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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55574204. #55575564, #55576194, #55577849 are all replies on the same post.

jackcolliss wrote: Why tho? I know y'all trying to make it better so thx but you could've just ask us if we like it or not, I liked those days but now it's forcing you to see the new design... really disappointed.
SharraShimada wrote: One does not invest hundreds of hours and a lot of money for a new design, and then let it blown to pieces by a few users. One has tu choose what to do, and then do it.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but thats the way it works. Everytime something changes, some people like it, some disagree, and the majority has no opinion.
Yeah, you may loose some users, but thats a normal process. You may loose even more, while sticking to an old, no longer useful design.
DarianStephens wrote: The old one does have use, though. It's not as if any of the features no longer work or it's in need of any more (As far as I know). In fact, the new one seems to be kinda broken and is even missing some features from the old site, though I'm hoping that's because it's still in development and they haven't decided to axe things like the changelog tab or file changelogs.
Ethreon wrote: They did ask. Barely anyone bothered to offer any feedback until it was simply put into effect and users had no choice but to deal with it.

They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered
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In response to post #55574204. #55575564, #55576194, #55577849, #55585844 are all replies on the same post.

jackcolliss wrote: Why tho? I know y'all trying to make it better so thx but you could've just ask us if we like it or not, I liked those days but now it's forcing you to see the new design... really disappointed.
SharraShimada wrote: One does not invest hundreds of hours and a lot of money for a new design, and then let it blown to pieces by a few users. One has tu choose what to do, and then do it.
Sorry if this sounds harsh, but thats the way it works. Everytime something changes, some people like it, some disagree, and the majority has no opinion.
Yeah, you may loose some users, but thats a normal process. You may loose even more, while sticking to an old, no longer useful design.
DarianStephens wrote: The old one does have use, though. It's not as if any of the features no longer work or it's in need of any more (As far as I know). In fact, the new one seems to be kinda broken and is even missing some features from the old site, though I'm hoping that's because it's still in development and they haven't decided to axe things like the changelog tab or file changelogs.
Ethreon wrote: They did ask. Barely anyone bothered to offer any feedback until it was simply put into effect and users had no choice but to deal with it.
UhuruNUru wrote: They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered

They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered

Sigh, how shameful, that's a straight up lie. We've already changed several things since the initial launch news post was made, based on user feedback. Edited by Dark0ne
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Wait, so you actually do listen to user feedback? Come on, really? :O

Well, I guess that makes this thread take on a whole new meaning, i.e., the one you originally intended when you posted it.


And while others may have a right to post their one-line comments and rants that amount to less than 0.0013528 % helpful feedback (they wasted millions on this study, too, that could have gone to the website instead! How dare they!?), there is a certain expectation on the part of the user to read the first post of the thread to see what is expected when posting, and post in the appropriate thread.

This thread, from the 51 pages I've been reading since day one, is not for one-line rants, unhelpful comments, or "free speech." And concerning that "free speech" concept us Americans are infected with, free speech is a myth on the internet. It's Robin's site. His name is on the lease. He pays the bills. And he who pays the bills calls the shots.

Skyrim translation: He who dances the jig calls the tune.

This thread is one, for Dark0ne to let us know what stage we're at, what to expect, and two, to generally to encourage others to continue giving helpful feedback--you can't fix something if you don't know it's broke. Yeah, yeah, you can PM him or the other admins if something is borked. That doesn't change the fact that posts in this thread are expected to meet a minimum standard of critiquing and feedback. If you want to rant, there are other threads for it. If you want to post that there's something you don't like, and you have a brilliant idea to fix it, by all means, post it here.

Again, Robin doesn't have to put up with us or the site. He could sell it at any time, or even simply dissolve it, and we have no actual right to complain as it's right there in the TOS that these terms are subject to change without notice.

And YNSTBIH, as a mod author, do you prefer helpful feedback? Or do you prefer ranting? Which is more productive to you as a mod author, and more productive for your mods' fans? A nice, encouraging comment with helpful suggestions? Or someone just ranting, doing their best to drag you down to their level of misery?

