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Hotkey help And Quests


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Does anyone here know how to hotkey items in oblivion? I'm just learning how to play, and I wanna know how the hell you hotkey so I don't have to press the journal button for items.


Also, which quests should I start first? I'm trying to avoid the main questline sense I'm learning how to play, and would much rather do the side quests for now. If anybody knows any good side quests to start off with, please let me know. I'm thinking about the dark brotherhood quest first, but I'm not sure what attributes makes a good assassin character. I've been having trouble with lockpicking too, when I move the mouse it doesn't put pressure on the lockpick plates and I'm stuck for hours trying to get the doors to unlock unless I auto attempt. If anybody knows a fix, let me know.


And for those of you who are curious, I'm playing as an argonian named Alana. I would love to play as a vampire argonian , but I don't wanna get attacked by NPCS.

Edited by kara87
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To hotkey items (weapons, spells or misc items) open your journal to the page showing the item you want to hotkey, push and hold down the number key you want to use (which will show any things already hotkeyed) and then mouse click on the item you want to assign to that key in your journal. Close your journal and then test your hotkey.


There are a number of smaller quests you can get you feet wet with. Glarthir in Skingrad will seek you out the first time you visit that city, and there a number of different ways you can complete that quest. There are a couple of small quests in Leyawiin (Mazoga's quest you get from the count, or the one that you get from the guard waiting outside the city gate by the stables). If you want a dungeon crawl, there is a small quest in Bravil to find a missing husband (you can get it by talking to Ursanne Loche).


One small quest to avoid if you want extra help later in the main quest is in Cheydinhal ... don't click on the Fines topic until after you've done the main quest.


A resource I use is found on the UESP Wiki ... Oblivion:Quests. Don't go there if you're the type who doesn't want help, though the linked page will just give you an idea of where the various quests are, and you can safely click through to the individual city pages without fearing any spoilers.

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To hotkey items (weapons, spells or misc items) open your journal to the page showing the item you want to hotkey, push and hold down the number key you want to use (which will show any things already hotkeyed) and then mouse click on the item you want to assign to that key in your journal. Close your journal and then test your hotkey.


There are a number of smaller quests you can get you feet wet with. Glarthir in Skingrad will seek you out the first time you visit that city, and there a number of different ways you can complete that quest. There are a couple of small quests in Leyawiin (Mazoga's quest you get from the count, or the one that you get from the guard waiting outside the city gate by the stables). If you want a dungeon crawl, there is a small quest in Bravil to find a missing husband (you can get it by talking to Ursanne Loche).


One small quest to avoid if you want extra help later in the main quest is in Cheydinhal ... don't click on the Fines topic until after you've done the main quest.


A resource I use is found on the UESP Wiki ... Oblivion:Quests. Don't go there if you're the type who doesn't want help, though the linked page will just give you an idea of where the various quests are, and you can safely click through to the individual city pages without fearing any spoilers.

Thank you so much Striker!

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Manually picking locks is helpful for advancing your security level, otherwise I think most players stop bothering at some point and use spells instead. The game has a ton of these locks and manual picking gets tedious pretty quick for many players. You'll run into more unlock spells as the game advances and eventually you'll be able to open any lock with them, except those requiring a key.


BTW I'd be curious to know hotkey configs of other site members. Mine are mostly spells, no armor or physical weapons:


1 - Torch equip/unequip

2 - Light spell

3 - Chameleon spell

4 - Restore health on self spell

5 - Restore health on target spell (for companions)

6 - Active Inventory Spell (mod)

7 - Destruction spell #1

8 - Destruction spell #2

Edited by TheMastersSon
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To hotkey items (weapons, spells or misc items) open your journal to the page showing the item you want to hotkey, push and hold down the number key you want to use (which will show any things already hotkeyed) and then mouse click on the item you want to assign to that key in your journal. Close your journal and then test your hotkey.


There are a number of smaller quests you can get you feet wet with. Glarthir in Skingrad will seek you out the first time you visit that city, and there a number of different ways you can complete that quest. There are a couple of small quests in Leyawiin (Mazoga's quest you get from the count, or the one that you get from the guard waiting outside the city gate by the stables). If you want a dungeon crawl, there is a small quest in Bravil to find a missing husband (you can get it by talking to Ursanne Loche).


One small quest to avoid if you want extra help later in the main quest is in Cheydinhal ... don't click on the Fines topic until after you've done the main quest.


A resource I use is found on the UESP Wiki ... Oblivion:Quests. Don't go there if you're the type who doesn't want help, though the linked page will just give you an idea of where the various quests are, and you can safely click through to the individual city pages without fearing any spoilers.

Thank you so much Striker!



Manually picking locks is helpful for advancing your security level, otherwise I think most players stop bothering at some point and use spells instead. The game has a ton of these locks and manual picking gets tedious pretty quick for many players. You'll run into more unlock spells as the game advances and eventually you'll be able to open any lock with them, except those requiring a key.


BTW I'd be curious to know hotkey configs of other site members. Mine are mostly spells, no armor or physical weapons:


1 - Torch equip/unequip

2 - Light spell

3 - Chameleon spell

4 - Restore health on self spell

5 - Restore health on target spell (for companions)

6 - Active Inventory Spell (mod)

7 - Destruction spell #1

8 - Destruction spell #2

Thanks you masters son. I will write this down so i can remember it during gameplay.

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BTW I'd be curious to know hotkey configs of other site members. Mine are mostly spells, no armor or physical weapons:



After a few levels I found the limit of 8 hotkeys max too restrictive, eventually I found this mod



It takes a little investment of time to figure out the more advanced functions but once you are comfortable with it you can quickly equip distinct gear sets, cycle through specific sets of spells under one key (think WoW macros), and generally bind a metric crapton of s#*!. I have a "wheel" set up for different outfits/gear sets, a wheel for spells and potions, a wheel for weapons, and numpad selects different arrow types.

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BTW I'd be curious to know hotkey configs of other site members. Mine are mostly spells, no armor or physical weapons:

1 - Mortal and pestle

2- A book from a mod to create spells and enchantments

3- Azura's star

4- Repair hammer

5- The endless bag (coming from the same mod than n°2)

6- A powerful restore health spell

7- Harvest nearby flora

8- A damage health spell on zone

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