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In response to post #55574504. #55577944 is also a reply to the same post.

DarianStephens wrote: Now that it seems to be permanent, I've got one immediate question: where's the Changelog tab for mods? I can't find one, the 'Logs' thing is just a list of things done to the mod. Uploaded a file, changed attributes, some people endorsed, etc. Not only does the full changelog appear to be missing, but I haven't seen anything about individual file logs.
I don't know about anyone else, but I sure like to read up about changes to mods before installing them. I mean, what if an incompatibility or change I don't agree with has been introduced? I'd like to know in advance so I can avoid updating or ask about it.

For something less pressing, why can we no longer read the short description of featured mods? It was a quick and convenient way to get some info about the mod, because the name and image are insufficient to make a proper judgement about whether I'm interested in something, while that short description gave a good overview of what the mod's about.
Also, the fact that it's featured rarely means anything besides I'll check it out sooner; for example, I had no interest in the recent 'Armed to the Teeth' mod for New Vegas, because I play exclusively in first person and I would never see its effects. With this new system, I wouldn't have been able to see the short description and would have to waste bandwidth loading the page and few of its images (At least one in exceptionally high quality for that banner) for something I wouldn't use in the end.
There's also the strange inconsistency with the 'Latest' tab on game pages. I mean, it's present for things like New Vegas and Fallout 3, but then missing on Skyrim and up. Huh?
Ethreon wrote: Under tags, the Logs tab. It contains both mod changes and updates, as well as the changelogs as collapsible menus.

I just checked a mod which didn't have it before, and now it's there. I swear, it was the 'Pipboy Needs Counter' mod, and all that was under the 'Logs' tab was mod page activity.
I guess they fixed it, it as a temporary hiccup, or I became completely blind and/or lost all memory of the event.
There still doesn't seem to be a way to access individual update changelog, but maybe I'm missing that as well?
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In response to post #55574504. #55577944, #55578479 are all replies on the same post.

DarianStephens wrote: Now that it seems to be permanent, I've got one immediate question: where's the Changelog tab for mods? I can't find one, the 'Logs' thing is just a list of things done to the mod. Uploaded a file, changed attributes, some people endorsed, etc. Not only does the full changelog appear to be missing, but I haven't seen anything about individual file logs.
I don't know about anyone else, but I sure like to read up about changes to mods before installing them. I mean, what if an incompatibility or change I don't agree with has been introduced? I'd like to know in advance so I can avoid updating or ask about it.

For something less pressing, why can we no longer read the short description of featured mods? It was a quick and convenient way to get some info about the mod, because the name and image are insufficient to make a proper judgement about whether I'm interested in something, while that short description gave a good overview of what the mod's about.
Also, the fact that it's featured rarely means anything besides I'll check it out sooner; for example, I had no interest in the recent 'Armed to the Teeth' mod for New Vegas, because I play exclusively in first person and I would never see its effects. With this new system, I wouldn't have been able to see the short description and would have to waste bandwidth loading the page and few of its images (At least one in exceptionally high quality for that banner) for something I wouldn't use in the end.
There's also the strange inconsistency with the 'Latest' tab on game pages. I mean, it's present for things like New Vegas and Fallout 3, but then missing on Skyrim and up. Huh?
Ethreon wrote: Under tags, the Logs tab. It contains both mod changes and updates, as well as the changelogs as collapsible menus.
DarianStephens wrote: I just checked a mod which didn't have it before, and now it's there. I swear, it was the 'Pipboy Needs Counter' mod, and all that was under the 'Logs' tab was mod page activity.
I guess they fixed it, it as a temporary hiccup, or I became completely blind and/or lost all memory of the event.
There still doesn't seem to be a way to access individual update changelog, but maybe I'm missing that as well?

In the files tab you can click on the version number, which will open the changelog.
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I hate it so much


I think people who give feedback like this (and really, where is the feedback?) should be terrified of the idea of Ethreon ever becoming a moderator. lol There'll be beads and ban-hammers flying everywhere.


I mean, seriously. Has conversational skill devolved to such a low point in our school systems where children aren't taught:


1. to properly debate an idea

2. give proper feedback/constructive criticism

3. enunciate their words

4. use proper punctuation


It's not hard. Here's a quick infographic for you:


Helpful = A like, a dislike, a suggestion to make it better, and a token of appreciation for the work that has been done you appreciate


Unhelpful = A blanket statement, a statement that is simply a judgement call with no rationalization or justification, or a rude, unnecessary comment that does nothing to further the goal of making things better.