Just food for thought. :smile:

Edited by twowolves80
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Feedback on a few of the many things wrong, and as I'm avoiding the new site like the plague, this is just the stuff I've seen , not everything

First what will always be my most hated feature, but the only one worse on the old site. Use all my window area, and resize to always do that

Maximised Browser width - Old Site = 35% - New Site = 50%, but I expect any site to use 100% for all the site.


Second, and another serious drawback, is No WYSIWYG Formatting editor on the Posts Tab, or here, and it's linked to the forum, yet doesn't even format posts in the same way.

This is also an issue with the old site, and thus the only two things I hated with the old designs, are also ones I hate with the new design.


Generally, most of that limited space is wasted, meaning new sites increased area actually provides less info on the screen.


Mod Page

Old mod name, and Author, is much better for manual downloaders to Cut and Paste, for instant folder names, only improvement would be adding the ModID

Ghost Mode by Wasteland Ghost aka wghost81

New splits them up, much more hassle now.

Ghost Mode


Created by

Wasteland Ghost aka wghost81


Perfect (for me) would be

Ghost Mode by Wasteland Ghost aka wghost81=992


Old action section removed, losing easy to see requirements button, no longer exists replaced by now useless search tags, not required once on mod page, and old sites Tag tab existed, but I never used tags.


Files section is a mess of hidden drop down content, at least have them open by default, as it's a lot of wasted clicks to access when closed.

Make Download with Manager, and Manual Download, distinctly different colours.


Tracking Centre


Old site clear with all I needed Mod name, Last Upload, and Last Download. Version not really needed, but not useless, and Cog (Action Log) link is completely useless (I don't care who endorsed mod last).


New site information overload, with many useless columns

Mod name, Last Upload, and Last Download only requirements needed for tracking

Image (Updated Overlay) Useless, Last Download date, older than Last Upload date, tells me if a mods been Updated.

Game Name is useless on Game Specific Tracking centre, only add it on all games centre (I doubt I'll ever use that though, as I'm only modding one game at a time, not all of them.

Author, Category, Version not required but OK if they actually show the full names, if they need clipping, they are useless.

Log, (Action Log) link is completely useless (I don't care who endorsed mod last), only here to check if upload date newer than download.

Stop Tracking, dubious usefulness, but it's same action for each mod, and only needs a small Stop button/Icon.


If I actually tried using new site more, I know I'd find lots more wrong, and so far, I see nothing I really like about it.

I hate the Flat "Mobile" friendly styling, and find it laughable in a mod hosting site for PC games.

Nobodies coming to download mods on their smartphone, NexusMods is one of the few sites that has no real need to care about working with mobiles..

Only the Forum needs to work on mobiles, and thankfully I can still switch back to the desktop version, and it works just fine.

Edited by UhuruNUru
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They ignored those that did, as well, so not surprised many haven't bothered

Sigh, how shameful, that's a straight up lie. We've already changed several things since the initial launch news post was made, based on user feedback.


I did mention in the private section that there is a way of having a site work on mobile phones without it looking like it was made specifically for mobile phones, which was my only issue. It still looks like it was made specifically for mobile phones and I haven't received a reply from you or any of your team in that regard. I can't assume that that you will act on my recommendation without any information replying to what I and a number of other mod authors posted. To clarify. I'm not opposed to change, but as a person who doesn't use cell phones and that avoids sites that are made primarily for cell phone users, knowing there is an effort to make it less obvious that it is cell phone centric would do a great deal to raise the moral and perhaps keep some of the modders who are leaving. I've kept an eye on these threads, your only mention was something about being listed as an a class by some internet website rating service. Internet website rating services are great I'm sure, but I would think that the opinion of the people that made your site a success would have more weight. I'm not suggesting that you and your people didn't go through a great deal of time and effort, but I am not interested in using a cell phone mod site for PC games. A number of people suggested keeping the PC version as an option, what is your reply? I have a premium account, it would be pretty nice if I was permitted to keep the site I offered $50.00 for. Why not allow supporters to keep the legacy version if they want, they have supported you and your site for years.




And YNSTBIH, as a mod author, do you prefer helpful feedback? Or do you prefer ranting? Which is more productive to you as a mod author, and more productive for your mods' fans? A nice, encouraging comment with helpful suggestions? Or someone just ranting, doing their best to drag you down to their level of misery?


