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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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Idk. I like the new site. Took a bit of getting used to, one or 2 functions maybe not super obvious, but all in all its nice. Looks great on mobile. Tiny bit bothersome that it's a premium feature to list more than a few mods on one page, (on mobile in particular), but I get it and I can live with it. Edited by FLipdeezy
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  On 1/10/2018 at 1:30 PM, twowolves80 said:


What the hell are you talking about? The reason they are not going back to the old design, as has been stated by Robin, TheVampireDante, Ethreon, and myself, among others, over and over and over:

  • Vortex is dependent upon the new design in some way.
  • The new site integrates (supposedly) with Vortex in such a way as to allow you to queue downloads via mobile when you may be at work on lunch break and just looking at new stuff on the Nexus on your phone.
  • That is why the old design cannot be brought back, and anytime you are accessing the old site, you are doing so at the grace of the site owner.
  • The old site and the new site use two different coding methods, two different formats. Mod authors would have to make two separate front pages for their mods, and then update both pages every time they updated the mod. So, thanks to you and your, "Ermagerd! I want the old site back!" the modders would have to do double the amount of work. Congrats!


So essentially we have site that isn't ready being pushed as the default version over the old design because a piece of software that isn't ready requires it?


Perhaps people would not be reacting so poorly if the old design were kept as default until the new design and Vortex are ready for public use. There's no point directing people to the new design when the primary feature it is being built for isn't ready to be used, all that does is build bad feeling toward the new design because it can't be used properly.


Keep old design as default. Vortex is finished and the new design remains in beta, for want of a better term, so people can check out how the two integrate together. When the new design is complete, or as complete as a website possibly can be, then it becomes the new default.


Had things been done that way round, I have the feeling there wouldn't be a fraction of the fuss we are seeing on here. In fact I suspect we'd be seeing "hey this is pretty cool, why wasn't it done before?".

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I commented a long while back negatively on the changes. Well, I want to make amends. Sometimes we are afraid of change. Now after using the new format I'm liking it. Still getting used to finding stuff but it is actually pretty good overall.
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Hmmmm, I can't seem to download anymore. I have endorsed everything. and have downloaded only a few files today, under 5. Anyone else having issues? Pop-ups and addblocker off also. Just started happening so I will wait and see.


Edit: Just seems to be a Google Chrome issue, everything else works fine.

Edited by dmkleine
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  On 1/11/2018 at 11:00 PM, wgkeys said:

As a lifer for 10 years I have seen several changes all for the good, but this new site is a badly botched abortion!!

As for the two pompous brown nosing trolls patrolling these posts please get a life.

Care to put names to them? Otherwise, feel free to use the Report button if you feel that you're being trolled.


  On 1/12/2018 at 8:06 PM, dmkleine said:

Hmmmm, I can't seem to download anymore. I have endorsed everything. and have downloaded only a few files today, under 5. Anyone else having issues? Pop-ups and addblocker off also. Just started happening so I will wait and see.


Edit: Just seems to be a Google Chrome issue, everything else works fine.

I have been having hella issues with Firefox, lately. Both Chrome and Firefox need to knock off the B.S. and quit frelling around with the, "We're running Java! No, we're not! Now, we're getting rid of Flash! Wait, now it's integrated!"

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  On 1/10/2018 at 1:30 PM, twowolves80 said:

What the hell are you talking about? The reason they are not going back to the old design, as has been stated by Robin, TheVampireDante, Ethreon, and myself, among others, over and over and over:


  • Vortex is dependent upon the new design in some way.
  • The new site integrates (supposedly) with Vortex in such a way as to allow you to queue downloads via mobile when you may be at work on lunch break and just looking at new stuff on the Nexus on your phone.
  • That is why the old design cannot be brought back, and anytime you are accessing the old site, you are doing so at the grace of the site owner.
  • The old site and the new site use two different coding methods, two different formats. Mod authors would have to make two separate front pages for their mods, and then update both pages every time they updated the mod. So, thanks to you and your, "Ermagerd! I want the old site back!" the modders would have to do double the amount of work. Congrats!


In otherwords, they've decided to take the path of snapchat, google, youtube, various other companies/divisions and so on. Change something that worked perfectly fine, and instead of laying a backend that worked with the existing frontend, decided to toss it to the wind and make it so that it makes 270 calls to various api hosts to do something. Ever wonder why the layout for amazon doesn't change, fundamentally stays the same? I'll give you a hint, it's because it doesn't have to. Remember the big backlash against the Win8.x UX redesign to the point where MS had to implement something approaching the old NT menu system. Yeah, I bet you do.


The whole point behind a UX redesign is to "add something" to the user experience, not to step backwards because everyone else is doing redesigns so we need to do it too! It also doesn't help that the pages are so fundamentally CPU and memory hungry it's stupid. This isn't just a nexus problem, it's a wider "web 3.0" problem. Half a dozen sites using the same stuff the nexus is can easily eat 2GB of memory and soak an entire core all on it's own.


Seriously, I've been here a lot longer then you. It's a *bad* redesign, but being that the nexus has no real competition it's not going to hurt them unless the rest of the new developments are lackluster or an absolute disaster.




  On 1/12/2018 at 9:53 PM, twowolves80 said:


I have been having hella issues with Firefox, lately. Both Chrome and Firefox need to knock off the B.S. and quit frelling around with the, "We're running Java! No, we're not! Now, we're getting rid of Flash! Wait, now it's integrated!"



I'll bet that if you pasted the same link into Edge, it would serve just fine. Meaning that there's likely a compatibility problem between firefox and chrome and their web engines to properly understand what's going on. That in itself isn't a firefox or chrome problem, but a site compatibility problem.

Edited by Mashiki
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I think it is a matter of getting used to the layout again. Same when I first joined the wonderful community of nexus, I had to learn to understand and use the layout.

My positive experience is that the page seems to work slightly smoother, and I kinda like the new front page. There were some other smaller things that I forgot.


Only real problem that I have would be the strain it takes on my eyes. I need to focus on certain things little bit more than necessary so I sometimes get small headache.

(also the gray overlay thingy on top of mod thumbnail is quite distracting. Can that be turned off?)

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In response to post #56727386.

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In regard to site compatibility, I use Firefox (latest version) and have absolutely no compatibility problems with the redesigned Nexus site.
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Being quite the complainer about the new site. I thought awhile ago that I would just shut up and give it a chance. For the last month or so I have been giving the new site a "chance" to see if it would grow on me. Sorry but it hasn't, but why? Besides being headache inducing, it's the wall of words, the really bland pictures, nothing that gives your eyes a place to rest and nothing to draw "at least my" eyes in. Since it would appear that the powers that be, and the powers to change this mess, have decided that this will be the next format, I would suggest that mod authors really think about what their "advertisement" will look like.


Over long titles just pushed my eyes along, because the difference in the size of the letters in the short description and the title is very small and just add to the wall of words, find a way to shorten your title and give my eyes a place to rest, draw me in, don't push me along.


The art work. Because nexus has decided that flat muted colors on tiles squished onto the front page is the way to go, don't use grey on grey with grey highlights. your not standing out, I just moved over your mod.The recent mod that grabbed me and drew me in had a black silhouette of a winged character on a light back ground, some contrast made their mod stand out. A gray arch on a dark gray background with what appears to be a light hanging below it, or, gray armor on a muted color model on a gray back ground could both be the mods of the year..., probably not on the new Nexus site. Use color and contrast to draw me in, to interest me in your "product".

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