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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54681838. #54682148 is also a reply to the same post.

HentaiGnome wrote: I rarely post comments but I feel like I have to chime in to counter all the hate that's going around right now. Good job, Nexus team. Thanks for maintaining this site as a go-to hub for modders and fans. Remember that the path to progress is moving forward, not backwards and holding onto old ways. Don't listen to the haters; given enough time, everyone will get used to the new layout and all the bitching and moaning will end.
Sonja wrote: You know what I actually "hate?"

The fact that these days, especially on the Internet, any criticism, even constructive criticism, is described as "hate."
There are some very legitimate issues with the new design, and there is really nothing wrong with people articulating their concerns.
Moreover, "progress" and "new ways" are not necessarily "good" in any given context.

"given enough time, everyone will get used to the new layout and all the bitching and moaning will end."
Just because people might stop talking about it, doesn't mean that they like it since their criticisms before must just have been some sort of phase.

"Don't listen to the haters"
So be ignorant?
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The main thing I suggest you get fixed is the links for all the mods. I lot of mod links have been posted on reddit and youtube and plenty of people will get annoyed that they no longer work. Now I know that the redesign is essentially still in testing, so the address isn't the same as the old site, so this might not actually be an issue. Aside from that, good job!
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In response to post #54682378.

Shadow of Serenity wrote: People always whine about change no matter how small so that's not particularly important, however 1) mods fail to download 2) pages don't seem to load properly.

Way to poison the well.
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Do Like the new Site design. but with this said. I have to say the following.

A. I still prefer the old site to the new site. Reason. Old site. loading pages took on average .7 Sec. New site. Loading page takes on average 2.3 sec.

B. Unable to resize the Page to see all details on a Mod.

C. Download links for mods are not working.

D. NNM is not able to download update to the mods.

E. unable to access the original nexusmods.com/fallout4 site. will only load in the new Layout with takes way too long to load. or search on.

unable to load original nexusmods.com layout this layout is broken


at this time. I would prefer that you leave the old layout in place. and Correct it so it will load. and allow the users to decide on what layout they would like to use.

also Small gripe. but I do not use Facebook/google. or that other crap. and I would like to not have to look at those Big Icons. is there a way to change them to a TEXT link at the bottom the page





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can confirm no mod downloads

can confirm all broken bookmarks


can anyone confirm broken Fallout 4 page?


Ah, I thought I was the only one.


The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me.


But it works fine on the new site version. :dry:


I wish. Fallout 4 page is down on both pages for me, links don't work, and I'm getting the "you're viewing the old site, click here to get the new site" error on the new page from the new page. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed so far. Personally, I think newer is not always better, and I prefer to go with the "if it ain't broke" theory in all things web related. I checked out the new site on oldrim, and wasn't horribly impressed. Trending mods? What the hell, are we on twitter now? We trend and vape, and all that nonsense?

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In response to post #54682783.

Tazcada wrote:


can confirm no mod downloads

can confirm all broken bookmarks


can anyone confirm broken Fallout 4 page?


Ah, I thought I was the only one.


The old site Fallout 4 page is broken for me.


But it works fine on the new site version. :dry:


I wish. Fallout 4 page is down on both pages for me, links don't work, and I'm getting the "you're viewing the old site, click here to get the new site" error on the new page from the new page. Frankly, I'm underwhelmed so far. Personally, I think newer is not always better, and I prefer to go with the "if it ain't broke" theory in all things web related. I checked out the new site on oldrim, and wasn't horribly impressed. Trending mods? What the hell, are we on twitter now? We trend and vape, and all that nonsense?

I loved the end of your post! Thank you, I needed a smile this morning. Kudos #Vape :) Edited by Jokerine
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