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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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RE: Images


Good that you allow Drag&Drop to Images. BAD that you do not allow MULTIPLE D&D's to any site: Mods, Images or any other. BAD that you no longer allow D&D to Mods' Images. You have lost D&D to Mods' Images from prior edition. Please replace ASAP.

Unlike former functionality, we cannot D&D multiple images to any image site. Should be.


[Edit] 11-21-17

Just posted a D&D pic to Supporter Images. Yay! D&D also worked on Mods' Images tonight. Yay!

Looking for a suitable regular image to try in Images.


@Dark0ne et al. :

I have whined about the Images-loading functions, off and on, for years... You have allowed this. Mostly. I will make a point to comment on improvements as they appear. You all have been tolerant. I have an obligation to be fair. And grateful.




Edited by rick0307
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In response to post #55290218. #55296213, #55297523 are all replies on the same post.




CursedSeal7 wrote: I really *really* dislike the whole "material design" fad that is essentially an excuse to build *only* a platform for mobile, and force desktop users to use it (which is sad for a website that is primarily used to download mods for desktop based games). Not only are you wasting vast amounts of screen space making images, buttons, and text larger than they need to be, but you're seriously hurting the UX when it comes to grouping things because of how spread out important things become when you're spacing them out as much as material design does.


I get that material design is really popular right now, but that's because mobile is in general growing as a platform, and more people browse the web on mobile. The problem *here* is that you guys seem to have hired UI designers to design UIs, and not think about their audience for whom they're designing. When your primary use case is to serve up information concisely on a primarily desktop based platform, material design is a horrible choice. The old site isn't perfect, but it's worlds better about this specific issue. You could do a lot better by just taking the current site and actually using the full width of the screen, rather than the middle third. I'd like to reiterate: I'm here to download mods for my PC games, not Candy Crush. I have a 16:9 display, not a 9:16 display(w:h). Stop wasting all of that screen real estate and stop wasting peoples time scrolling past all the empty boxes.

calscks wrote: "material design is a horrible choice"

> assuming it's material design

> doesn't know what material design is


"an excuse to build *only* a platform for mobile"

> claiming a web design fundamentals 101 as a "fad"

> assuming a clean redesign is targeted for mobile users

> i'm really *really* starting to wonder if it's 2017 or 1997


i could've agreed with that most elements in the new website is taking up too much space making less information displayable without scrolling, but the way you form your opinions are so bad, almost as if you're trying to boss around the nexusmod's developers, while asserting everything as "material design" making it hell lot obvious you are severely lacking of adequate knowledge on the purpose of re-design which has been addressed by site owner dozens of time, fitting just right for a very arrogant, self-entitled and short-sighted person hated by most majority. Nexus Mods is by far one of the places with most self-centred individuals, sadly to say that. action of judging and demanding are what makes so many mod authors to lock their post sections or hide their mods and now we can see it finally targets the entire site.

Balx2 wrote: Come now calscks, at least CursedSeal7's complaint had something to it other then "rawr I hate nexus cause it changed, I so angry, no speak good, anger. anger, raraw" etc etc

fad platform... Oh you mean like how websites are only building a javascript webpage instead of both? Where have I seen this before? Youtube!

1997 was a good year! The 1996 Telecommunications act was passed and actually did something back then! Oh and I bought my first gameboy with money I had saved for a year! (I was 6-7) But besides that, the site doesn't really serve a purpose on mobile. I have a feeling that the increase in traffic on mobile is actually because of youtube (and the fact that it's mobile friendly with 3 different versions, an app, the mobile page, and the desktop). Dark hasn't come out and disclosed what mobile users are actually doing and what pages are being hit most with mobile devices. If people are just replying to comments (the old forums look great on mobile, tried it out when this new layout started... No I mean the FORUM site that is boring and hasn't changed in well over 5 years -- except maybe the provider a few times), if they are using the search page to look for mods (WTF?), or are just going straight to a mod page then leaving without doing anything (indicates link followers like youtube trolls).



I disagree. I browse on mobile when I can't get to my pc and for years the only internet I had was on my cell phone. That's not the case now, but I still download a lot to my phone first and transfer it my pc when I get home. So, yeah.....mobile friendly *does* have a purpose.

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In response to post #55401758.

CluckenDip wrote: Will you add wallpapers in the background of each specific game like the old layout? Little sick of seeing Skyrim all over the joint

Yes. It's now a lot harder as it has to be responsive, so it's something we'll tackle after the launch.
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In response to post #55401758. #55402508 is also a reply to the same post.

CluckenDip wrote: Will you add wallpapers in the background of each specific game like the old layout? Little sick of seeing Skyrim all over the joint
Dark0ne wrote: Yes. It's now a lot harder as it has to be responsive, so it's something we'll tackle after the launch.

Sweet, thanks for the reply bro :)
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In response to post #55385813.

TheKlingonHamlet wrote: Flat design (in general) is the worst visual cancer humankind has ever invented.
I can't tell what's a button and what is not, and can't fix my eyes on anything, making using the site really difficult for me. It basically looks like one monolithic mess.
I don't understand why you had to make the redesign this way.


"I can't tell what's a button and what is not"

This is the problem of all smartphone app layouts and should not be used on desktops.
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I know no matter what we say you will not reverse your autodesign but here are a couple of suggestions/comments:


Give us an option for search results (and other list locations) which are simple minimalistic no picture lists.


The current searches seem remarkably slower than before


Add the update date to search results - and put your date last downloaded on the mod download page - and not just on the description page.


And just a quick aside, maybe premimum members should NOT be connecting to doubleclick.net.

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