Just food for thought. :smile:


They're the same. I get both and other variants and I don't place value one over the other. One person who went out of their way to try to hurt my feelings made a 20 minute video attacking my mod. I used that as a tool to make my mod better. There have also been some super nice mod authors like Tamira who was very kind and helpful to me. I appreciate both perspectives. When the person tried to profit off of making fun of my mod I put an end to it though. It's one thing to have strong opinions and another to try and profit from being butthurt.

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In response to post #55573174. #55577914 is also a reply to the same post.

Battlestar1965 wrote: Please do some changes to the "Mod Tracking" page. With the new design it's not as easy to have an overview as with the old design. In my opinon the two columns "Last Upload" and "Last download" should be displayed almost directly next to the mod name. The pictures are totally unnecessary and are only disturbing. The colums "Game", "Author" and "Category" are unnecessary as well, since it's "my" tracking page and i already know for which game the mod is and what category it belongs to. The authors name i will see on the actual mod page if and when i am downloading the update.

Last but not least, but almost the biggest fault with the tracking page is the log column. Please, please PLEASE show the CHANGE LOG and not the ACTIVITY LOG. I do so not care about when some user added a new picture to some mod or some other user endorsed a mod.

Needless to say, i am not happy with the new design.
Ethreon wrote: Those details are there because the Tracking Center can display the tracked mods for ALL games you follow. The thumbnail is a thumbnail, how does that disturb you?

They should show the activity log because of what tracking center is for.

I don't agree. The tracking center shows the mod's i'm tracking. The main purpose of the tracking center is, as far as i understand, to show me which mods got an upgrade, a new version. That's the important information. If i see that a mod got an upgrade i like to see what things got upgraded in the mod. That's the important and interesting information i like to see. And this information should be shown on the tracking center.
If i really like to know, who posted a picture on the mods page, or who endorsed it etc. i can find this kind of information on the actual mod page.

About the thumbnails, i can't explain it better. English is not my native language. For me, it's just one more element, that is not important on "my" personalized tracking page. I know which mods i'm tracking, so i don't need the thumbnail. In addition the thumbnail is distracting the attention from the important informations.

I know, that the Tracking Center can display the tracked mods for all games. But when i'm visiting the FO4 pages i'm interested in the FO4 mods and not in the mods of another game and vice versa.
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LoL, I turned off images and that alone reduced the 'scroll' from nearly 5 full pages, to 2. This is at 2560 with a 29 inc monitor. And even after that the front page, and most of the others as well, are still unreadable and filled with clutter, aka 'tiles'. These 'tiles' are not a useful way to organize information or even good design practice. My desire to update, or even work on my mods has gone way down since this fiasco.


There used to be three main sites to obtain new mods. Nexus, Bethesda.net. and Steam. Two of the three, are also very badly organized and are widely disliked by many end-users. So, where to go, was a no-brainer. Now, you have a 'choice 'of three equally, clumsy, poorly designed places to go. Mmmm what to do......


Here is an idea since allegedly, 'feedback is acted upon. Instead of ad-free subscriptions, offer a well-designed, or even an adequately designed version. Yes, for money. If it sounds a little like extortion, don't worry about that. Extortion is pretty much the organizing principle of the entire western economic model. Along with planned obsolescence and 'new and improved'. memes.

Edited by Mebantiza
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I think the new layout is very unsightly. It is flat, and difficult to navigate. Also, the new way of looking at pictures is very intrusive, and I have to scroll far too much. This is a huge detriment to convenience, and must be ended.


Thus, I would prefer if instead of having to manually edit the link to go to the vastly superior older layout, there should be an option to default upon it, so that there is no chance that I will lose my vision with a glance upon the abysmal new "design" that is currently being practically being forced upon thousands of unwilling users.


This new layout is good for phones. However, no one is modding games on phones. Thus, appealing to phone users is useless, and one of the worst ideas at any time, ever. It would be far more intelligent to instead make the inferior, mobile-dominant new "design" the mobile version, and have the good, convenient, and far sightlier older user interface be the default for desktops.

Edited by waswar1
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