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Is anyone else Fed up with Steam-Bethesda updates?


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I am to the point of not playing this game anymore. I spend more time trouble shooting than I do playing the damn game. Steam wont let you not update, to protect yourself. If you want the updated mod files off of steam workshop, you have to log in forcing you to update. I went to offline mode now and Damn that steam workshop, I gave it a go. I'll stick with Nexus tried and true. Now the game is updated and having all kinds of crashing problems. uuugggghhh.
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You can either complain about broken games or you can complain about patches. You can't really complain about both.


Updates are a good thing almost always.


I never really crash at all. It's probably a bad mod which is no longer compatible. We can't expect them to cater for all the thousands of mods that are out there when they do their updates.

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I have not had the crashes everyone else has experienced since day one. This being said, I have stayed with the latest driver releases for the vid card, been very careful about which mods I use and what they do and how they do it, meaning I have opted to not use a few I really wanted to. This only to head off potential problems down the road. The updates have not posed a problem thus far, knock on wood. Now with that being said, I am not sure if I am just darn lucky, it's my hardware configuration, selecting the right mods and not getting too carried away, or a combination of all three. If I was forced to pick one of the three, I would go with luck of picking the right mods, and not having any conflicting as the updates come out. Then again, I could be wrong :happy:
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I don't exactly spend more time troubleshooting, but I do spend A LOT of time waiting for mods to get compatibility patches released for the rapidly changing versions of Skyrim. However, people used to complain all the time about bethesda not doing enough to fix there games, so here is what they did. Tons, and tons, and tons, and tons of patches are being released. And it's kind of cool how Beth puts their patches up for beta first before releasing them. Anyways, it is very, very annoying and I can not wait for the day it stops and I no longer have to keep worrying about constant incompatibilities with my mods.


There is another interesting thing that I am looking forward too, though. That being new additions being added to the game via updates. Like the new finishers and stuff that we saw in the game jam. How much from the game jam will we see? Probably not a lot because I honestly think that Beth isn't going to release something to one and not give to the other. Meaning: Releasing something to us, and not giving it to the console players and vice versa. Does everyone know that the first DLC for Skyrim will be an Xbox 360 exclusive for the first thirty days of it's release? Yeah that means they will be playing and we will only get to read about it for thirty days. I am not very happy about that. Anyways, back to subject. I suppose we will just see what Beth does with everything in the future. Maybe it's for the best, or maybe it has a dark side.



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Ahhh, the DLC exclusively for the Xbox for 30 days doesn't bother me. We already enjoy a lot more flexibility, graphics, and mods on the PCs anyway, let them have some fun! Besides, I can't imagine the logistical nightmare of Bethesda trying to support multiple platforms with Skyrim, and trying to keep everyone happy with the endless variations of mods and PC hardware combos to boot.
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Yeah I haven't had any issues at all with the updates. Usually I'm in offline mode so I'll wait until utilities are updated to d/l the patch. Though the only thing I really have to wait on is skse and it's usually updated very very quickly. I have not had any performance / stability issues at all with the updates. I think I've had maybe 3-4 CTDs total since I bought the game. As another poster said, I am just careful with my mods and such, I haven't touched the ini file and don't have any extra .dll's (well besides the ones for skse). Perhaps if my machine was a beast and I could handle those tweaks I would be in a different situation, but for now there's no point in me trying to mod the hell out of everything to get crazy visuals.


It just doesn't make sense to complain about all the bugs, then complain about too many patches fixing the bugs. Do people really not see problem with that point of view? I know I know, update 1.whatever ruined my game and now I can't play... chances are it wasn't the update. Or you could argue "It should have been fixed before release" well yeah, but it wasn't so this is what we have. Can't change the past.

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Ahhh, the DLC exclusively for the Xbox for 30 days doesn't bother me. We already enjoy a lot more flexibility, graphics, and mods on the PCs anyway, let them have some fun! Besides, I can't imagine the logistical nightmare of Bethesda trying to support multiple platforms with Skyrim, and trying to keep everyone happy with the endless variations of mods and PC hardware combos to boot.


Bethesda said the PS3 and xbox 360 will have the same things at the same time. Remember that?


Either way, I've always hated Steam. I'll only have to put up with it for Skyrim.

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Odd that I have had not a single crash, no real "bugs" other than a couple of graphical anomalies that have happened once or twice in over 145 hours of game play. Such as my horse disappearing from under me when I am in a tight spot in the stables or something like that.

But for me, I have ZERO crashes, no real bugs to speak of, no problems at all. I have been playing since December 21st and have only the HD Textures mod installed, nothing else.

I don't even notice any downloads/updates, how many have there been since December? Am I missing them, are they automatic or what? I haven't noticed a single update, so it must do so in the background.


Either way Skyrim has been the most trouble free, bug free, crash free game I have played in many years.


Playing on my old home built PC from 5 years ago.


Q6600 quad core stock speed

8Gigs ram

Updated video card (GTX570 Twin Frozr)

Vista 64bit

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Let me put it this way. I wouldn't care one bit about the updates " IF " STEAM would allow me to turn off updates automatically. I feel like I live in China, with them saying, if your online you MUST update. Yeah, *ban me*! I learned my lesson next time if a game is linked to steam like this, NOT buying it. I talked to Steam about this, got blown off. Well I am a person that if you *ban me* off after paying for a lot of games from you, I wont buy nothing from you ever again. I don't support idiots. Its really Steam that is annoying me.
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Let me put it this way. I wouldn't care one bit about the updates " IF " STEAM would allow me to turn off updates automatically. I feel like I live in China, with them saying, if your online you MUST update. Yeah, *ban me*! I learned my lesson next time if a game is linked to steam like this, NOT buying it. I talked to Steam about this, got blown off. Well I am a person that if you *ban me* off after paying for a lot of games from you, I wont buy nothing from you ever again. I don't support idiots. Its really Steam that is annoying me.



So would you prefer a far worse DRM? Steam is by far the lesser of all evils and from what I can is here to stay. They are even coming out with a "SteamBox" cross between a PC/Console soon.

So may as well get used to it or simply stop playing video games.

I have made my peace with it, didn't like the "idea" of it at first but honestly in all the years I have been playing games on Steam I have not had a single problem of any kind, absolutely zero. So I cant complain, Steam is certainly better than all the others.

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