". Because if it is not attached to anything, or if the script attachment stops (like an activemagiceffect after the effect), the registration will be gone.

Edited by vagonumero12
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Any OnKey, Input or OnControl events/functions do not work at all.


^Just reporting bugs or no functionality stuff, not being salty.

I've reported a bug to the team related to registrations for keys, controls, and menus. None of my registrations are restored after a game is reloaded if the script is attached to a quest or general object reference. But everything works correctly if the script is attached to an actor, reference alias holding an actor, or an active magic effect on some actor. At first I thought it was all registrations that were failing but then discovered they work for scripts directly or indirectly attached to actors.


Are you seeing that same issue or discovering something new?

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HoldKey and TapKey are not registration functions, though, those can't be related with cdcooley issue.

What did you test those with? Those in concrete don't work with controllers, and I think tthe hold/tap doesn't work to simulate mouse either (this is the same behavior than in SKSE32, so it is actually the expected behaviour), it can only simulate keyboard.


It is too many tested functions that you have that are not working. I would verify your installation and ensure that skse is running (use skse command to verify) and that the skse scripts are actually there. Iirc, the first package had the scripts misplaced.

Edited by vagonumero12
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I have a question I know it's probably a bit pointless to ask in it's current state but is it possible someone could make a Compatibility list topic of the current SKSE64 and what types of mods do and do not work? Kinda like a testing ground for people tho obviously don't bother telling the SKSE64 team as they already said but at least people could get a brief idea of what currently works and what doesn't I mean SKSE64Alpha is for modder's and tester's what better way then to test and share with the community what does and does not work in a shared list by each other? It's just a thought I'm not a tester but at least people could get a better idea if anyone wanted to give it a shot later?

Regardless again it's great to see that progress has been getting made and looking forward to what more is to come! thank you once again SKSE Team!

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HoldKey and TapKey are not registration functions, though, those can't be related with cdcooley issue.

What did you test those with? Those in concrete don't work with controllers, and I think tthe hold/tap doesn't work to simulate mouse either (this is the same behavior than in SKSE32, so it is actually the expected behaviour), it can only simulate keyboard.


It is too many tested functions that you have that are not working. I would verify your installation and ensure that skse is running (use skse command to verify) and that the skse scripts are actually there. Iirc, the first package had the scripts misplaced.




This script is attached to a reference alias now and still does not work.


My scripts are placed properly, otherwise it wouldn't compile the script.

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