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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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The new design leaves much to be desired but with that said what i would love to see is a downloadable nexusmods. An app that works like NMM but has the ability to browse and download new mods.


(EDIT) I would donate to nexusmods almost instantly if that were to become a thing

They already did. It's called Vortex, and it will be released soon! Cheers! :)


Three months of feedback, and not one change to this inferioredesign to make it less counter-intuitive to navigation, to displays, to quality of life, or generally anything to make what this website is designed for, browsing mods, less abysmal with the awful new "design".


This is truly atrocious. What a waste of resources, all to create an awful design that will waste our time with nonsense.

That's because they're not done working on Vortex, yet. Once Vortex gets released, Dark0ne has said that the new dev will then turn her attention back to the site to address the stuff they messed up by not having an actual web designer helping them.


I'd say give it until May or so, and we should start seeing some drastic changes because by then, Vortex will have been released.

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In response to post #57103751. #57106871 is also a reply to the same post.

ElleGrayston wrote:

YUCK!!!!!!!!!!! TERRIBLE!!!!!! AWFUL!!!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!! Please go back to the former layout this new one sucks. So much so I may stop going to the website. YES, it's that bad...it gives me a headache.


Please go back to the drawing board.

Ethreon wrote: Change is irreversible. Deal with it.

I dunno, the old one was just so...ugly though, and I find this new design more aesthetically pleasing and more functional than the old one I can't think of one thing I liked about the old design over this new design.
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That's because they're not done working on Vortex, yet. Once Vortex gets released, Dark0ne has said that the new dev will then turn her attention back to the site to address the stuff they messed up by not having an actual web designer helping them.

I'd say give it until May or so, and we should start seeing some drastic changes because by then, Vortex will have been released.


If they can't work on the site because the software that is going to require it isn't ready, then just perhaps the new site shouldn't be live yet or at the very least not becoming the default option for users.


All they are accomplishing by taking the stance they are is stirring up bad feeling among those very people that the new site and Vortex are meant to appeal to. At the moment it is not enough for the actual launch to just be good, it is going to need to be perfect.

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That's because they're not done working on Vortex, yet. Once Vortex gets released, Dark0ne has said that the new dev will then turn her attention back to the site to address the stuff they messed up by not having an actual web designer helping them.

I'd say give it until May or so, and we should start seeing some drastic changes because by then, Vortex will have been released.


If they can't work on the site because the software that is going to require it isn't ready, then just perhaps the new site shouldn't be live yet or at the very least not becoming the default option for users.


All they are accomplishing by taking the stance they are is stirring up bad feeling among those very people that the new site and Vortex are meant to appeal to. At the moment it is not enough for the actual launch to just be good, it is going to need to be perfect.



As far as I saw the announcements, there's two teams of people working on these. So there's no reason to not release the side to get feedback for it just cause some people will get angry.

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Files of the Month: I tried out a brilliant mod yesterday and voted it for File of the Month. Was curious to see if others had the same reaction, so I tried to find the list that shows the voting tally for file of the month. I'm slow, and after 2 minutes I found it, but still...


On the old site, File of the Month results were listed on the main mod page. It was easy to see, made users aware that such a thing existed, and introduced another element of fun and healthy competition in mod-making.


Why is Files of the Month hidden on the new site? Why was the decision made to instead replace this great feature with an oversized images section largely consisting of women with EEE busts in ridiculous outfits (not that there's anything wrong with that, just please... not on the front page).


For Fallout 4, if you tally total votes for the top 5 FOTM mods in January 2018, and then compare that total to the top 5 for all prior months, January 2018 was the worst month ever in terms of "voter turnout" for Fallout 4 (816 votes per month over the prior 4 months vs. 435 votes in January).


January is not a seasonally bad month for FOTM voting. The sample is not huge, but with the data that's there, and taking into account that a ton of people were forced onto the new mod layout in late December 2017, it seems pretty reasonable to conclude that hiding the File of the Month section is reducing File of the Month voting.


If you compare spacing on the main mod page of the old site vs. the new site, the new site de-emphasizes mods (top 2 hot files get more space, the rest get minimized) and puts a priority on user images and news, which is a duplicate from the Nexus Mod page. Is this a mod site still, or is the goal to become something else?


I don't know, maybe I'm just getting old, but I don't understand it.... thanks for listening.

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I find the new layout to be visually nice in a new age tile type of screen displaying large pictures and all. The down side is all the older "ugly" yet better functional display features of the old site worked very well and easy to find.


The new site is just slimed down to large picture squares with a large portion of the original sites functions hidden behind tabs that are also loosely hidden around the page.


The biggest gripe I have is that this site is garbage when it comes to say moving from one feed into a mod to download said mod. Once I'm done and if I try to go back to my original screen to say select another one right below that one the freaking page freezes. Every single time. I have to literally go back to the main freaking page go to mods/catagories/ then go all the way back to page freaking say 7 to then click on the next mod. Repeat this 5, 10 times and it gets freaking furious. What the heck guys. This site is completely broken because of this.


new site gets a solid 2 out of 10 for being prettier. Other then that it functions like a broken record.

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In response to post #57223206.

snoogans20 wrote:

I don't understand why you can't just make the site layout an option. This phone layout is crap and it has been since windows 8. Everything is just overly large for no reason.

Luckily for me I already have enough stable Skyrim mods, so I only have to keep an eye out for USLEEP updates and the new Rigmor release, and I can do this without using the Nexus.
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