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How many hours have you clocked?


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232 here with one character. A lot of those hours have been spent getting a feel for an RPG given the big difference between that and the FPSs I have always played. Also a lot of time experimenting with mods and glitch fixes. Having fun though!
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I have 838 hours with all my characters' playtime added up. Yeah, it's pretty sad, I know, but I suppose you could say that I am proud of it. I have already had an entire year pass in the game on two characters, so yeah. Skyrim is the longest game that I have ever put so many hours in in such a short period of time. Skyrim is also the very first game to last so long before getting old. And by old, I mean needing mods. Yes, I actually did not start complaining about the game until close to 600 hours through. That surpasses Oblivion 2x over because I have only ever had 1 character that made it to my 200 hour threshold and I played that game for close to five years. But along came a Skyrim, and within a matter of months I have a character, Helgard, who is at 276hrs and some odd mins, then I have another nord warrior, Volrjund, who is currently at 253 hours, then another named Bjorn who is at 112 hours. I also have an imperial character who is currently at 197 hours. Yeah I have been playing this game a lot and I still enjoy it.



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514 hours currently, split between nine characters and it'll no doubt end up much longer since none of them have finished the main quest and most still have a lot to do. I'm mostly playing some other games at the moment though, before I go back to Skyrim.
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