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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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^ See? This is what I've been saying the whole time. The changes are coming. Just be patient, ladies and gentlemen. We don't have to resort to confrontational language (in this of all threads), and we don't have to be dicks ourselves. The changes may be slow (and I have a feeling that will speed up), but they are coming. This and the other thread are being sliced, diced, analyzed, digitized and memorized. Believe that.


Dark0ne hears us. He passes along stuff he and the other admins read in these threads to the web designer (and he used the definitive singular tense, so I'm assuming there is only one overseeing the UI and site design), but he has to balance a budget, deal with thousands of complaints a day (along with answering important correspondence and threads in the bug section), plus, his day job, overseeing Vortex, his family, his pets, and his broke down car. :P So try to be a little patient, huh?



Edited by twowolves80
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I guess I'm with the "don't like the new layout" crowd.

I've seen other sites go through major redesigns for seemingly arbitrary reasons before and be worse off for it. The old adage, "why fix what isn't broken?" springs to mind in those cases.

BUT, like lots of people, I will get use to it with minor annoyance that will gradually subside until it feels like the new normal. :mellow:

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Not a big fan of the new design. It reminds me to much of a click bait news site.


While I know it probably won't happen it would be awesome if you could add an option for users to remain using the old site layout.


At this point I'll probably use the website only when I really need to, not when I just want to browse mods :(

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In response to post #55626551. #55630901, #55633596, #55633931 are all replies on the same post.

Eolhin wrote: The new layout is cluttered, and hard to find things on, but hopefully it can be refined with time. Thank you for putting the red outlines back around the sticky posts, so it is easy to see when you get to the end of them. It is a terrible color of pale red, the dark red from before was much better, but at least the functionality is back. When I look at my "Updates" (took me the longest time to figure out that is where all the alerts/notifications are hiding, many of which are not updates at all), the number of new ones does not clear, like it did before. So, for instance, it shows "8" for 8 new notifications, I look at the list, and close it. That used to clear the number of new notifications, but it no longer does so. Please don't tell me I have to actually open the page of ever one of those links, in order to clear the number of "new" notifications? At the very least, have the option to mark them as seen, so that you can get back to them later, but they don't hinder seeing actually NEW new notifications. There are many things I want to save for later when I do my next wave up updates (for instance), but don't want to deal with right away.

Edit: Okay, the Skyrim SE sight has slightly different coloring then vanilla Skyrim, that is good (more difference would be better, still a bit close). And it is a really lovely shade of periwinkle-purple, a beautiful color... but it really just does not feel appropriate for Skyrim SE. *wry smile*

Edit2: So in an effort to clear some of the "New" items from my list of notifications ("Updates", which most aren't), I went and viewed the pages that the links lead to... and that still does not clear the "New" items from my count of New under "Updates", nor does it grey out the link as it should once it has been seen.

Edit3: How come there is no description on mouse-over for the mods on the hot list under the top two giant ones? That is really necessary, in order to see what those mods are about.
Eolhin wrote: Perhaps add the option to minimize certain elements of the page for a mod, like the Tags section, and the thumbnails (things a returning user likely won't be so interested in, after using them once), in order to actually have the text visible without excessive scrolling? That would give people the option to reduce the clutter somewhat on their own view of a page.
Eolhin wrote: The Mods of the Month no longer seem to appear on the front page of the game at all, even scrolling all the way down. What is the point of having mods of the month, if the list isn't somewhere visible on the front page?
Eolhin wrote: I had marked "Hide Adult Content", and I am still seeing mods that are very much not safe for work. I had found the hidden link to the Mods of the month, and both September and October have explicit pictures as the image for mods from those months. When I say "Hide Adult Content", I expect it to be hidden, no matter whether it was chosen as a mod of the month or not! The adult content filter is something that really needs to work correctly! (Specifically, the image for the mod 'Harem - 18 followers'.)

Adding to the above... The tagging system doesn't extend to the thumbnails, from what I can tell. And many of the thumbnails are very much NSFW. I remember that on the old site, if I had those settings on (Hide Adult Content, blocking all of the tags for SEXY/SKIMPY, NOT SAFE FOR WORK, NUDITY)(excuse the caps, that was copy/paste), I would not be seeing even the thumbnails for the mods that should be being filtered out. Because the thumbnails are still, obviously, NSFW. In the old layout, the Mods of the Month were in a list format, without thumbnails, so it was never an issue there. It is now. Edited by Eolhin
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I tried it. But your new design is a crime against my eyes. Nothing fits. Neither the design of the fonts that are used nor the endless overload of images. The clear structure of the site where one could find easily what needed is completely destroyed. I tried it a lot of times since your first lauch.

So who am I that you should care for? I can't support with money because I owe none. Your service was free to use and a very important one. For the comunity. But you seem to care not anymore because of someone needs to raise his profile or what else should I think about it?

If you really go on this way I will think about to leave. Modding is a heavily time consuming business and time is always rare. I don't want to spend more time as necessary to manage my files, voting, discover news and the things that are important for modders and mod authors. It's also about sitting a lot in front of a screen that will make your eyes and brain very tired if the sites your looking at are not ergonomic.

Please rethink your efforts. Perhaps you will find a compromise between a new modern design and the needs of users. I would really appreciate it.

Please notice that my critics are never personally meant. I'm very thankful for the support that I get through nexus. Thanks for reading. Tasheni

Edited by Tasheni
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I'm really going to miss the old layout (along with the button to use it). The new one just doesn't appeal to me.

For starters, it reminds me too much of a Windows 8/10 app. Don't like all those big flat rectangles everywhere. Would like a bit more variation to the shapes and less flat coloring. Some textures, or at least some gradients, would be nice. As it is, it looks very boring and flat. And RIP Trebuchet font. I liked you.

The paler colors don't make me feel as comfortable as the darker ones. They were easier on the eyes.

And lastly, my main gripe... the sizing.


With this, I had a nice overview of what I wanted to see: the new mods. I can hover over one and instantly see what it's basically about.

But with the new one...


This is extremely obnoxious.

Absolutely everything is waaay too big. I feel like someone is throwing things at my face instead of presenting them to me. I have to zoom the heck out to feel even remotely comfortable. And I can't just hover over one of the mods below the gigantic pictures to "zoom in" on it to see the pictures and read the short summary. The sizing is very annoying/irritating and I'm frankly not sure I'll ever get used to it.

Edited by BeastBlood1885
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