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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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I just wanted to add some feedback to the new site design. I actually use my PC on a TV and when I was reading it was going to be more mobile friendly I was worried. I have given the new design a good honest try over the last 3 days and am really happy with it. I have had a few where the heck is this or that but slowing down taking my time I have found everything with relative ease. I think the team did a very nice job overall and in no time for me wont even be a noticeable difference it will just be thenexus now.


The only real glaring difference is I do not see the mod authors name behind the name of the mod like before. I actually do not see the mod authors name anywhere on the mod description page. Maybe my resolution is chopping it off somehow or it has been relocated.

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As a mod author, I'm annoyed the new site design has totally messed up some of my mod description page formatting. Is this going to get fixed or do I have to waste an hour or more re-formatting my mod pages?

Oh, and by the way, I don't like the new site design - just less readable on desktop PC.

Edited by OlivierDoorenbos
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As others have said, even after using it for awhile I can't help but find the new design cluttered.


The homepage is just a visual assault and is overwhelming with the amount of stuff that it displays at a time. I personally think that the original homepage was superior and that some more inspiration should be taken from it in any future changes. In short, I think there's too much visual noise on the homepage.


The main thing that I don't like though is the mod browsing UI, for me personally there's just too many images and I'd prefer more of a list format where I can read a little more of the description without loading a new page. I see the options at the top right of the page, but none of them do anything other than switch the direction the arrow is pointing when I click on them. One states that it's a premium only feature. Actually while writing this I got the display setting to work (though I can't get it to do it again) and I switched it to list. It's a lot better but I'd still prefer one with a single mod per row with a good long list!


Then for the mod pages I think that things need to be scaled down a bit. All of the text and images are way too big on my computer. It just wastes way too much space. When I load a mod I pretty much see a giant banner image, more images, some navigation buttons, and a tiny bit of the first paragraph of the description.


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One of my first reactions to the new layout was "Wow, this feels like when Facebook completely redesigned the ui." Not necessarily a bad thing, but such a dramatic change can be jarring. I think given time and some adjustments the new system could be nice. A lot of the current backlash against the new design feels like resistance to change.
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In response to post #55647331. #55649666, #55650366, #55651916, #55654001 are all replies on the same post.

Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
SilentWarriorr wrote: +666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)
sopmac45 wrote: Well, do you have a constructive and positive feedback so they can improve what you obviously see it is "ugly" or are you just crying and whining like a baby ? Go ahead, give us your feedback and if it is something valid, I am pretty sure the Nexus staff will include it in their to-do-list. Any valid feedback? Your brain does not tick any idea? Sayonara then !!
Maru007 wrote: Constructive and positive feedback is that the old layout is an improvement on the new. What's not hard to understandard about that?
SilentWarriorr wrote: constructive feedback...? Really? ok.
Just learn one truth: you shall not touch what is already working very good.
_Maybe_ implement one of the small improvement (to searh engine or whatever) but that's all.
Seems you're not in hard programming, or you're just that sort of new-glamorous "coders"
But. if you so like this "new" design - ok, sayonara then! go and use it on your (and who else like it)own and don't ever touch our old nexus.

01 December 2017, 10:18AM
constructive feedback...? Really? ok.
Just learn one truth: you shall not touch what is already working very good.
_Maybe_ implement one of the small improvement (to searh engine or whatever) but that's all.
Seems you're not in hard programming, or you're just that sort of new-glamorous "coders"
But. if you so like this "new" design - ok, sayonara then! go and use it on your (and who else like it)own and don't ever touch our old nexus.

>> Well, If I am the owner of a site and I am paying with my own money, don't you think I have the right to do whatever I f*** want with my site? That's in the first place. Second, I am a programmer but you are the one giving your negative opinion so why don't you tell the Nexus Staff how to change the design and improve it because so far and based on what Dark0ne said, we are not going back to the old one? Any ideas genius?
None ... and I wonder why that is !!
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In response to post #55629086. #55638696 is also a reply to the same post.

Assassinborn wrote: I can live with the redesign but is there a way to have the default mod sorting set to most recent like the last format had? That is, loading the mods page and having the most recently added mods be displayed first instead of the most popular?
acbatchelor wrote: You can change it by going to your user settings. Click the cog in the top-right corner.

