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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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I don't like the new design. On mod pages (specifically Skyrim SE) there's not enough contrast and a lot of relevant information is sized too small, like endorsements, download #s, etc. Easy to just skim passed it. It feels like there's too much information in a small space and with the color scheme your eye doesn't naturally wander to anything specific, so you end up just glancing around the entire page looking for relevant info.


Obviously anything new requires an adjustment period, but my initial reactions are that I'd rather just stick to the old format.

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In response to post #56083346.

NCRForever wrote:


I've been trying to get used to the new site design, but, I just can't. It's not possible. Not on my pc. It now causes me to have headaches and that isn't cool. But, on the bright side, it looks great on my phone, but, as others have pointed out, I do not download mods on phone. If the Vortex mod manager is a phone app, that would mean making sure your phone is linked to your pc at all times. Which in my opinion isn't beneficial in anyway. I don't want to have to use my phone to install mods. This design just isn't made for pc. To make it usable with a phone is just wrong.

Who said anything about downloading anything to your phone? Who said anything about Vortex being a phone app? And so what if it was? I hope Vortex is a phone app that allows for us to use the forums in the way that Tapatalk does, only you know, in a less sh*tty way. That would actually be kind of cool. Or maybe one day, Nexus Mods will finally have a Tapatalk page.

I think the goal with integration of Vortex and mobile sites, according to what Dark0ne and SirSalami have said, is for people to be able to browse on their mobile, flag mods they are interested in (by way of a Favorites or whatever button), and that will auto-queue them in Vortex so that when you get back to your PC, the mods are either already downloaded to Vortex, or they are queued and waiting for you to say Download Vortex. I believe that is the kind of vision the admins have for the site, and Dark0ne has already said that mobile traffic accounts for almost 20% of the site traffic. So why not take advantage of that by offering something along the lines of the above?

I think it would be kind of cool to be able to save mods when browsing on mobile for later downloading on PC. It would encourage me to browse the site more, actually.


I never once said that it WAS a phone app. But, anyway, I tried and I tried to get used to it. Been using it for several days now and all I get from it is a headache on my 4k monitor. The site is not for pc usage in my opinion. As Dark0ne has said: "mobile traffic accounts for almost 20% of the site traffic." so, how does that justify alienating the larger percentage? Even if out of the 80% the ones that are unhappy with it for one reason or the other, is only 35% of that 80%? That's still a larger percentage than the 20% phone usage. It makes no sense at all to me. Anyway, I've said my last in this post. It's no longer worth debating it. As I've said in other replies of mine: "It's Dark0ne's site. He can do as he wants with it." That includes shutting it down or turning it into a personal family blog. But, at this point, it's no longer worth debating it.

My thoughts as well....i always was thinking why they try to explain the changes using a kind of justification because 20% of the traffic is from mobile devices. I don't get it... 80% traffic are from non-mobile devices....so why make 80% of the users unhappy? Hovering over Mods does not work anymore because hovering is not working on moblie devices. But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others.
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But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others.



I'm pretty happy with the new site, I'm sure many others are, but complain-y people on the internet tend to make more forum posts. So I think your premise is false - you can make both mobile and desktop users happy and just because they've accommodated the mobile users doesn't mean the desktop users are now all pissed off. In addition, I would expect 100% of mobile users to ALSO be desktop users because why else would they browse the nexus?


I've grown to like the new layout - once I got more comfy with it.

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In response to post #56534691.

acidzebra wrote:


But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others.



I'm pretty happy with the new site, I'm sure many others are, but complain-y people on the internet tend to make more forum posts. So I think your premise is false - you can make both mobile and desktop users happy and just because they've accommodated the mobile users doesn't mean the desktop users are now all pissed off. In addition, I would expect 100% of mobile users to ALSO be desktop users because why else would they browse the nexus?


I've grown to like the new layout - once I got more comfy with it.

"" But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others. ""

... the funny thing is that I can bet that the person who wrote the above statement is addictive to phones and keep his / her down even when he / she is driving and putting other people in danger because he or she is looking at his/her freaking phone all day ... I can bet that this person is very happy with his/her phone so what is the freaking problem is this site was also made thinking about people that browse it via cell phones ?
Every single site out there in the net are encouraging their users to download their phone application because they want us to be connected all the time, so what is the freaking problem that Nexus put out this site also available for cell phones ?

