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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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Honestly, I'm glad there is a new layout, I'm glad to see that the developers for the website still try to cater to new ideas for people that want a change. But still, I can't get over how clunky and overwhelmingly large the new website is now, it feels really cluttered, even with "refined" options.


Collection of things that I like about the new layout.

1. It does look fresh and newer, I'll give it that, in a way it does look nice and more in tune with a normal 2017 website today.

2. I like how you can use the search bar to look for specific things such as images, games and videos.

3. Browsing categories for mods is way easier to look at surprisingly. I really like how easy it is to read.


Pretty much it.


Collection of things that I dislike about the new layout.

1. The slideshow effect is gone. Yeah, I know, it's a trivial thing to point out but I loved sifting through the 'hot files' and reading the summary of the mod to see what it was. But now it's just two big images of the top endorsed 'hot mods' and they only have descriptions, while the others kind of sit there under them. To me it's only that they want you to focus on those two mods only.

2. Search options are a drop-down menu that covers everything. Why can't it be off to the side?

3. All three display sets for the tiles are awful. This is probably due to the fact everything is magnified to 200%(exaggeration) which in turn makes them all look cluttered and hard to look at.

4. "Show" option is premium only.

5. 20 tiles vs. the 30 tiles we used to be shown.


If they do add the new layout, fine. But it's really sad to see the old layout go, especially when it looks a lot better than the current one.

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I realize you guys have apparently made up your minds on this already, but I just figured I should throw my two cents in as well, rather than just silently lurking like I usually do: I do NOT care for the new design. At all. Like others have pointed out, it seems like it's designed for mobile devices, which seems horribly misguided since this is a site offering mod downloads for PC games; as such, it's a pretty safe bet the vast majority of users will be using PCs, not mobile devices. And there's any number of other issues with the color choices and layout of pages that makes it far less intuitive to use than the current page, that others more versed in web design than I am have already articulated better than I could. And now, granted, yes, some of my apprehension probably is just from being so used to the current layout, but even so, I don't see what point there is to forcing this on everyone. Is there actually some quantifiable benefit to the new one (easier to maintain databases/backend, faster searches, etc), or is it simply change for the sake of change? Because if it's the latter, then I really don't see any justifiable reason for not keeping the current design around as an option, even if it would not receive any additional updates.
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In response to post #55629086.

Assassinborn wrote: I can live with the redesign but is there a way to have the default mod sorting set to most recent like the last format had? That is, loading the mods page and having the most recently added mods be displayed first instead of the most popular?

You can change it by going to your user settings. Click the cog in the top-right corner.
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Will there be some kind of Official 'How to navigate NEW Nexus' video tutorial?


It might ease the transition as a whole. (Before I get flamed and hated, I myself prefer to old layout).


No flaming from me. I kind of like the new site, but I can see how this would be helpful. +1 Especially if it has Gopher's voice doing the narration. lol :tongue:


Not much point in me saying it.... but ill say it anyways. I am not a fan of the new layout.... Will i have to manage? most likely as you guys have made up your minds and determined your course.

Stick around, man. At least until after Vortex is released. Then make your judgement. Will it hurt to wait an extra month or two? Probably not, and you may find that in the coming months, much of what is being discussed here will be reflected in the refinements the site undergoes.


Whatever you're doing, I hate it. I like the old version better, this one sucks balls. I'm not giving you any money.


I could give useful and constructive feedback, but others have already done so. Instead, I'm just gonna say that the new layout sucks a bag of dicks.




...is my response when your comments are that confrontational towards someone who doesn't have to give you @#$%. Robin does this free. Premium is an option to membership, not a prerequisite. You could have easily said that you don't like the new site, and will hold off on a premium membership until your concerns are addressed. You chose to go a different route. Just as Dark0ne has chosen to go a different route with his website that is a privilege for us to use.

Edited by twowolves80
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How do you know it's change for the illusion of evolution? Have you seen Dark0ne's schedule? Have you sat in on his conversations with the other admins about what's to come? How do you know that the new website isn't being designed behind the scenes to interface better with Vortex? How do you know that he's not about to try to lessen the amount of money flying out of his pocket so that he can put it towards more stuff for us?

Seriously, people threatening to leave? If you're using this as an excuse to leave, you were already looking for a reason to leave, and this just happened to be a convenient excuse.

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