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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55558639. #55558779 is also a reply to the same post.

Ugaking wrote: How do I go back to the old design? This new one looks horrible.
lefttounge wrote: You got's to scroll all the way down to the bottom of the website, look for visit "old" website.
Or you can simply pull up the find in page, (or type ctrl + F)
And type in old website

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An attempt at constructive criticism;


Well like all things of this nature it is purely subjective as to if you like it or dislike it. I find it 'too busy,' I'm not sure as to why. If I look at both pages side by side it is hard to say why i prefer the old system at first glance. At first I though it was because the old system didn't overload me with as much information but that isn't true the same info is there. One thing is true on a subjective level is that the number of downloads, size and endorsement is more intrusive now. This might have to do with the fact that we read from left to right top to bottom and in the old system all this data was in the bottom right, the last place the eye looks. Now it is bottom left directly under the photo, this seems to draw the eye away from the photo causing the feeling that there is too much information.


I would encourage you to move the data back to the lower right under the description of the mod vs under the photo. The photo is telling us to 'look' the data below it is telling us to read and that means we are getting two expectations to our brains at once. Yet in the old system the descriptions told us to read and the data below it told us to read and our brains know what to do with that, read it in sequence left to right top to bottom. The photo+data on the left side tells our brain to do contradictory things, look & read while the old system with the data below the description simply told us to read.


I am sure there will be vileness by those for and against the change. All I can do is say, I don't like it and here is what i think could smooth over some of the objections in the against camp.


I'd say that's a pretty successful attempt at constructive criticism. You made a salient point, you gave a good reason as to why your point is valid, and you gave some suggestions as to what could make the site better. Now, if only we could all follow this example...

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In response to post #55559139.

Augusta Calidia wrote: This morning the new site became my official default site, and I am very happy about that. I've been a Nexus member for ten years, and I am enjoying this site better than any of the previous versions. I like how big everything is, how much more information is available, and how easy it is for me to navigate the site. I especially like the opportunity to inspect a file's content and structure before downloading it. (If that feature was on the old site, then I completely missed it.)

In saying this, I am not at all criticizing those who feel differently about these matters and are willing to say so. I am simply stating how I personally feel about the new site. As the Latin maxim goes, "De gustibus non est disputandum" (google it). Which is better - Oreo Cookies frozen? Oreo Cookies dipped in milk? Oreo Cookies dipped in coffee? Oreo Cookies consumed in one fell swoop? Oreo Cookies nibbled at? Oreo Cookies creme filling first and then the outside wafers? The point here is that much of the sometimes heated discussion about the new site has been about personal taste and not some objective truth about the universe.

It is my official default site now and I like it as you do. For me ( with all respect to those who do not like it ) it is a very nice and I am not that interested in how fancy or not does it looks but its functionality.
The old site is smaller but is surrounded by ads and I do not like that at all to be honest. The new site is bigger and once you are inside a mod, you do not have those stupid ads so I like it better.
Also, videos inside the mods are bigger. Before I had to enlarge them to see well ( they were too small ) and now, they do have the right size IMHO, so I do not need to click on the full-screen icon to see well.
At this point perhaps is not necessary anymore, but again, it would have been nice that we had some kind of instructions from the very beginning so everything would have been easier to learn rather than being clicking and clicking till we figure out how to navigate into.
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When using on my phone with you guys new design those ads doesn't allow me to see the mod's categories like im in the middle of the page and I want to know what category it is in but ads... can you do something? Thanks for the new design tho. Edited by jackcolliss
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In response to post #55555733. #55556463 is also a reply to the same post.

Lollia wrote: The two words that best describe how I feel about the new design: sensory overload. Getting hit with a multitude of pictures from mods plus ad banners makes me want to download what I need and leave as fast as possible.
darksynth0 wrote: ^this, actually :(

but I want to stay on site longer.. but I have to use "old." workaround for every page I open :(

Literally this. I'd bet the sensory overload is 99% of why people don't like the new design, and it's the main reason I have to keep using the "old" site for as long as I can. The new one is literally painful to look at. Not figuratively, literally. Being autistic isn't fun.

But I expect the Powers That Be to take our concerns about as seriously as the FCC is taking the public's net neutrality concerns.
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Hmmm, as a young graphic designer, I'm not really keen on the new layout. I know it was probably said hundreds of times haha ^^;

Personally, the first thing is that the layout is way too big, I had to resize the website's size to 80% just to not get like, kinda sick, it's really a weird feeling looking at such a big layout.

Definetly harder to focus on some things, like your brain just gets too many information at once and it starts to hurt. The other thing is that the contrast is too high and uneven.

For example, the background image is just slightly darker than the whole layout, yet the image is also lighter in some places and in some places the layout seems to blend in with it rather than stand out.

It seems the layout was intended to look more innovative, modern, as there are fewer gradients and shadings, which is not bad ^^ But for example if we look at any random mod page, you get a black and white gradient that is very distracting and is giving us like a dizzy feeling, like you are lost and it seems to be harder to navigate. Again the contrast here is too big, it's too much!


I suggest you'll use less saturated colors (at least for the light gray parts), so there will be less to focus on and the site will be easier on the eye ^^


Oh and one other thing, the circled "x" next tot he "You have not downloaded this mod yet" is very cautious and it's giving an uneasy feeling. It feels almost like someone is mad at us for not using a certain mod haha xD I suggest to change it into a different, possibly less saturated as well color ^^


The one last thing I think there should be more work on is deciding which elements are the most important, that our eye should register at first glance, like for example the " You have not downloaded the mod yet" information. :p


Hope my advice was helpful, yet again Im not a pro, but Im studying digital design and I though I would give my 2 cents into this matter, as I download mods like crazy :D

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There is a sort-of-solution for this horribly designed website. The individuals that designed this mess, did not provide any options to turn off the over-sized, not-user-friendly 'boxes'. IoW, you can't display things as a list. So the next, least, worst thing you can do, is install an image blocker like....




This just does what it says, blocks images from loading by site. Is it an 'ideal' solution? Of course not, but it reduces the 4+ page scroll, to a slightly more manageable 2. Doing it old school. Doesn't not get rid of the badly designed 'boxes' (tiles)of course, but its still better than scrolling through pages of over-sized imagery that contributes nothing of any value.


I am still looking for a browser plug-in that turns badly designed websites, into readable ones. For the time being, an image-free, old-school nexus, will have to do.



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