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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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Hopefully the old design will be an optional theme going forward. I find the new design takes away from trying to view/interact with a mod page. A good design should not demand attention, but instead focuses attention on the content in the web page, and is intuitive to navigate. IMO the new design fails in those regards. It's overly complicated, and takes attention away from the content of the mod page.
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This contrast from the menu is too much for my eyes to handle:




Honestly, that's a good point. How about just rendering the text black, and then when highlighted, it changes to white text on blue? Maybe even a bolder font by a few percentage points?



In response to post #55489708. #55505133 is also a reply to the same post.




Anthedon wrote:

In response to post #55461293.




Anthedon wrote:

Is there no longer a way to limit searching to a particular game? The search function in the new layout turns up results from all games. Which makes it almost useless.

There is a way to limit searching to a particular game. First click on the "game" tab and select the particular game whose mods you want to search. Then enter your search word(s) and proceed with the search. If you don't select a particular game, then indeed you will search the entire Nexus game library. You can select a game either through the favorites menu (if you've already set that up) or from the list of all games included in the Nexus library.

Thanks. That's pretty clunky compared to the old site. Especially if you check mods for multiple games regularly. What a bizarre design choice.

Dark0ne wrote: That's no different from the old site. If you search on the root level nexusmods.com you get search results for all games. If you browse Skyrim Nexus you get search results for Skyrim.

I am not thrilled about changing either as I believe the old way was just fine, and would have liked the energy being spent on Vortex as I am not modding till then anyway. However, I gotta side with the Nexus Developers on this comment. (and many other comments that just waist time and are not helpful)

Anthedon, what do you want? You want gamers that don't even care about skyrim to have to start in skyrim? It's not clunky, is necessary to start at a "root" level for all Nexus supported games. These guys are developing this for everyone not just you. I don't like change either but you can't be serious, this is what you chose to complain about? lol. To me that means you could not find anything else wrong, So... actually you like it :smile:

Look If you only care about a particular game then click on the tab for that game and save the http as a favorite. (that's what I do and you probably did that with the old Nexus and don't remember doing it) Next time you can just click your nexus link you saved as a favorite and be right where you want to be and start your search there :smile:

I got my opinions on the the new Nexus as well, but I chose to not comment on the design or layout till I give it a try for awhile. Hell I might end up liking it :smile: If I find an actual bug or something missing, or something along that line I will point it out, but for now that should probably be the most valuable input that these developers need guys.




lol You didn't go where I thought you were going with that. Nice suggestion about the favorite/bookmark. Kudos to you.



In response to post #55485813. #55486923 is also a reply to the same post.




twowolves80 wrote:

You know, to all the people unhappy about it, just be patient, guys/girls; I have a feeling there's a bit of a learning curve for them as well. It's a new site with new site coding and new layout options.


Let's compare it to Skyrim Modding. Wait, what? You weren't an absolute pro the first time you ever downloaded a mod and started playing? Pff. No excuse, you should have had a full load of 255 mods that was completely stable with 8K resolution and no script errors, the first time you ever modded Skyrim.


Now, see how ridiculous that sounds?

Be patient and let them finish playing with it to see what can be done. It could simply be a case of where they're trying to port over as much as possible, but the new format may not actually allow them to do everything they want, or we would like to see. Keep the comments constructive, and give them six months. Then, you may have a legitimate gripe if something is broken. But right now, it's still too new--to them and to us. Keep in mind, they're also splitting their time between that, the Vortex mod manager development, work, real life, family and everything else.

"The new site looks like **** and I hate it and I refuse to compromise my position at all." :armscrossed:



"I don't like the look of the new site, and here's why. Is there any way we can make it better?"


Which do you think they'll appreciate more? It's not the end of the world, and it's nowhere near finished, so give them a chance.


Also, I'm astonished at the lack of Thanksgiving wishes posted here towards our site owner (that's right, the Dark0ne belongs to us! :tongue:). Just because some of the admins aren't from the US doesn't mean they don't appreciate turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. So, happy turkey day. Thanks for all you do, Robin and company. Even if we don't always agree with everything you do on the site, we know you've got our best interests at heart, so thank you. :D


And now, here's some digital pie for you.


Man, that Raider Quad Bike mod has a patch for everything! lol


sopmac45 wrote: I back you up ... I do not mind any changes and I have been dealing with the new site since it was out and one of the things that MUST work at 100% is the Search function and unfortunately is not working as it should.


We need that to function as before because we need to find mods so we can install them. So far, I cannot even find a mod that I installed yesterday which is ridiculous. It is a PITA go looking for a mod thru all the pages, so please Dark0ne, make it work.


