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New Nexus Mods design launched


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In response to post #54799858. #54800528, #54805933, #54818428, #54818433, #54834513, #54841248, #54865923, #54869793, #54870233, #54872678, #54875248, #54875408, #54883598, #54892348, #54893388 are all replies on the same post.

vcgrant wrote: On first blush, I find it ironic, and a bit telling, that a web site that owes it's very existence to PC Games and its fans, optimize's it's web design for mobile platforms.
Dark0ne wrote: Why is that ironic? A few people have commented on this and I've yet to have someone explain why it's silly to code a site with mobile optimisation in mind as part of the process.

18% of our traffic comes from mobile. A number that grows every single year as smartphone usage continues to rocket. It would be stupid to do a new design and not take that into account, just like it would be stupid to do a new design and not take in to account the 17% of people who browse the site using FireFox or the 5% who browse using Edge.

With your (and some other users') line of thinking, websites for console games should be most optimised for Televisions, because that's the platform on which you most play console games. Makes no sense, right? How you play your games has no relation to how you browse the internet and finding a happy medium for both desktop and mobile users, that can make both as happy as possible was, and still is, the most prudent course of action.
Rigmor wrote: New site works great with the 0.0001% of "Brave" browser users :P
vcgrant wrote: It is ironic because the functionality that can be had with a web page optimized for a PC processor and graphics is much greater than any mobile platform. Most mobile sites in look and usability are about where computer platforms were in the earliest days of the Net. Most apps are dumbed down to enable them to run on mobile devices and any 3D depth has been lost to flattening everything out to make it smaller and quicker to load.

Bottom line from my perspective, this is a PC site., make it look and play as one.
vcgrant wrote: Double Post
Sonja wrote: While it's very nice that people on mobiles can more easily window shop for mods, when they come to actually download (and install if they're using NMM) them, they will be doing so on PC.
As I have stated, the new layout has really started to grow on me after my initial apprehension; there is much that I like. However, in terms of PC functionality, it does need some tweaking.

Moreover, even if it's steadily growing, 18% doesn't comprise a majority. I'm abysmal at mathematics, but even I can calculate that much. While far too many comments here have been little more than pitchfork level incoherent wailing, gnashing of teeth or just generally rude, there has still been a lot of constructive feedback, and I really hope you guys take it under consideration before releasing a final version. Aside from the obvious benefits to those (the majority) on desktop, this would probably reduce alienation and toxicity dramatically.
fireundubh wrote: Nearly 20% is a huge number of users. If you think that's trivial, I'd hate to see how you run your business.
Karolus_ wrote: To be honest, that means the other 80% are PC and Mac users basically(80%>20%). The users that go here with the phone I bet do it basically when they want to interact within the community, being pms, forum, or commenting mods at most. Every other part, from uploading mods to images is done with a PC/MAC, and offcourse the part where you download mods. Being that the main site functionality is (as of now?) uploading and downloading mods, there is not "much" point in giving priority to phones. Most probably the ideal solution would be a phone version with a focus on the social part of the site, with the tile based UI, and a main version focused on PC/MAC and usability on mod uploading/downloading/managing with a more "conventional" UI. At this point this is probably an echo in the wind, as the launch is inminent, but food for thought.

fireundubh wrote: Mod users and mod creators together eek out a minority share of any game's player base. Should Bethesda, RED, etc., stop supporting mod users and creators? Maybe developers should make installing and create mods harder or impossible, so they can spend more time on features the majority of their players want? What's the point in building and updating systems and tools for mods when most players don't use them and don't care that they exist?

This is rhetorical and intended to illustrate why nobody competent, given the availability of the necessary resources, designs for a single audience.
KasperSky44 wrote: When I'm on mobile I deliberately use desktop versions of websites wherever possible. The new layout is, functional, but looks terrible and clunky even on a 1080p screen. It seems foolish also to change something for 20% of a customer base, because chances are, it's going to alienate the actual majority. To be fair, I won't ever stop using nexus mods, but this push for everything to look "metro" makes everything look like a shitty gui in an early 2000's flash game.
vcgrant wrote: "This is rhetorical and intended to illustrate why nobody competent, given the availability of the necessary resources, designs for a single audience. "

I agree in with the sentiment. However, in practice the site is not designed to be 25% mobile friendly, vs. 75% PC friendly. To make it work for mobile platforms, you need to program the entire site entirely for mobile platforms. In essence, doing exactly what you are advocating against, i.e. only designing for a single audience.
fireundubh wrote: "To make it work for mobile platforms, you need to program the entire site entirely for mobile platforms."

Speaking as a web developer, that's not true at all. The new site could look exactly like the old site and still be responsive, and you'd have no complaints because your desktop experience would be unchanged. Your actual criticism is you just don't like the way the new site looks, and that's purely aesthetic and non-constructive feedback, as is "the old site is better," which it is objectively not and will thankfully never be seen again.

