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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54671033.

SamPayne647 wrote: Love this redesign! Been dying for this to come out! Now I have a question. Maybe I have really bad eyes, but where is the "Files of the Month" section?

It's "Mods of the Month" under "Mods".
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I would like an option to show mods on the front page in list view instead of the box thing where they are in rows as it is right now. I prefer list views everywhere as I think it is easier to look through a list then look through a lot of boxes in a row.
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In response to post #54671033. #54671138 is also a reply to the same post.

SamPayne647 wrote: Love this redesign! Been dying for this to come out! Now I have a question. Maybe I have really bad eyes, but where is the "Files of the Month" section?
jim_uk wrote: It's "Mods of the Month" under "Mods".

Yup, I have bad eyes! Thank you, Jim!
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In response to post #54671033. #54671138, #54671213 are all replies on the same post.

SamPayne647 wrote: Love this redesign! Been dying for this to come out! Now I have a question. Maybe I have really bad eyes, but where is the "Files of the Month" section?
jim_uk wrote: It's "Mods of the Month" under "Mods".
SamPayne647 wrote: Yup, I have bad eyes! Thank you, Jim!

It seems to have been renamed "Mods of the Month", under the Mods menu. That's one change I quite like, as calling mods files was a bit confusing at times.

PS. Pff, ninja'd... :) Edited by Hexrowe
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I don't know if you guys redesigned the site with mobile in mind, like everyone is saying, but if you did, why? I don't think you can mod PC games using a phone or tablet, and you can't mod games made for phone or tablet, so who benefits from a mobile-centric layout? I guess you could check for new mods on your phone with this layout, and then have easy access on PC, but that seems like a close to nonexistent demographic.


Also, is filtering broken? No matter what settings I use either all mods are filtered out or only one is.

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This new version is rather poorly designed in many respects, sorry you wasted all that time and money on it. Particularly bad, are the file sections-they all just run on and look the same, its like looking a spreadsheet with overly large font.

The 'new' main page, consists of thumbnail spam. This would be somewhat more tolerable if users could configure what content is displayed. In addition, much of the content is not really that important to merit all that wasted space to begin with. Like others have noted, way too much scrolling involved, and for what? Most of the content is not really of enough interest to justify all those identically sized thumbnails allocated to them. While there may be some actual improvements buried here and there in this re-design, most are hard to find.


Nor is it clear why such huge images are allocated to two 'trending' mods. Now, will be have to look at huge images of the most popular clickbait loli-follower of the week...day? Poorly, made plastic barbie follower mods were\are a problem before that nexus refuses to address, now nexus has gone out of its way to reward them even more. Well played. :ermm:


Naturally, comments such as this will be dismissed and brushed aside in the avalanche of throwaway 'lookzzz awwwwwesome dude' type comments. Its not as if the old layout didn't need improving, not at all. That does not mean that what is on offer now, is necessarily it either.

Edited by Mebantiza
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Two things to start off with. First of all is the good one. I love the redesign. it is much sleeker and smoother than the old site and it looks amazing.


My only issue is that in some cases it feels a bit cluttered. I realize this was gone over in the post and that the UI isn't necessarily going to be changed up until your new designer has finished with Vortex, I just wanted to get it off my chest so to speak. What I mean by cluttered is simply that a lot of the info seems to blend together, perhaps color coding or small organizational changes to displayed info would fix this.


Again, I love the redesign and I realize my concerns will not be addressed for a a few months at the least. I have been using Nexus practically since its creation (at the very least since before the first redesign of the site) and Every change I have seen over these years has only further endeared you guys to my heart (and my mod loadout :P) I can't wait to see Vortex since I use NMM for just about everything regarding modding games. ^_^ Keep up the great work!

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