Another thing that I am missing from the previous site was that I was able to filter ( before looking for mods ), for example, if I needed Nexus to also show me nude mods; now I am unable to do that unless I go inside a mod and see if there is tab with "nudity" on so I can click on it and then voila ... but again, it should not be "hidden" but available on the game page so you can decide what types of mods you would like to display once you start searching.


Other than those two things, the rest is ok to me and I like it ( btw ) more than before but I have been cursing it lately because of those two things expressed above. I think that my suggestion has been asked before by others but here I am adding myself the same input for you to consider it as a trend problem with the new site.


Thanks so much.



I agree with you 100%



Thanks! :D



In response to post #55485813. #55486923, #55508553 are all replies on the same post.




twowolves80 wrote:

You know, to all the people unhappy about it, just be patient, guys/girls; I have a feeling there's a bit of a learning curve for them as well. It's a new site with new site coding and new layout options.


Let's compare it to Skyrim Modding. Wait, what? You weren't an absolute pro the first time you ever downloaded a mod and started playing? Pff. No excuse, you should have had a full load of 255 mods that was completely stable with 8K resolution and no script errors, the first time you ever modded Skyrim.


Now, see how ridiculous that sounds?

Be patient and let them finish playing with it to see what can be done. It could simply be a case of where they're trying to port over as much as possible, but the new format may not actually allow them to do everything they want, or we would like to see. Keep the comments constructive, and give them six months. Then, you may have a legitimate gripe if something is broken. But right now, it's still too new--to them and to us. Keep in mind, they're also splitting their time between that, the Vortex mod manager development, work, real life, family and everything else.

"The new site looks like **** and I hate it and I refuse to compromise my position at all." :armscrossed:



"I don't like the look of the new site, and here's why. Is there any way we can make it better?"


Which do you think they'll appreciate more? It's not the end of the world, and it's nowhere near finished, so give them a chance.


Also, I'm astonished at the lack of Thanksgiving wishes posted here towards our site owner (that's right, the Dark0ne belongs to us! :tongue:). Just because some of the admins aren't from the US doesn't mean they don't appreciate turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes and pumpkin pie. So, happy turkey day. Thanks for all you do, Robin and company. Even if we don't always agree with everything you do on the site, we know you've got our best interests at heart, so thank you. :D


And now, here's some digital pie for you.


Man, that Raider Quad Bike mod has a patch for everything! lol


sopmac45 wrote: I back you up ... I do not mind any changes and I have been dealing with the new site since it was out and one of the things that MUST work at 100% is the Search function and unfortunately is not working as it should.


We need that to function as before because we need to find mods so we can install them. So far, I cannot even find a mod that I installed yesterday which is ridiculous. It is a PITA go looking for a mod thru all the pages, so please Dark0ne, make it work.


Another thing that I am missing from the previous site was that I was able to filter ( before looking for mods ), for example, if I needed Nexus to also show me nude mods; now I am unable to do that unless I go inside a mod and see if there is tab with "nudity" on so I can click on it and then voila ... but again, it should not be "hidden" but available on the game page so you can decide what types of mods you would like to display once you start searching.


Other than those two things, the rest is ok to me and I like it ( btw ) more than before but I have been cursing it lately because of those two things expressed above. I think that my suggestion has been asked before by others but here I am adding myself the same input for you to consider it as a trend problem with the new site.


Thanks so much.

mcdanielskh wrote: twowolves80,


I agree with you 100%



Thank you for your sane and patient words about the new Nexus site. I've read every post in this comments section, and you are one of the few who are working constructively to help Dark0ne and team make the new site a good place to go for mods.


Finally, can you share your recipe for digital pumpkin pie with the rest of us?



Thank you! :D Yeah...I'm trying to reform my ways to be a productive member of the nexus forums. lol And I can't really contribute much on the technical side--I'm not even sure of what I think I know, haha--I can at least do my part to foster a more productive atmosphere, even if I can't directly contribute to said production. Talos' beard! The site would really be screwed if I had to help! lol


As for the secret digital recipe, it requires soul husks baked in daedric furnaces...actually, I shouldn't even have told you that much. Here, drink this. *hands you a bottle of Redwater Skooma* lol


Where on earth are nexus mods for FO4 within the new layout website?

There is no tab for games!

Is this some kind of dumb joke? :sad:




How do I default to the new site?


*sigh, whispers to self* Patience...


There is no way to do so, nor do they have any plans on implementing such a thing for the foreseeable future. In your future, I see an admin about to comment on your comment, probably screaming behind the monitor, and then he/she notices I got this.


I just don't like it. It feels complex and unnecessary, I won't go too much in depth. I hope you'll create the old layout as an optional theme.


