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Election Year Debate


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With Santorum out of the primaries it is now de facto Romney vs Obama. Let the games begin, suggest hip waders for all spectators. :whistling:


Aint that the truth.


I'm going to take a vacation from the news until election day.

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I think Obama is provably going to win. It is really just down to Romney and Obama though as said.


Scarily enough, I think you are correct..... I am not sure which one is the 'lesser' evil though.... I don't particularly care for either one.

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With Santorum out of the primaries it is now de fato Romney vs Obama. Let the games begin, suggest hip waders for all spectators. :whistling:

Probably true, but I think that largely depends on where Santorum's delegates end up. Though even if only a small portion moves into Romney's camp that will seal it up for him. I can't imagine that ALL of Santorum's delegates would split between Gingrich and Paul.

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Don't be so sure. If either of them holds enough delegates to force a brokered convention, anything is possible.


And I mean possible for Gingrich to win btw. Ron Paul stands zero chance of getting anywhere even with that scenario.

Edited by Arthmoor
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In my opinion, the Republican party is too fragmented for it to consolidate all of its supporters and win. I think it's going to be an easy victory for Democrats again. Though, one thing: why do so many people hate Obama? Sure, he's not great, but he's not atrocious at least.
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In my opinion, the Republican party is too fragmented for it to consolidate all of its supporters and win. I think it's going to be an easy victory for Democrats again. Though, one thing: why do so many people hate Obama? Sure, he's not great, but he's not atrocious at least.


In case you haven't noticed, the opposing party ALWAYS hates the current officeholder. :D I think it's an unwritten law.

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If Obama wins, I'm packing my bags, learning French and moving to Canada!


Obama ruined this country more than any president ever has. Another 4 years of him and there won't be a USA anymore. It'd be the USSR, or something close to it.


This election has the Republicans going crazy like mentally ill, and democrats are no worse, in fact, both parties are ruining America. I vote for Ron Paul, third party, all this country cares about is money, and Ron Paul doesn't care for money, making him an excellent choice. But he won't win, so I guess I don't vote. Romney might be able to repair America, but if I see one HINT of chaos, I'm moving out.

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If Obama wins, I'm packing my bags, learning French and moving to Canada!


Obama ruined this country more than any president ever has. Another 4 years of him and there won't be a USA anymore. It'd be the USSR, or something close to it.


This election has the Republicans going crazy like mentally ill, and democrats are no worse, in fact, both parties are ruining America. I vote for Ron Paul, third party, all this country cares about is money, and Ron Paul doesn't care for money, making him an excellent choice. But he won't win, so I guess I don't vote. Romney might be able to repair America, but if I see one HINT of chaos, I'm moving out.


Bush started the process, (actually, we could go back to Ronnie....) Obama is just continuing on the path his predecessor set. Both parties are burying us. Neither one gives a rats behind about the american people, all they care about is their campaign contributors, and the big money behind them. Until we get some campaign finance reform, and do something about paid lobbyists, nothing is going to change. Trouble is, the only people that have the power to change it, are the very people that have the least motivation to do so. Basically, we are screwed, no matter who gets into the oval office.

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