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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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We have to go back.




I cant get any links to work anywhere. I can select a game or mod, but cant get to images or files to download anything. also, option to go to new website does not work, just loads an add


I was having problems accessing my nexus profile from the forums earlier--they could be working on the site now, which would explain some of the glitches. Be patient.

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How do I switch back to the old layout. It wasnt broken and it didnt need fixing.


It shows less info but someone is more cluttered looking and has that annoying every site does it look that is always crap.

Step by step instructions on how to switch back and keep the old layout since I will not ever want to use this ugly new didnt ask for it didnt want it look

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In response to post #55557763.

phatpaid0x wrote: How do I switch back to the old layout. It wasnt broken and it didnt need fixing.

It shows less info but someone is more cluttered looking and has that annoying every site does it look that is always crap.
Step by step instructions on how to switch back and keep the old layout since I will not ever want to use this ugly new didnt ask for it didnt want it look

You can use it here, but i don´t know how long...

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In response to post #55554728.




endgameaddiction wrote:

I cringe when I see the need to add more banner ads on the nu design. As if Nexus is standing on one leg here in maintaining itself.

The site has the same amount of banner ads. One is bigger, but we've deliberately put them in their own, separate section because we hate websites that put ads in between all the content in the hopes you'll misclick them.




I don't think anyone will have to worry about being confused at what is the ad and what is the mod, considering the ad space is about 110% of the size allotted for the mod page image and the first thing when you view a mod page. Whether or not it is the same dimensions as the previous PC version of nexus I am not sure, but it would seem based on the size and location, that to focus of nexus is not mods, but advertisements. For example, from your TOS:




Please ensure you are respectful when talking about donations and do not "over do it". An example of "over doing it" would be having a banner or blurb of text talking about donations at the top of your mod description before you've even described what your mod does.


A slight rewording and the same logic should apply:



Please ensure you are respectful when displaying ads and do not "over do it". An example of "over doing it" would be having a banner or blurb of ads at the top of a mod description before the mod author even describes what their mod does.


Ads are gross.

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I feel like I also have to add my voice here. Maybe I'm just too stuborn to accept the new design, but I just can't do it. It's not Nexusmods, the site which provided me hundreds of hours of entertainment, anymore. The new design just doesn't do good job, it's too confusing and chaotic. Font sizing is strange, there's too many similar colors combined, which means you don't know where to look first. I just want an option to use the old design, because otherwise I just won't enjoy searching for great new mods as much as I did.
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Who puked all over nexusmods? This is horrible looking and definitely NOT asked for by anyone. Can I get my lifetime premium membership dues refunded? This is truly horrid and unacceptable. Go back. Now. Anyone have a link to a different Skyrim/Fallout mod site? Something that's not the Workshop? Something that looks like something an adult would look at?
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I've never seen a website back off from a new site redesign once they've committed to go forward with it, no matter how much people complain. So I don't expect Nexus to be different, sadly.


But here, I'll say my piece anyway...


The new design sucks. It fills the screen with noise. It has the illusion of being sharper and more "clean" aesthetically, but it has way too many buttons and links and elements, and not nearly enough differentiation between elements (shape, size, colour, font) so navigating becomes unintuitive and even disorienting.


The obsession with tiles for many of the links, instead of being able to organize them into simple lists, is also infuriating. It means your eyes constantly have to careen around the page, instead of just scrolling up and down vertically.


As soon as I am redirected to a "new" version of a page, I'm seized with a desire to just get OFF the page as quickly as possible. That's not the feeling a site should engender. Website design matters.


Okay, that's my bit.



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