Give them a chance to master this theme first. They have to learn the new site and it's functions just like we all had/have to learn to use the CK at some point.


Hopefully the old design will be an optional theme going forward. I find the new design takes away from trying to view/interact with a mod page. A good design should not demand attention, but instead focuses attention on the content in the web page, and is intuitive to navigate. IMO the new design fails in those regards. It's overly complicated, and takes attention away from the content of the mod page.

See my above comment.



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I wanted to report a bug on the bug tracker side, but since i don't care too much about the new design (or rather not at all....), and i don't want to create just ANOTHER account on some forum i barely use, i just report it here.

I tried to download some files via the new design. I don't use NMM, so i always download via the "Manual" download button. Downloading then finishes instantaneously, i get the report that the file downloaded succesfully with "0" bytes. So at my download location on my hard drive i have a file with 0 bytes.

Using the old nexus page everyting works fine and i get the desired file.


I tried this with several different files. Always the same result. I get "0" byte files from the new design and the full file from the old design.


I don't know if it's a "real" bug, or if this is just related to the switch from old to new design, but i wanted to report this odd behaviour anyways....

Edited by Battlestar1965
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Finally I could find out how to choose my "attributes" ( name given on the old site and now called Refine Results ) in my game mods, so my only concern is if the Search function will be enhanced enough to find any mod or author out there; once that function is fixed, then I am ready to fully use the new site.


I think if the owners would have provided to us with some kind of tutorial on how to use the new site, we would not have too many entries in this thread and probably more people would be happy than not. From the very beginning we have been "discovering" its functionality, trying here and there, asking questions and in the process, getting frustrated and mad with the new site. For example, I just found out about how to choose my previously called "attributes" ( Refine Results now ) and now as I said before, I am down to only one concern : Search functionality.


That being said, I am suggesting here to the owners of the site to think about when you are ready to put out VORTEX. I am asking you in advance to give us some instructions on how to use the new mod manager so we can avoid unnecessary questions as we have had with the new site. If you would have gave us some simple hints / instructions on how to use this new site, again, we would not have to post too many questions, comments and you would have helped us to avoid frustration.

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I think that's why they've held Vortex so close to their chest these past months--when it comes out in January (hopefully) as a beta, we will most likely have a thread put up and commented in by the testers who've been working with Vortex, so while they might not put out a instruction manual pdf, they will at least have a thread with useful information in it. I have a feeling that Vortex, like the new site, is a whole new beast so they're having to learn it just like we will.

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Hey I really don't want to sound disrespectful but I really don't like this new layout. I understand opinions differ and what not! But I find it so flat and boring but I live by the saying "It it's not broke, don't fix it." the old design felt more original and appealing. Make it an option in our site preferences or something and not just www. for new and old. for well the old layout. I had a feeling I'd be the minority here, but it seems I'm not the only one here, I am curious to know what your next course in action will be.

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In response to post #55554253.

Garinov wrote:

Hey I really don't want to sound disrespectful but I really don't like this new layout. I understand opinions differ and what not! But I find it so flat and boring but I live by the saying "It it's not broke, don't fix it." the old design felt more original and appealing. Make it an option in our site preferences or something and not just www. for new and old. for well the old layout. I had a feeling I'd be the minority here, but it seems I'm not the only one here, I am curious to know what your next course in action will be.

I agree. Besides, the new design is very unconfortable and includes a lot of useless icons and informations, such as in the download mod page. It's much harder to see where the important things are when there are so many distracting elements. The previous layout was much more minimalistic and confortable to read.
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I'm sure they'll work on the "flatness" once they have the overall design and theme worked out. They probably have a prioritized list of things that need to be done they're working off of, and small graphical improvements may be lower-priority than, say, search functionality. Your comment wasn't disrespectful. Keep it light-hearted like you did, and you're all good. You're not the only one complaining about it, either.

It's helpful, too, because people raising these issues alerts them to potential problems to add to their list. I think that now, it's a matter of, "Okay, this member raised a legit gripe--add it to the list," rather than, "Holy crap, this member just pointed out a big flaw. Let's fix that right away, and we'll get back to the list." Most of the site functionality (the big parts, anyway) is in place, and now, they're refining it.

I think it's just a matter of giving them time to learn the new site and site features from the dev side to ensure no one can hack the site (I'm sure that's a big priority for Robin since we had a hiccup here and there in the past on the old site), and they bring over as much functionality as possible. I'm only guessing on that, but it's logical since those of us who were familiar with the CK had to re-learn it when the newer version came out for x64. Yeah, they're very similar in most regards, but the devil is in the details, and that's probably what they're hashing out right now.

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