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New Nexus Mods design launched


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Really miss those Hot-files mouse-over description boxes telling me a bit more about a mod before I even have to navigate away from the home page, makes judging mods at a glance possible.
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I do not like the new layout at all, its a drastic change for...change sake? I personally find it ugly and a bit confusing when on game page the mods blend into the news articles. The whole things feels like Bethesda designed it to sell mods because it looks like the Bethesda mod workshop, which also kind of look like creation club. I give the new format two big thumbs down...do not like, do not want. Please don't do this to the Nexus.
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I rarely post comments but I feel like I have to chime in to counter all the hate that's going around right now. Good job, Nexus team. Thanks for maintaining this site as a go-to hub for modders and fans. Remember that the path to progress is moving forward, not backwards and holding onto old ways. Don't listen to the haters; given enough time, everyone will get used to the new layout and all the bitching and moaning will end.
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In response to post #54671943. #54672703, #54677478, #54678053 are all replies on the same post.

Pegasix wrote: Can we please just have an option to stick with old layout? I personally just don't like the looks of this design.
SharraShimada wrote: Maintaining 2 Designs is a waste of time, because its work, that wont repay in any way. So, the old design will perish some day. And yeah, its always hard to change to something different, and leaving style, used, and attached to, behind. And yes, the new design looks... boring? Just another flat, tile-design, as seen on nearly every other crap-site in the internet the last 2 years.
But i must admit, the primary function of a mod-page is to deliver info. And they come in form of pictures most of the time.
You may explain, what your armor-mod does, how it looks, and where are the belt is attached... but no one will really imagine int. Put a picture on it, and kabooom.
And thats, what this design is made for.
Personally, i would had made some stuff the other way. But i´m not in charge. If have to, and i can, live with that.
pintocat wrote: I don't mind if they don't maintain the old one, I'll use a buggy one until the new one is fixed
Jokerine wrote: I personally understand that maintaining two different versions of the site may be too much work, and this will probably be an "adapt or die" situation. But, well, if the site is switched over for good and we're all forced to use the new redesign I'll most likely stop using the site altogether, or only visit very, very rarely. I have a choice in this matter, thankfully. I'll just take death :laugh:

Once again I have agree with Jokerine.
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I have to say I've got mixed feelings about this design. I like the new tabs and the search options are a lot cleaner and seem to provide a bit more functionality. There's more space for features, the thumbnails are bigger, and each file pane shows important mod information.

All these things are good.


Here's what's bad. Everything feels a bit more geared toward a mobile design and PC users don't seem to like that a whole lot. (Remember how so many people hated Windows 8?) Also, it seems like a lot of description pages have broken formatting now, but that issue may be fixable.


It's not too bad overall, I'll get used to the change eventually and hopefully the formatting issues will be resolved. Of course not everyone will like the new design, you can't make changes this big without some arguments.



EDIT: I'm also seriously concerned over whatever the hell Vortex is going to end up like. As an MO user I'm worried that Vortex is going to go the route of shove-everything-in-the-data-folder like NMM is now.

Edited by MrBob1137
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It's just broken now. Home page is the same. Click on Fallout 4, and suddenly I'm back to 1999 on an unfinished Geocities page. Other Fallout games work.

Before the broken page happened, I couldn't download any mods via NMM.

Edited by dg1972
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In response to post #54667568. #54680038 is also a reply to the same post.

vivademode wrote: If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Such a bad and pointless change
Battlestar1965 wrote: Exactly my thought. What's the point? Why are you changing the design at all? What's the reason?

Because they wanted too? I mean you dont need to always have a reason to change.
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