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Once again, stupid CC updates killing F4SE and related mods.


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everybody here complaining about CC updates and bethesda being the devil needs to download Cdante's new mod fallout.exe auto-backup so we don't have to start or revive all these "end of the world and free mods" threads every few weeks.


The backup will allow users to keep playing with the old version for a while or whatnot, but regardless, if modders have to be updating their stuff every couple of weeks to keep up with the CC-related updates, it may not be the end of free mods, but it'll surely be a frustrating headache and a hindrance for the modding community.

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Solution is simple


Set FO4 to update on launch only, Launch game through F4SE and make sure Steam is in offline mode. (For me, Steam is always offline, after each restart of my PC, launching through F4SE steam starts up and asks to go Online or Offline, go Offline and close the vanilla screen, relaunch F4SE and you are good to go)


For any other game you can go online in Steam just do not forget to turn it of if you launch FO4, no risk of FO4 updating that way.

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The backup will allow users to keep playing with the old version for a while or whatnot, but regardless, if modders have to be updating their stuff every couple of weeks to keep up with the CC-related updates, it may not be the end of free mods, but it'll surely be a frustrating headache and a hindrance for the modding community.

i understand what you're saying and fully agree that it'll be annoying receiving updates so often, especially for mod authors, but part of the reason fo4 was updated again so soon was to address the issue of CC assets being stored on our hard drives despite not purchasing the content.


idk exactly what it is they did to fix it since i'm still running 1.9.4, but beth saw how unhappy everyone was about that and knew it needed to be changed asap (plus i'm sure they're not happy they gave away some of their assets for free)


but in the end, modders are providing the solution once again. the more people that install cdante's mod, the fewer threads like this we will have. modders won't be hounded as much by users whining about their broken games, and it won't feel like such an obligation to rush out an update if only to shut people up. it's not a perfect solution- there never is- but that's not an excuse to not download the mod so you can at least do your part in making things as easy as possible for mod authors

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everybody here complaining about CC updates and bethesda being the devil needs to download Cdante's new mod fallout.exe auto-backup so we don't have to start or revive all these "end of the world and free mods" threads every few weeks.


The backup will allow users to keep playing with the old version for a while or whatnot, but regardless, if modders have to be updating their stuff every couple of weeks to keep up with the CC-related updates, it may not be the end of free mods, but it'll surely be a frustrating headache and a hindrance for the modding community.


Given the amount of fixes in 0.6.0 do NOT use an older F4SE so do NOT use an older game with F4SE.

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You know, i wouldnt mind CC so much if it actually was full of nice fallout related stuff like say, an R91 or other classic fallout weapons (yeah yeah gauss rifle i know) but it ended up being nothing but "durrr gonna copy crap from our other non lore related games and pander it to you here for $5 a pop." The items themselves are more of what makes CC even that much more frustrating. Like add actual armors and weapons from the fallout universes or things that fit, not some armors ripped from your other games and a comically asinine weapon -cough BFG-

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You know, i wouldnt mind CC so much if it actually was full of nice fallout related stuff like say, an R91 or other classic fallout weapons (yeah yeah gauss rifle i know) but it ended up being nothing but "durrr gonna copy crap from our other non lore related games and pander it to you here for $5 a pop." The items themselves are more of what makes CC even that much more frustrating. Like add actual armors and weapons from the fallout universes or things that fit, not some armors ripped from your other games and a comically asinine weapon -cough BFG-


Something that people don't seem to realize is these paid mods are actually micro transactions in a single player game. Remember Deus Ex MD? Square Enix sold skill points in the single player campaign and made it so the ones you get from playing the game were too few. WB games is now doing micro transactions with Shadow of War which has loot boxes in a single player game.


Now Bethesda is testing the water for this model and hiding behind giving a handful of modders jobs to act like they are the good guys but for those that pay attention to nearly everything they do they have grown more and more anti-consumer over the years. A good example is they have stopped giving out review copies to anyone prior to one day before release.


The CC opens up the possibility that the next FO or ES will be inferior to the previous installment because items, gameplay features and whatnot can be cut and put up on CC as day one dlc or shortly after release once you dropped your $60 and after playing FO4 I was left with the feeling they did it with some of the dlc in their season pass.


Common arguments are, "I don't care as long as its cosmetic stuff", but has that ever remained the case. I have played many games that put in micro transactions, have an initial fee of $30-60 and they always break their promise or go down a completely scummy route with loot boxes or release some of the laziest content imaginable.


I really hope the CC fails because from a consumer standpoint it either stays the way it has been or we get shafted on future Zenthesda games.

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I hate the argument of,"They can get worse in later games with microtransactions." Don't get me wrong, the business side of Bethesda is flat out evil.


But in till they get there I'm ok with the CC. My only grip is with the breaking of the script extender and the items are overpriced.


But despite being overpriced I did get a few items and I will continue to buy items I'm interested in.

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