Hey that did it, thanks and Kudos!
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In response to post #55647331. #55649666, #55650366, #55651916, #55654001, #55662191 are all replies on the same post.

Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
SilentWarriorr wrote: +666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)
sopmac45 wrote: Well, do you have a constructive and positive feedback so they can improve what you obviously see it is "ugly" or are you just crying and whining like a baby ? Go ahead, give us your feedback and if it is something valid, I am pretty sure the Nexus staff will include it in their to-do-list. Any valid feedback? Your brain does not tick any idea? Sayonara then !!
Maru007 wrote: Constructive and positive feedback is that the old layout is an improvement on the new. What's not hard to understandard about that?
SilentWarriorr wrote: constructive feedback...? Really? ok.
Just learn one truth: you shall not touch what is already working very good.
_Maybe_ implement one of the small improvement (to searh engine or whatever) but that's all.
Seems you're not in hard programming, or you're just that sort of new-glamorous "coders"
But. if you so like this "new" design - ok, sayonara then! go and use it on your (and who else like it)own and don't ever touch our old nexus.
sopmac45 wrote: 01 December 2017, 10:18AM
constructive feedback...? Really? ok.
Just learn one truth: you shall not touch what is already working very good.
_Maybe_ implement one of the small improvement (to searh engine or whatever) but that's all.
Seems you're not in hard programming, or you're just that sort of new-glamorous "coders"
But. if you so like this "new" design - ok, sayonara then! go and use it on your (and who else like it)own and don't ever touch our old nexus.

>> Well, If I am the owner of a site and I am paying with my own money, don't you think I have the right to do whatever I f*** want with my site? That's in the first place. Second, I am a programmer but you are the one giving your negative opinion so why don't you tell the Nexus Staff how to change the design and improve it because so far and based on what Dark0ne said, we are not going back to the old one? Any ideas genius?
None ... and I wonder why that is !!

You're wining as much as he is, sopmac45. To accuse him of whining and proceed to whine about his truthful statements yourself is completely stupid, remarkably stupid. You must reconsider your posts more often.

Furthermore, if you think that their comments are not constructive, you are utterly foolish. The old design was superior. Telling the owners of the website to use a superior design is constuctuve. Maybe you should take your deconstructive replies to their constructive comments elsewhere, instead?

Ganjolfio, SilentWarriorr, and Maru007, please continue. Dark0ne must reconsider this awful redesign. He should demand every dollar back from the horrendous designer who made this abominably ugly "re"design. To call it a redesign is an insult to all redesigns. It should be called an inferioredesign. Edited by waswar1
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That's a misunderstanding. He didn't quote it properly :smile:


Edit: kinda fixed it


In response to post #55647331. #55649666, #55650366, #55651916 are all replies on the same post.
constructive feedback...? Really? ok.
Just learn one truth: you shall not touch what is already working very good.
_Maybe_ implement one of the small improvement (to searh engine or whatever) but that's all.
Seems you're not in hard programming, or you're just that sort of new-glamorous "coders"
But. if you so like this "new" design - ok, sayonara then! go and use it on your (and who else like it)own and don't ever touch our old nexus.




BBcode meltdown :pinch:

Edited by Niborino9409
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I am really not happy with this new layout. I get that the redesign *looks* pretty but it *feels* ugly. I'm not quite sure how else to describe it. It'd be alright if you kept it, to be honest, just give us the option to view the site with the old layout because this one is certainly a step down, not up.
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The new main page design is form over function, in theory, but in practice it's an eyesore. I know a lot of people have put in a lot of hard work on it, and I respect this and all the effort everyone has put into the site, but the new site has too many large features crowding together, distracting the eyes. The news and information is hard to find as well, requiring much more scrolling than before. It is now impossible to check the site quickly to find out what's new (intentional?)


TL ; DR I feel like I am now browsing the website on a cell phone now, except on my home PC. I hate browsing the web on my cell phone. The design is fine if it's only pushed to tablets and phones, though. Just doesn't feel good on a desktop.

Edited by Reyketh
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