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Alaskan Oil???


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This is a very interesting video about the Alaskan oil Wells, and how gasoline could be $1.50 a gallon in California right now. The video is fairly lengthy, so I'll highlight some interesting facts that were outlined in the video. Keep in mind, this video is a little disturbing to some, because it presents the very real fact that America is being held hostage.


This guy outlines how the US Congressmen, both Republican and Democratic, have been dishonest to the American people in regards to oil. We have the largest oil well under US control, with the largest oil pipeline built to supply oil to the American people, and yet Congress has passed that their would be no oil coming from Alaska. What the hell? He also talks about the executives of VP Oil company that is controlling the market price of oil by not drilling. What the hell?


So my beef is, why are we not drilling? We have enough oil to supply ourselves and be completely independent from foreign oil, so why don't we use it? Also, what is everyone's opinion on this?


Better yet, what is the opinion of the folks here that are outside the US? Being an American, I only see what's inside. What's the view outside?

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Look back in your history books, durring the first Bush term, when he was actually regarded as being slightly capable. The environmentalist groups raised too much of a stink over it, and shut down pretty much any hope of it ever happening by paying off the right people to get bills passed. The latest agenda, naming polar bears among threatened species is slated to be the latest nail in that coffin. It isn't that there aren't places we could get oil, and other materials which can be used to create energy, it's that certain environmental groups have made it impossible to act on these resources. Afterall, most politicians either don't drive long distance themselves, or don't pay for their own gas, so are more inclined to take the side of those groups which are willing to give them money.


That is not to say that the "Green" movement may not have its merits, but much of it is being orcestrated at the cost of productivity and the life of the actual country. It'll be real fun to find out that "global warming" is actually a natural event, and that even if humanity were to completely stop producing CO2 overnight, it would still be happening because the oceans are full of it, and as the ocean temperatures rise, their ability to remain saturated decreases, which sends it into the atmosphere, which causes more warming. Just the thawing of the permfrost in Russia is releasing more methane than all industry based sources. But that's a side issue.


Basically, any time the discussion of refineries, mining, or drilling is brought up, the sorts of poorly designed, managed, operated facilities from the 60s and 70s get thought of. People can't seem to understand that mining, once completed can restore the area back to natural conditions, that drilling is far cleaner and safer than it once was, and that refineries can collect and make use of almost all byproducts.

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I live in Alaska, and I say go for it! :yes: Darned greenie weenies...



Then please get in contact with one of your senators (forgot which one) who is against the polar bear issue, and let her know that the people are behind her on this.

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I live in Alaska, and I say go for it! :yes: Darned greenie weenies...



Then please get in contact with one of your senators (forgot which one) who is against the polar bear issue, and let her know that the people are behind her on this.



Not only that, but contact Don Young's office. I looked him up, and saw that he's made some very interesting comments. One such comment I found is:


He once called environmentalists "a self-centered bunch of waffle-stomping, Harvard-graduating, intellectual idiots."


In addition, this guy is the third most senior Republican congressman in the US House of Representatives. He is also, quote:


He is also a strong proponent of opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.


Don Young is the only Representative for Alaska in Congress, and is also referred to as Alaska's "Third Senator." I would be contacting this guy...







The senator Vagrant is talking about is Lisa Murkowski, the only native born Alaskan in Congress. According to Wikipedia:


On environmental issues, for 2003, the nonpartisan watchdog group League of Conservation Voters rated Murkowski at 11% on environmental issues: "During her short time in the Senate," Murkowski, who chairs the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power, "has thrown her support behind efforts to drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.[5] For the 109th Congress, Republicans for Environmental Protection, a conservative group dedicated to environmental causes, issued Murkowski a rating of 2%, noting that in 2006 she voted:[6]


* against S.C. Resolution 83, intended to bolster energy security and lower energy-related environmental impacts

* against an amendment to S. 728 which would make the Army Corps of Engineers more accountable for the environmental and economic impacts of their projects

* for oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

* for offshore oil and gas drilling.


Her site is: http://murkowski.senate.gov/public/


Then there's Ted Stevens. I don't know a whole lot about him, so I can't say which way he'll go. But he's worth contacting anyway. Site is: http://stevens.senate.gov/public/


After researching these three Congressmen, I get the impression that Alaska wants to drill.

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Since foreign opinion was asked: Maybe the purpose is saving the own reserves. Energy, mainly non renewable sources are treated as national security issue in several places.
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Maybe the US should get its head out of its arse and really jump on the alternative fuel thing. Other countries have done it...I believe our friend Nosisab's home of Brazil went through a hard bit to get it done.


It will suck but a complete change to alternatives can be made to where we dont have to choose between destroying the last pristine enviroment and staying dependent on others in the US.


Also there is not NEAR as much oil in Alaska as people think....it would only be a temporary fix and we need to be looking long-term here folks.


I am not a big "enviromentalist" but once you take that road to get the oil there is no going back. It is done.


I am poor...very poor..so gas prices hurt me as much if not more than others. Takes more out of our income...and the gas tax in WV is HUGE!! We pay 44 cents on a gallon of gas in tax here. But America has been wasting resources like crazy...just look at all the SUVs. It is time to be resposible...look to the future and the long-term and end our dependence on fossil fuels and non-renewable resources. Will they always be needed and used..yes...but do they have to be the #1..no.

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Since foreign opinion was asked: Maybe the purpose is saving the own reserves. Energy, mainly non renewable sources are treated as national security issue in several places.


You raise a valid point here. It does make sense to save the oil into reserves, especially with the lengthy war we have going on.


But what's not making sense to Americans, is why raise oil prices to the point where it effects our entire economy? Americans are looking for an answer, and they are looking for a solution to the problem.

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After researching these three Congressmen, I get the impression that Alaska wants to drill.

WHAT??!?!? :ohmy:


Are you implying that elected representatives should actually follow the will of the people they serve?!?!




That'd be like a republic system of government or something! And heaven knows we couldn't have that.....




But seriously, the government needs to do what it was meant to do. Obey the will of the people.


However, I also believe research should increase in the area of alternative fuels. Just in case. And it couldn't hurt to help the environment, regardless of whether global warming is true, or if it is, if we caused it.


So, drill, but also look for more efficient forms of energy. That's how I feel.

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