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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54682203. #54682233, #54683083, #54683188 are all replies on the same post.

oscardaguy wrote: Ignore the pure negative comments dev team, this new layout looks slick and is intuitive to boot. Handles well and is a vast improvement upon the old design. That being said, it would be worth reading over some of the more critical comments, the deeper critique is worth noting. Lotta whining babies commenting on here.
DragonTotem wrote: It's hardly intuitive. Right now it's a step back from the old design.
skepticck wrote: By "whining babies" i suppose you mean anyone that dares have a different opinion than yours.
01386612 wrote: I like it. Runs great at the moment as well, especially pics on mod pages load fast and are easy to navigate.

Well the whining babies represent about 90% of the comments here, me included.
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In response to post #54682423. #54683243, #54683953 are all replies on the same post.

CaporegimeMarcus wrote: The main thing I suggest you get fixed is the links for all the mods. I lot of mod links have been posted on reddit and youtube and plenty of people will get annoyed that they no longer work. Now I know that the redesign is essentially still in testing, so the address isn't the same as the old site, so this might not actually be an issue. Aside from that, good job!
HomicidalGrouse wrote: The rd is just a subdomain. When the redesign replaces the old site, the rd won't be added to the urls. All of those will be the same.
crafterfelix wrote: Unfortunately, though, the links and downloads are broken for Fallout 4 so CaporegimeMarcus has a point in the short term. I am fairly irritated that I cannot download or look at mods I was interested in before I went to bed, and that I will not be able to until they fix what they accidentally borked.

Pretty sure they were mentioning the fact that this site is currently using a subdomain... and not the current issue with a few of the old sites using the standard urls.

I'm confident the broken pages and downloads weren't intentional and will be fixed as soon as possible. It's an unrelated issue.
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In response to post #54678018.

lordinquisitor wrote: New version is more than twice the lenght of the old 7487 pixles vs 2942 and thats with the tabs on top trimmed off. https://i.imgur.com/WapLPhh.jpg for comparison

Images I can not sort by last comment, this is majorly annoying as I would actually like to see what people say about my images.

and manage files Show more the 20 files is a "Premium Feature only" Really now come on.

Its bad enough that this site has gone down the redesign for mobiles when its a PC based Game modding site, without the above.

and manage files Show more the 20 files is a "Premium Feature only" Really now come on.

I've seen a few people mention this now.

Being able to change your results per page has always been a Premium feature (seriously, try and change your results per page on the current site in your preferences). Just the new site makes it more obvious it's a Premium feature. Edited by Dark0ne
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Hoo, new design is really bad.


So much blank space, main chunks of text for mod descriptions and stuff are buried underneath all the images (and ads if you've got those on), videos open in a new window but crap themselves when you try to go backwards, the old site just doesn't even work so I don't know why that's offered as an alternative..


Please get the old version working instead of forcing bad/broken stuff on us. You guys are better than this. Thanks.



Edited by DarkQuill
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Gonna take a while to get used to after so many years. I like the tracking page a lot better. Looks better, and having the thumbnail pictures makes it a lot easier to tell at a glance which mod is which or if a favourite has recently received an updated. Moving between tabs on the mod pages themselves is a lot smooth, so that's nice.


On the front page I kind of miss having whichever mod on the "hot files/trending" section maximise or come into focus. Having two big and give small isn't quite as good in my opinion as the old scrolling system. Everything below that is a bit better though. Having so many new mods and images on the front page, instead of six of each at the side is a big improvement. Should help with visibility too.

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In response to post #54682948. #54684498 is also a reply to the same post.

dnce wrote: Oh, come on! Fallout 4 totally broken.
Folkyou wrote: I feel ur pain man! Strange, like example Skyrim page working as well...

It's definitely a bug, and I think utterly unrelated to the new redesign (just very unfortunate timing). We'll have it patched up soon.
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Ok, I don't mind the new site, some of the designs are actually awesome. But the bugs and random tiny pictures/blank spaces are extremely annoying.


These are the BAD parts:

1) Fallout 4 is completely broken. I can't get to the old site, I can't download mods from the new site, it's all gone wrong.

2) The mod download page is waaaay too spaced out. I really liked the other type where you could see all the different choices and optional downloads without scrolling. In old layout it told you what you should know succinctly, now it takes ages to know which optional files you want cause you can't clearly see what's in the main category and what's optional. Also, heaven forbid someone puts a long description in the new layout, it will take up the entire screen!

3) Keeping in theme with #2, you don't need a picture beside everything. I honestly couldn't care less for the little calendar picture beside the "Date uploaded" or the pawprints beside "Track". In fact, they take up space and distract my eyes away from what I'm trying to read/download.

4) If I can't find the author of the mod within 30 seconds of looking, you're doing something wrong. You're hiding them away, they should be the most emphasized thing there besides the title of the mod itself. I'm not coming on here for social media tags and sharing functions, I'm coming because of the mods on your platform.


Now the GOOD parts:

1) I really like the pictures being bigger, and not having an auto scroll over the different hot files.

2) Having a standardized category for requirements and permissions, etc was a REALLY good idea. Now I don't have to hunt for them in the description.

3) I enjoy that you put your news out of the limelight. Like one of my earlier points, I come here for the mods on your platform. When I go to the main screen I only see mods, which is a big improvement. I can now choose to look at the pictures people post and your news posts. Gotta be my second fave thing.

4) I absolutely LOVE that you put a search bar everywhere, it speeds up my mod hunts a lot. Best feature of this design, hands down. And I can search for other games (your connected sites), and have favorited games instead of having to bookmark things on Google. Impressive design choice there, definitely something most websites aren't incorporating enough.

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As someone who needs ages to fall asleep and tends to ponder future characters' load orders while in bed, I applaud the redesign for mobile use. The old design was SUCH a pain to use on phones. This one still seems to be a tad unresponsive to me, but that is probably partially due to my potato phone. I really like the thing where you can favorite games so you can easily switch between them instead of having to bookmark every single Nexus site, and images seem to load a lot faster both via PC and the mobile site. That being said, I'm not a fan of the slide show for Hotfiles being gone, and I think the Mods of the Month need to get some space on the homepage instead of just being accessible via a drop down menu.
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