BTW .. I am very happy with the site as acid zebra also is. :)
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I've tried to be fair and give the new layout a shot. But, its been a few weeks and, I absolutely hate it. This is yet another case of fixing a problem that only affected a small part of the population and totally screwing over the rest in the process. The old layout was just plain logical and efficient. The new one is a huge waste of space and you can't even customize it to make it more efficient. All to make the Cell phone crowd happy. I used to log in several times a day looking for new mods. Not so much any more. Once a day at best, simply because I'm expecting a new mod to pop up soon, once its out I doubt I visit once a month.


Yeah, about being able to use the old layout. You can, but you have to hop through hoops for it to work. Don't bother book marking it because the bookmark will get updated to the new version in a day or so. Funny how the old layout page has a big bar at the top with a link to the new layout but not vice versa. Tells me we are going to be forced this mess no mater what.


There, vented, feel better but don't expect any one to pay attention.

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In response to post #56534691. #56548966 is also a reply to the same post.

acidzebra wrote:


But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others.



I'm pretty happy with the new site, I'm sure many others are, but complain-y people on the internet tend to make more forum posts. So I think your premise is false - you can make both mobile and desktop users happy and just because they've accommodated the mobile users doesn't mean the desktop users are now all pissed off. In addition, I would expect 100% of mobile users to ALSO be desktop users because why else would they browse the nexus?


I've grown to like the new layout - once I got more comfy with it.

sopmac45 wrote: "" But of course, 20% traffic is from mobile devices, so they have to make these 20% happy, but not the 80% others. ""

... the funny thing is that I can bet that the person who wrote the above statement is addictive to phones and keep his / her down even when he / she is driving and putting other people in danger because he or she is looking at his/her freaking phone all day ... I can bet that this person is very happy with his/her phone so what is the freaking problem is this site was also made thinking about people that browse it via cell phones ?
Every single site out there in the net are encouraging their users to download their phone application because they want us to be connected all the time, so what is the freaking problem that Nexus put out this site also available for cell phones ?

BTW .. I am very happy with the site as acid zebra also is. :)

BTW...you would lose the bet......
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In response to post #56588306.

Matchination wrote: As an apparently differing opinion to the majority, I like the redesign. I've been using this since it came out. Hated it at first,used to it now, and think it's just fine.

I don't think you like the redesign, you only gradually attuned to it. It looks like a "windows tile wall" and has no advantages for the users. Only the programmers think it's great. But it isn't.
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I used the redesigned version of the site for a month, then switched back to using the old version, which I much prefer, even on mobile, for reasons others have stated many times before. My reaction after switching back to the old version, was "wow, this is brilliant: simple, easy to use, and pleasant to look at".


As of this morning, Nexus forced me back to using the redesigned version. Almost instant headache and queasy feeling.


A ton of effort went into the redesign, which creates bias/attachment on the part of the developers that isn't present in the user base when evaluating the new design.


Not that it will ever happen, but here's another humble plea for the developers to listen to the users, look at the data, and give users the option to continue using the old layout. I bought a premium membership a long time ago because it felt good to support the site. I wouldn't buy that again though with this new layout. It's not going to age well, and will force another redesign relatively soon.

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In response to post #56607766.

Thuggysmurf wrote: I used the redesigned version of the site for a month, then switched back to using the old version, which I much prefer, even on mobile, for reasons others have stated many times before. My reaction after switching back to the old version, was "wow, this is brilliant: simple, easy to use, and pleasant to look at".

As of this morning, Nexus forced me back to using the redesigned version. Almost instant headache and queasy feeling.

A ton of effort went into the redesign, which creates bias/attachment on the part of the developers that isn't present in the user base when evaluating the new design.

Not that it will ever happen, but here's another humble plea for the developers to listen to the users, look at the data, and give users the option to continue using the old layout. I bought a premium membership a long time ago because it felt good to support the site. I wouldn't buy that again though with this new layout. It's not going to age well, and will force another redesign relatively soon.

This sums up my thoughts exactly.
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