Instead of advocating against serving 18% of the site's audience, which is a nonstarter, why not share your ideas about how to improve the new experience? Now is the time to provide that kind of feedback. And, by the way, if you don't like larger UI elements and larger fonts for whatever reason, your browser provides a zoom feature, and if you're inclined, you can use the Stylish and Tampermonkey extensions to reshape and restyle the site to suit your particular preferences.
Dark0ne wrote: Let's break down some stats:

70% of visitors to Nexus Mods use Chrome
17% use FireFox
5% use Edge
3.5% use Opera

Because every browser renders HTML and CSS differently, when designing and making the site we need to take in to account how the site looks on all those browsers and ensure it works and looks right on all of them. Case in point, we made a change to the font weight recently which looked fine in Chrome, but definitely not as good in FireFox or Edge.

Because Chrome is the most popular browser by far, should we simply ignore how the site looks in the other browsers people might use and say "oh well, you should just use Chrome"?

Of course we shouldn't.

As such, we have to code with all the above browsers in mind.

This is exactly how it works with mobile too. In the same way that we code with FireFox, Edge and others in mind, we now also have to think with mobile in mind. It's not that mobile takes precedence, it's that it has to be considered, just like all the other options.

If you don't think we should code with mobile in mind you must also think we should not code with FireFox or Edge in mind, which is obviously silly. People need to change their thinking on this one and adapt to the changes in how internet content is being viewed -- like we have.
mejoff wrote: What a bunch of whinging f*#@s you are.

Waaahwaahwaah this site caters to me AND other people! Why can't it cater JUST FOR ME!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
demonofsarila wrote: It is a certain sort of irony, a site about mods for PC, meaning the users have and use PC, being totally re-made to work with phones. But there's multiple use cases for phones: looking up something about a mod on your phone while the game is on your pc, browsing about mods on your phone at work and picking ones to download later when you get home, if you're a mod author posting replies to questions about your mod while you're waiting somewhere without your pc, etc. I mean I keep my ipad nearby for fallout 4 because of the mobile app link thing.

That said I'm not a fan of the new UI. Though to be fair, the old one has major issues and I don't know if I'd say I care for it either. The site has the mods, so I deal with the site UI long enough to get what I want and get back to the game, and I'm ok with this arrangement.

Though, vcgrant, you do realize just because a site is optimized for mobile devices, that doesn't really effect desktop performance, right? It doesn't mean catering the site to work only on phones, it means making sure the site isn't crap on phones. The site was already optimized for desktops, and will still be optimized for desktops too.
fireundubh wrote: You want irony? A community that loves to change things has members who hate when things change.

Speaking as a software engineer, a few crowds in nexusmods baffled me as well in the view of the fact that not only they're resistance to change, they have some sort of grudges against mobile lol. I am appalled when people who just blatantly assume that we don't access nexusmods via mobile. Being mobile-friendly is a perk for a website, not a tradeoff LMAO. it's true when someone says there's a part of this community is basically a bunch on whiny and self-centred kids. i'm sorry but what @mejoff has said sums up you all.
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I felt so uncomfortable with the new Nexus. It just seems to be to "fiddly", push this button to push this button to push this button to find what your looking for. Old way, click here to see more and scroll, click to the next page when you get to the bottom. I'm kind of an old guy and I see the trend all over the place to get more info and more options out in front of "the people". But, that being said, I always tried to live my life the way I was taught, the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Stupid. And boy do we seem to be veering away from that idea.
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In response to post #54735783. #54750263, #54754653, #54756533, #54761463, #54773643 are all replies on the same post.

pacfish wrote:

Once again, the mobile minority ruin an entire website for everyone else just by existing. I'm not even going to keep trying to make my point, it'll just fall on deaf ears anyway.


They aren't a minority, not at this stage of the internet.


forum.nexusmods.com still works like it used to.


Though there is a valid point here... m.facebook.com vs facebook.com <- huge amounts of data, free hosting, no limits on viewing content, completely different sites and designs, able to download massive files (yes you can download your profile, all of it multiple times for no reason). unlimited 'private' messaging, voice chat, group chat, bunch of features, news feeds, following, friends, forums (in the form of a wall) and theyve been around for a similar length of time (they might be 5 years older, but this is a community of resource hackers, texture creators, configuration tweakers, ui developers, and coders - someone out there has to have a real solution.


This update is free mandatory dlc by the looks of it.

NeoNord wrote: Sorry, they are a minority, 18% according to Dark One, that is most definitely a minority, get your facts straight pacfish.
pacfish wrote: I was replying to the comment not what Dark had said.
"once again", meaning it's happened to another site.
"They aren't...at this stage of the internet", meaning all of the internet, not the site.