Follow that guideline, and you'll be able to post brilliantly useful comments rather than eminently unhelpful rants.

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I hate it so much


I think people who give feedback like this (and really, where is the feedback?) should be terrified of the idea of Ethreon ever becoming a moderator. lol There'll be beads and ban-hammers flying everywhere.


I mean, seriously. Has conversational skill devolved to such a low point in our school systems where children aren't taught:


1. to properly debate an idea

2. give proper feedback/constructive criticism

3. enunciate their words

4. use proper punctuation


It's not hard. Here's a quick infographic for you:


Helpful = A like, a dislike, a suggestion to make it better, and a token of appreciation for the work that has been done you appreciate


Unhelpful = A blanket statement, a statement that is simply a judgement call with no rationalization or justification, or a rude, unnecessary comment that does nothing to further the goal of making things better.


Follow that guideline, and you'll be able to post brilliantly useful comments rather than eminently unhelpful rants.


People are allowed to have opinions and share them on a public thread so long as it doesn't break the rules. This isn't school so I don't see why it should be treated as such. There are a number of people that say "I love it" Which is simply a judgement call without rational or justification using your standards. There are no comments here that are not justified. The person that says "I hate it" is just as right as the person that says "I love it" Please leave the moderation of public forms to moderators of public forms.

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I hate it so much


I think people who give feedback like this (and really, where is the feedback?) should be terrified of the idea of Ethreon ever becoming a moderator. lol There'll be beads and ban-hammers flying everywhere.


I mean, seriously. Has conversational skill devolved to such a low point in our school systems where children aren't taught:


1. to properly debate an idea

2. give proper feedback/constructive criticism

3. enunciate their words

4. use proper punctuation


It's not hard. Here's a quick infographic for you:


Helpful = A like, a dislike, a suggestion to make it better, and a token of appreciation for the work that has been done you appreciate


Unhelpful = A blanket statement, a statement that is simply a judgement call with no rationalization or justification, or a rude, unnecessary comment that does nothing to further the goal of making things better.


Follow that guideline, and you'll be able to post brilliantly useful comments rather than eminently unhelpful rants.


People are allowed to have opinions and share them on a public thread so long as it doesn't break the rules. This isn't school so I don't see why it should be treated as such. There are a number of people that say "I love it" Which is simply a judgement call without rational or justification using your standards. There are no comments here that are not justified. The person that says "I hate it" is just as right as the person that says "I love it" Please leave the moderation of public forms to moderators of public forms.


Nice try. Grade-A effort at mischaracterization.


I'm not trying to moderate. I'm trying to get people to post more than unhelpful, monosyllabic responses. The comment, I freakin' hate this new site so much! is less likely to be helpful than the comment, I freakin' hate this new site so much, and here's why...


If that is moderation, then feel free to hit the little report button, and someone will be along shortly to address your concerns. I think I've been pretty on-topic the entire time and I feel I've done my part to at least foster something constructive, and not encourage ridiculous, knee-jerk responses like, Oh, I hate this site! Gee, thanks for you opinion, duly noted, quit wasting forum space with it.


Ethreon was fully justified in saying what he said, and yet I don't see you accusing him of moderating or anything else. Answer honestly: Did you look at my post count before you made your comment? I'm curious as to whether or not you felt justified in accusing me of moderating simply because my post count is less than yours.


It's called courtesy. People should learn it, or GTFO of the thread. Robin and company don't have to put up with our crap day in and day out--in fact, there's nothing that says that they can't just sell it to Microsoft, take their money, say screw you, and close down the nexus out of spite.


tl;dr: You get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. Make your comments count for something to stand out from those who just post one-line rants.

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In response to post #55584564.

yourenotsupposedtobeinhere wrote:


I hate it so much


I think people who give feedback like this (and really, where is the feedback?) should be terrified of the idea of Ethreon ever becoming a moderator. lol There'll be beads and ban-hammers flying everywhere.

I mean, seriously. Has conversational skill devolved to such a low point in our school systems where children aren't taught:

1. to properly debate an idea

2. give proper feedback/constructive criticism

3. enunciate their words

4. use proper punctuation

It's not hard. Here's a quick infographic for you:

Helpful = A like, a dislike, a suggestion to make it better, and a token of appreciation for the work that has been done you appreciate


Unhelpful = A blanket statement, a statement that is simply a judgement call with no rationalization or justification, or a rude, unnecessary comment that does nothing to further the goal of making things better.

Follow that guideline, and you'll be able to post brilliantly useful comments rather than eminently unhelpful rants.


