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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55286868. #55286933 is also a reply to the same post.

Prestonfarley9 wrote: It'll be great when it's implemented fully, I have the new site book marked so I don't go back to the disgusting old site. The new one is so much better in countless ways.
Dust170 wrote: Hell no.

Hell yes.
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I really *really* dislike the whole "material design" fad that is essentially an excuse to build *only* a platform for mobile, and force desktop users to use it (which is sad for a website that is primarily used to download mods for desktop based games). Not only are you wasting vast amounts of screen space making images, buttons, and text larger than they need to be, but you're seriously hurting the UX when it comes to grouping things because of how spread out important things become when you're spacing them out as much as material design does.


I get that material design is really popular right now, but that's because mobile is in general growing as a platform, and more people browse the web on mobile. The problem *here* is that you guys seem to have hired UI designers to design UIs, and not think about their audience for whom they're designing. When your primary use case is to serve up information concisely on a primarily desktop based platform, material design is a horrible choice. The old site isn't perfect, but it's worlds better about this specific issue. You could do a lot better by just taking the current site and actually using the full width of the screen, rather than the middle third. I'd like to reiterate: I'm here to download mods for my PC games, not Candy Crush. I have a 16:9 display, not a 9:16 display(w:h). Stop wasting all of that screen real estate and stop wasting peoples time scrolling past all the empty boxes.

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Just a comment to say that while there are things I like and dislike from both new and old there is one thing in particular that is odd and does not feel good. When I visit my mod or anothers the first thing I see is a message saying "You haven't downloaded this mod yet" with a red X symbol. Also right below that I have 2 large buttons with one saying REPORT right next to one that says SHARE. So the first thing I see when visiting a new mod is a red X with a report before i even start to view the DESC. To me its a negative thing that I see both of those before anything else. Are there mods that should be reported? yes but for every one that should be there are hundreds that are fine so if that button needs to be there it would be nice if it was at the end and not start of the DESC. Someone who really wants to report a file or image will find it without the need to be the first thing they see.


Also the font colors are too similar for the drop downs and is hard to read its like dark grey over light grey and is actually hurting my eyes. On a positive note while I am not crazy about how it actually looks right now I do appreciate some of the structure changes with the best being when I click "Change Your Settings" it is much improved I think and much more intuitive then it was before

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I discovered on the new site it has download history, except it has things I don't remember downloading, and don't know WHY I would download, and in fact block them from my searches. I don't know if that was there before, but seeing them on my download page is freaking me out.


Does the new site not have a way to delete these? Did the old? I don't want to have to close my account and start over because I don't know how these got here or how to make them go away and I just started MAKING mods so I can't do that and please help I'm having a panic attack

Edit: And they're gone now. ...I have no idea who did that but thank you.

Edited by Prismuth
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I discovered on the new site it has download history, except it has things I don't remember downloading, and don't know WHY I would download, and in fact block them from my searches. I don't know if that was there before, but seeing them on my download page is freaking me out.


Does the new site not have a way to delete these? Did the old? I don't want to have to close my account and start over because I don't know how these got here or how to make them go away and I just started MAKING mods so I can't do that and please help I'm having a panic attack




Probably just a glitch--it's still a process that's in-process. Don't close your account, relax, and just post it in the appropriate forums and/or pm an admin. Not a big deal.



And what's this "white knight" stuff?



Thanks to my two fans. You each earn a kudos for reading the intent, as acerbic as it was...the irony, of course, is I am infamous for my temper...lmao I thought I was being rather restrained.


Point is, all the comments now are probably being noted by someone somewhere for review at some point. Stuff that is clearly glitchy, they'll fix. Stuff that makes things easier to use, they'll most likely incorporate.


So say it with me:


V is for Vortex!





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