18% on this site is pretty insane, and I used my phone for the first time to look at this thread through the link that was sent to my email. It takes me to the forum page. Which works fine on mobile and it's pretty easy to use. So I'm even more confused as to why mobile is even being considered for the main site's design unless the goal is to leave the forum site behind.
Dark0ne wrote: I'm confused. What does the forum and mobile have to do with the redesign?
calscks wrote: as a software engineer, i'm more than confused too. what's wrong making a site to be friendly on mobile? it's already one from "good web design principles 101" ages ago.
bisexualzuko wrote: The issue is that this design makes it easier to use on mobile but harder to use on pc, despite this being a file sharing website for pc games. There's not really a need for a website intended to be used for pc file sharing to be mobile friendly, especially when it comes at the expense of ease of use on desk/laptop.

i'm sorry but I don't find it harder to use at all. if i may i'll say that it's much easier in terms of navigation, and the descriptions which categorise requirements and such, who doesn't like it? it's true that it lacks a few good features from the old design, but i believe that the new design is a WIP. all you need to do is providing a proper feedback to suggestions and recommendations. Edited by calscks
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Design is nice and it's functional, albeit a bit slow to load (might be my connection).

Though, I must say, I much prefer the old "Hot Files" layout on a game's main page. Being able to cycle through those files on the larger panel that included a description was a nice feature.

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I LOVE it, it's very functional, also like the removal of the scrolling top mod files, as if I wanted to see what each one was, I'd mouse over to it myself. THANK YOU for having the New Today and New This Week tab! Also love how mod categories are listed within the tiles, you can also see how many endorsements a mod has without even clicking on it. The plus button that allows you to simply view a mods screenshots without having to actually open that mod page is GENIUS. In the download history I love how you now actually have a screenshot of the users previously downloaded mods. I can't wait until this goes live. Thank you for putting player screenshots/media at the bottom... I wonder if there's a way to remove them from actually showing at all, as I'm not the least bit interested in peoples screenshots, (though this is a personal preference.) Edited by Pixeldust
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In response to post #54895693.

bigd4450 wrote: I felt so uncomfortable with the new Nexus. It just seems to be to "fiddly", push this button to push this button to push this button to find what your looking for. Old way, click here to see more and scroll, click to the next page when you get to the bottom. I'm kind of an old guy and I see the trend all over the place to get more info and more options out in front of "the people". But, that being said, I always tried to live my life the way I was taught, the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Stupid. And boy do we seem to be veering away from that idea.

"push this button to push this button to push this button to find what your looking for"

What are you talking about? If anything, the navigation path is actually shorter than the old site.
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Using this version exclusively, because this is what it will be. OK so far.


Is there a way to make "New Mods" more contiguous going back? vs. "Today" or "1 week" ? Just continuous through all new mods, backwards in time? The old site said, I think, "Previous," and that was good.


Are you working on Forums at all? It would be really handy to be able to track Forum posts in the same way Mods/updates/responses/authors, and PM's, are tracked and notified now.



Edited by rick0307
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In response to post #54895693. #54896418 is also a reply to the same post.

bigd4450 wrote: I felt so uncomfortable with the new Nexus. It just seems to be to "fiddly", push this button to push this button to push this button to find what your looking for. Old way, click here to see more and scroll, click to the next page when you get to the bottom. I'm kind of an old guy and I see the trend all over the place to get more info and more options out in front of "the people". But, that being said, I always tried to live my life the way I was taught, the KISS principle, Keep It Simple Stupid. And boy do we seem to be veering away from that idea.
fireundubh wrote: "push this button to push this button to push this button to find what your looking for"

What are you talking about? If anything, the navigation path is actually shorter than the old site.

What do I mean? Well I go into Skyrim SE want to see what's going on with mods. Well, this page just shows me todays mods. Wait a minute, I can see todays, this weeks, popular (30 days), popular (all time), trending, etc. I just want to see some mods, scroll to the top, okay a drop down, there's mods. What am I looking for, a ton of choices, there it is "Browse all mods". Oh wait, do I want to sort them by time, when they were published, or maybe description, nope, just want to look at some mods, losing interest, too much B.S. going on.

Old way, pull up Skyrim SE, oh, there's recent mods, do I want to see more, sure. Click here to see more, scroll to the bottom, page 2, continue, pretty easy.

I realize that what ever I say here will make no difference what so ever. It's just a trend that I see and really don't like, buttons cluttering up pages, spend more time messing with the buttons, (and half don't work) instead of just going where your trying to go. Just my humble opinion, and opinions are like ----- we've all got one.
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I love the aesthetic. It will take some time to get used to, but you folks will make it better I'm sure. :)


Just one small gripe, I hate how the sample background image on the site is constantly Skyrim and not whatever game you're viewing. Is this because since it is replaced by Ads, you guys don't bother changing the background image or something?


Anyways, thanks!

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