People are allowed to have opinions and share them on a public thread so long as it doesn't break the rules. This isn't school so I don't see why it should be treated as such. There are a number of people that say "I love it" Which is simply a judgement call without rational or justification using your standards. There are no comments here that are not justified. The person that says "I hate it" is just as right as the person that says "I love it" Please leave the moderation of public forms to moderators of public forms.

True, but in the same vein if these were your (or any other author's) mod comments we'd moderate someone commenting "I hate it" without any sort of constructive feedback but would not moderate someone commenting "I love it", based on our rules. The same really does apply here.

I've left a few borderline comments alone as I realise some people really do need to vent, and deleting their message won't help. But particularly nasty or aggressive messages have simply been removed. "I hate it" really means nothing to us, and would be against our ToS. Edited by Dark0ne
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Dark0ne, look, if I overstepped, I really, sincerely apologize. I just don't like to see you and the team taking it on the chin for something that is still very much in beta phase, when I'm 99% certain that you are all still learning the new site functions, too. I agree that some people need to vent, and I'm in no way trying to usurp moderator duties--God help me, that's the last thing I want to do (because that is way too much responsibility for me). My only concern is that people at least make the effort to give you guys something you can use. Wanna vent? Great? Just sandwich it in between some praise for things that have gone great (because yes, the admins need to hear stuff like that) and things that you would do different or could see need a change that would help.

I think I can see it a bit better from both sides because I used to be an asshole (still am to some degree, and I'm really trying to mellow out and be helpful instead of just, "that jackass, twowolves."), and I'm trying to encourage through the liberal use of humor and the Big Red Crayon. Which is why I've been trying to start over on the forums and perhaps salvage whatever is left of my reputation as someone other than, "that trollish asshat."

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Nice try. Grade-A effort at mischaracterization.


I'm not trying to moderate. I'm trying to get people to post more than unhelpful, monosyllabic responses. The comment, I freakin' hate this new site so much! is less likely to be helpful than the comment, I freakin' hate this new site so much, and here's why...


If that is moderation, then feel free to hit the little report button, and someone will be along shortly to address your concerns. I think I've been pretty on-topic the entire time and I feel I've done my part to at least foster something constructive, and not encourage ridiculous, knee-jerk responses like, Oh, I hate this site! Gee, thanks for you opinion, duly noted, quit wasting forum space with it.


Ethreon was fully justified in saying what he said, and yet I don't see you accusing him of moderating or anything else. Answer honestly: Did you look at my post count before you made your comment? I'm curious as to whether or not you felt justified in accusing me of moderating simply because my post count is less than yours.


It's called courtesy. People should learn it, or GTFO of the thread. Robin and company don't have to put up with our crap day in and day out--in fact, there's nothing that says that they can't just sell it to Microsoft, take their money, say screw you, and close down the nexus out of spite.


tl;dr: You get more bees with honey than you do with vinegar. Make your comments count for something to stand out from those who just post one-line rants.


You're being passive aggressive and contradicting your own efforts by saying "Nice try. Grade-A effort at mischaracterization."


"The comment, I freakin' hate this new site so much! is less likely to be helpful." Why should they or anyone try to help? Maybe they don't want to help. Maybe they think it sucks and they want a soapbox to tell it on and this is their soapbox. You are not going to convince 1 million people your way is the right way. Personally I have no desire to help improve the mobile nexus site. I don't use a cell phone so my opinion isn't going to be weighed in. I've already addressed all of the issues in private with those that make the decisions and my opinions were recognized by many, but however valid my criticisms are/were does not change the direction of the choices made for the site. I see no point in weighing in but I'm not going to tell others to follow me because we all have a right to think and act how we do without meeting some superficial level of indoctrination that you subscribe to. I didn't read Ethreon's posts because that is a habit I've adapted. I also don't look at user stats like post counts as they literally mean nothing.


If I was trying to make honey, I would elect for bees as opposed to vinegar, but alas, I am not trying to make honey, nor are many of the people here. They understand the direction is fixed and some people have found closer in leaving the mobile nexus.


Some people don't like the rain, they might verbalize it by saying, "I freakin' hate the rain so much!" without a desire to make it stop raining or elaborating on why they don't like it. Some of those people will leave for a place that isn't raining, others will endure, others will mouth off and still some will say they love the rain and encourage it. Suggesting that the people that mouth off about the rain try to be helpful is futile. As a mod author I have have numerous comments on my works. People hate it, people love it. People are indifferent. Trying to sway people that don't like what I've done is equally futile. They have a right to not like it or me or anything. Just let people be people.

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