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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54840143.

TBoneTones wrote:

I think it's pretty bloody awful, actually. But hey ho, I 'm a very mature gamer, so my old fashioned sense of visual appeal I daresay is not what the snappy youngsters want a site to look like. I do suspect, however, there was an itch to make a change for the sake of change. The old site, as has been mentioned already in comments, you could take in fairly swiftly..... everything.....this new one you cannot...you have to search around. Never a good sign. I predict this will actually 'age' far quicker than the old one.

The entirety of the new site design looks like a gaudy advertisement some specialty store might print on high gloss paper.

"Look, we got a new printer and some nice paper, here's a thousand pages of it with one item per page and an incomplete description. We hope it's pretty enough that you'll ignore the time your wasting trying to find something you want." Edited by skittered
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OK week is almost up :smile: Should I wait for Vortex to be released soon or proceed with the current version of the Nexux Mod Manager. If I download the "old" version, will it automatically convert to Vortex or will I have to go through the mod-install process all over again?


Nothing (absolutely nothing) has been announced indicating that Vortex is anywhere near being released.

And nothing (absolutely nothing) has indicated that Vortex will (or will not) be able to integrate your previously installed mods.


Your call...

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In response to post #54799858. #54800528, #54805933, #54818428, #54818433, #54834513 are all replies on the same post.

vcgrant wrote: On first blush, I find it ironic, and a bit telling, that a web site that owes it's very existence to PC Games and its fans, optimize's it's web design for mobile platforms.
Dark0ne wrote: Why is that ironic? A few people have commented on this and I've yet to have someone explain why it's silly to code a site with mobile optimisation in mind as part of the process.

18% of our traffic comes from mobile. A number that grows every single year as smartphone usage continues to rocket. It would be stupid to do a new design and not take that into account, just like it would be stupid to do a new design and not take in to account the 17% of people who browse the site using FireFox or the 5% who browse using Edge.

With your (and some other users') line of thinking, websites for console games should be most optimised for Televisions, because that's the platform on which you most play console games. Makes no sense, right? How you play your games has no relation to how you browse the internet and finding a happy medium for both desktop and mobile users, that can make both as happy as possible was, and still is, the most prudent course of action.
Rigmor wrote: New site works great with the 0.0001% of "Brave" browser users :P
vcgrant wrote: It is ironic because the functionality that can be had with a web page optimized for a PC processor and graphics is much greater than any mobile platform. Most mobile sites in look and usability are about where computer platforms were in the earliest days of the Net. Most apps are dumbed down to enable them to run on mobile devices and any 3D depth has been lost to flattening everything out to make it smaller and quicker to load.

Bottom line from my perspective, this is a PC site., make it look and play as one.
vcgrant wrote: Double Post
Sonja wrote: While it's very nice that people on mobiles can more easily window shop for mods, when they come to actually download (and install if they're using NMM) them, they will be doing so on PC.
As I have stated, the new layout has really started to grow on me after my initial apprehension; there is much that I like. However, in terms of PC functionality, it does need some tweaking.

Moreover, even if it's steadily growing, 18% doesn't comprise a majority. I'm abysmal at mathematics, but even I can calculate that much. While far too many comments here have been little more than pitchfork level incoherent wailing, gnashing of teeth or just generally rude, there has still been a lot of constructive feedback, and I really hope you guys take it under consideration before releasing a final version. Aside from the obvious benefits to those (the majority) on desktop, this would probably reduce alienation and toxicity dramatically.

Nearly 20% is a huge number of users. If you think that's trivial, I'd hate to see how you run your business.
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In response to post #54825043.




pesarbad wrote: I really love it tho it's missing the old requirements tab that told you what mods use this mod...

Requirements are now listed in the mod description.



If there are any requirements, they appear ABOVE the Description (before the "Permissions and Credits") as an expandable section.

If the section isn't present, the author did not indicate any requirements.

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In response to post #54820928.

arc_salvo wrote: Don't see the need for a new layout when the old one was fine, but as long as it doesn't break anything, and it doesn't mess with Nexus Mod Manager, I'm mostly ambivalent about it. That said, I really don't see why you'd want to introduce anything new unless it fixes big problems with the old version or adds necessary new features. If a new UI or design or webpage doesn't do either of those (preferably both) I generally find it a waste of resources, particularly when it DOES break previously working functionality.

I personally don't prefer the old or the new UI, but my mantra with stuff is "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Why? Because when people try to fix stuff that ain't broke they DO break it.

"When people try to fix stuff that ain't broke they DO break it."

When people try to fix things that are broken, they break other things. Breaking things is a fact of life. Deal. Edited by fireundubh
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In response to post #54839963.

Kandahar wrote: After reading this announcement and then browsering comments I noticed an issue. Why does new website not move my screen to the top comment in the next page? Every time I switch to the next page of comments my screen is at the same area as it was previously and then I have to scroll up every single time to read comments from the newset to the oldest ones.

I really dislike "top mods" list. It's annoying to move my eyes from left to right and back to read what is on the list. Switch it to 1 mod per row, it worked flawlessly before therefore there is no need to change it. If you switched to 1 mod per row, please don't make "mod tiles" too big nor too wide. Your current design may make user miss a mod he is looking for.

The new design was clearly made for mobile phones and I hope you are aware of why Windows 8.0 did not succeed and you will not make the same mistakes as Microsoft. As long as the new website works as fast as the old one at least, I don't mind new mobile design. The only concern is higher usage of mobile internet data.

"Why does new website not move my screen to the top comment in the next page?"

Yeah, this is really annoying.
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In response to post #54764888. #54769383, #54773388, #54773893, #54792558, #54828773 are all replies on the same post.

aogara wrote: The new design is really nice.
But, i find that the file tab is a bit less efficient that the previous one. I think that it uses too much vertical space and not enough vertical space.
Here are 2 of the alternatives i've worked on that may be more efficient and ease for the eye/brain.
a) File display alternative A
b) File display alternative B
axonis wrote: I really like your (B) alternative. Makes the description easier to focus on.
pintocat wrote: B doesn't work for all, because some authors think the download description is where giant banner images should be, like this https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/73937
axonis wrote: @pintocat, why would that not work for them ? Their BBcode-based descriptions would still be properly displayed, only with a table of stats next to them. The new design does not affect the size of those images
aogara wrote: Discussion still open ... it may hurt the artistic sensibility of some modders, but it doesn't look so bad to me.
File display Alternative A-2
File display Alternative B-2

axonis wrote: Exactly, File display Alternative B-2 shows that BBcode-based descriptions can perfectly fit with a tight display of stats to the right of the description.

I wouldn't mind seeing something along the lines of this. Most mod authors seem to not include versions in the names of their files, which makes the whole old files section a huge pain, having to expand every file to see which version is which. Edited by slippyguy
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