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Recruting Team for BIG MOD!

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Im working on mod which will be like expansion. New city and new army who dont care much about civil war but they plan to destroy Thalmor army and new threat in form of Demons who wanna make another Oblivion crisis. Player is invited to join Dark Orb army not long after they established their base in old ruined castle in hiden valley betwen Riften and Falkarath. The valley itself was well known for jarls but was bad place to live becouse of cold too weather for crops farming and only 1 road to travel which was great spot for bandits to ambush caravans. Leader of Dark Orb army Kuroi Orb and most of his followers are blessed with gift of being forever young but still can die in battle. Also Kuroi and his army was once living in other world similar to fallout 3 and so Kuroi knows a lot of ways to use Dwemer technology in new and he found a way to warm place up and make it the best place to live in entire Skyrim. Also later in game Dark Orb army will grow and soul gems will be used as very strong turrets agains enemy atacks from ground and Dragons from sky. Main enemy of Dark Orb will be Thalmor since Kuroi did live in Thamariel more than 200 years now he did take part in Oblivion Crissis and had even own city on small island west of Anvil. When Thalmor atack his city was first target and was destroyed becouse of suprise atack and most of troops being scater around Morrowind and Elswyr. Kuroi was forced to find a new allies since empire is worthless for him right now. Secondary enemies will be Dragons and quite big demon clan under command of demon Viper who was only demon general who survived Oblivion crissis and now plans revange on Dark Orb while ts weaken and surrounded with enemies. Anyway Kuroi can afford army and everything becouse it turns out that under the valley are very rich vines of gold and crystals. Dark Orb is small army but full of nice advanced items and skilled people



This mod will have lots of followers and missions so I need some good voice actors. Also it wouldnt hurt to have in team someone similar with programing quests and scripts since Im not pro in this category and I did spend 5 hours just to make gy sit on chair when I do and still it dosent work completly. I mostly do areas, NPC and items. I need someone who can make item in nifscope or other program so I can give few special followers special item designed only for them... Like amazing Bandanna mask or Sunglasses :) I already have amazing team of voice actors who did first voices for missions from scripts I made for them some time ago so few first quests can be made since voices, locations and NPC are already ready for them


Its just for fun mod so theres no pay. I can repay with my skills of modding in your projects or if you need voice acting (Warning I got accent). I was modding oblivion and Fallout 3 so if anyone is interested what I was working on here are links


http://tes.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=41578 (Unfinished mod (95% was completed) of Scarlet city and first part of Dark Orb faction. I had to finish since Skyrim was released and it did offer me materials in vanillia game what I wanted to add in Oblivion in first place, gold mines, forge, alchemy lab etc)


http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=9598 and http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=6557 (those were big ones finished but no quests. Most of materials was from all people who did help on CR Squad mod. Basicaly I asked creator can I use those materials and remade mod for big war one and when I got green light for it I did)


Here are some pictures of Dark Orb HQ and some interiors





One of special forces members



Work on player home still in progres but it be near HQ castle and the tunnel which is only entrance from Riften borders to the HQ



This will be main hall in the part of the castle which is in the mountain. Still need to add some furniture thou



Picture from editor, Night version of HQ. View from main watch tower



Before entering the castle



The underground tunnel betwen Riften and HQ (It is quite long, big and very good for some battles of armies)



Dark Orb HQ main castle hall outside the mountain. Its version when player arrives first time and castle is still underwork and being cleand. I got other version of this room already functional but no picture taken yet since still underwork



Dark Orb leader in his office



Special forces armor


Please PM me if you wanna more info or join. I got own page with mod progress but only for members.

Edited by IgnacyOrder
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmmm... No repleys and only 1 offer for voice actng in PM. I was really hoping I will find some help on Nexus but it appears I was wrong. Making this mod alone will be pain since I have to make every thing. Making interiors and NPC is not so bad but I suck at quest making :(
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Not to disappoint you but mods like these are almost never completed and doomed from start.


Not entirely true, but a few things would definately help your cause;


1. Spell and grammar check your pitch as sloppy spelling makes it look like you don't care (not saying you don't, that's just what it looks like). I don't know if english is your first language or not, if not then there's not a lot you can do about that unfortunately :turned:


2. Build a fair amount of stuff yourself to see how easy it is and show others that you have the drive to lead a modding team. Start with that city you mentioned. If you get bored half way through, then you aren't passionate about the project to see it succeed.


3. Finally, write your mod plan in detail. Storyline, characters, locations and custom items that need building should all have a fair amount of writing about them. A mod this size should never be attempted without at least a few pages worth of planning.


Yes it seems like a drag, but Rome wasn't built in a day, and the only way to create a decent sized mod is with a lot of hard work. Most of which isn't fun :tongue:

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And then there is the problem of location, most bigger overhauls and quest mods solved the problem reusing already existent locations or got into pocket planes or even went underground...


There is a lot to think when planing such adventures for the risks of conflicts, quest breaking issues and some more. The least a big mod affects the "physical landscape", the better.

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Acctualy I already got big part of mod ready and few voice actors from newgrounds. I made quite a castle in new world I made and Im working everyday on new interiors and NPC. I cant make quests thou.


As for doomed mods from start... I already made big one for Fallout 3 and It was quite a succes. OK My big one for Oblivion was 95% ready but then Skyrim came along and everyone lost interest in Oblivion mods :( So I uploaded it for other modders so they can have whole city ready in new world space if they wanna make a mod


As for information about mod I made every detail about story line, heroes, scripts etc already. Its just that Nexus wont allow me to put most of pics becouse they are too big and I dont wanna put too much of story to avoid spoilers :)


As for grammar. Yee I know. I make too much mistakes but Im still learning thou

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As for information about mod I made every detail about story line, heroes, scripts etc already. Its just that Nexus wont allow me to put most of pics becouse they are too big and I dont wanna put too much of story to avoid spoilers :)


Cool, well can't you just scale down the images? And you can put pics and details in spoiler boxes; modders who help you should have access to your full vision or how can they create what you have in mind? It'll also re-assure people that you have actually completed some work and aren't just saying you have to get their help, which is what a lot of people do.

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Sounds fair. I think I will post links for best pictures when I can :) It be easier since making each one smaller will ruin details and be a lot of work. Links should work fine thou





Tell me can you see picture from this link



Its picture of the castle courtyard I did yesterday

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Sounds fair. I think I will post links for best pictures when I can :) It be easier since making each one smaller will ruin details and be a lot of work. Links should work fine thou





Tell me can you see picture from this link



Its picture of the castle courtyard I did yesterday

Sure can see it, and it looks good. ;)

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Can see the pic fine. It looks pretty good, nice work.


I have too much on my plate to be a reliable member of a team right now, but voice work doesn't take very long. I think i'd be willing to do an NPC for you if i knew more about the project.


Before you consider my offer, check out my work - Explosive Arrows. I did a fully voiced NPC that becomes a vendor after completing a short quest.


I may also be willing to do a short quest or two, and grammatical corrections :wink: if i like the project.


PM me with more info if you are interested.

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