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The New Nexus Site - a story of tiles


I'm finding the new site difficult at best. Frankly it seems like it's more focused on trying to be another site that is centered on social media picture sharing and that may be viewed as a semi-competitor to the extremely successful Nexus.


I freely admit that I've gone to that other site to download a mod from an author or two who has pulled their work from the Nexus for some reason or another (ironically it always seems like they come back after a time).


That being said, the new site is quite frustrating, adding in all of the negative aspects of the social media site and obscuring the primary features of the old Nexus site.


Example; on the old site a user could mouse over the "hot files" (now called "hot mods") and read a text description about the specifics of that particular mod while still viewing it's banner image. This is not an option on the new site.


On the new site you might see a mod, but beyond it's name and banner there is no further information. Mouse over the picture? Nothing. You have to click, launch new adds and hope that the mod is something you actually want to consider.


I completely accept that the means of making money on a site is through adverts. Great, no problem, but lets not cut away information in attempt to gain another click.


If you scroll down the new page it's kinda like looking a Window Tiles desktop. Tiles are popular on... Oh wait, their are generally hated outside of a picture sharing social media site. At least, if you will forgive me, that is my experience.


So in attempting to use these "tiles" one gets a picture, a title, a category, date and author with a few words of grayed out fading text that really fails offer clarification. Once again, click to learn more and launch more adds.


What about site news? Keep on scrolling down... no really another full screens of click-able advert launching tiles to scroll through and you will make it to the site news, which is of course more tiles with faded out unreadable text. Click to learn more, and launch adverts of course.


Trying to view the new site on a device that is not a desktop or laptop is also really frustrating due to the tiles. Smart phones are quickly overwhelmed from the extensive amount of pictures in the tiles and tablets do not fair much better.


What's the priority here? Picture sharing tiles and adverts, or mod sharing and adverts? I should hope the later.


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In response to post #55652056.

Niborino9409 wrote:


In response to post #55647331. #55649666, #55650366 are all replies on the same post.

Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
SilentWarriorr wrote: +666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)
sopmac45 wrote: Well, do you have a constructive and positive feedback so they can improve what you obviously see it is "ugly" or are you just crying and whining like a baby ? Go ahead, give us your feedback and if it is something valid, I am pretty sure the Nexus staff will include it in their to-do-list. Any valid feedback? Your brain does not tick any idea? Sayonara then !!

Constructive and positive feedback is that the old layout is an improvement on the new. What's not hard to understandard about that?


That people don't like it we've heard. It's more the way they do it I believe. Just writing: "Site sux" doesn't really do much since you don't know what it is they dislike. But not to say that everyone does that, some do bring up valid points to why they don't like it as well. :smile: Most of the ones I see are: "I can't stand this new design! Bring back the old or I will die on the spot".

I believe my posts, at least, have been constructive.
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Hm... I might be one of a few or even the only one, but I really do like the new design and/or layout and functions. Never again I want to miss the possibility to scroll through the images of a mod with my mouse wheel. I like how you can see the required mods for a mod on top of the first page now. I like the (bigger? more smooth?) font.


I must say that I am a fan of "flat" designs in general, like in Windows 10 or since iOS 7. It just feels more modern and for me at least, more usable - the website simply feels "faster". But as I said at the beginning of the comment, I might be alone with these feelings... :D


One suggestion though: Maybe it would be possible to scroll through all (!) pictures of a mod? I mean not only the 20 or something per page because often there are hundreds of pictures and backing out of the viewer disturbs the "flow". Or is this already a supporter or premium function? To be clear: I mean the scrolling function with the mouse wheel when viewing the mod pictures with the newly built-in picture viewer.

Edited by cypher27
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Even typing this is painful to look at.

Uh, nothing changed on the forum site...




just dug through a couple pages of comments skimmed through them!

listen to your people! don't pull an EA

I love the new site design. Yeah, it's not as good as it should be, and yeah, there are some improvements crying out for improving, but you know what? Don't care. I'm not here to oooh and aaah over the site aesthetics, I'm here to support the community out of love for that community, not the site. Just like grandpa in the nursing home, you still go to visit him even if you don't like his surroundings.


My responsibility as a member of the community is to hold my fellow members up, for one, and two, hold them responsible so that they don't get in trouble. Lead by example. That sort of thing. I thought I was doing a rather fine job by pointing out, hey, you don't have to be a dick if you don't like something. Point it out, explain why you don't like it and what you think could be done to improve it. (That last part is important, believe it or not) Point out good feedback (even if it's feedback I don't necessarily agree with) and give out kudos to those who made the effort to forge their dislike into a usable tool for the admins to use to make changes for the better. How?


For those who need a refresher course, don't worry, I got you. Here is a wikihow page (with pictures, too!) on giving constructive criticism. You'll want to pay attention to part 2, in particular, section 5:


Avoid negative language, blaming and personal attacks. This will reduce the likelihood that the recipient of your critique will respond in a defensive or angry manner.
  • Avoid harsh, evaluative language, such as "you're wrong" and "your idea is stupid." [Gee, like members saying, "This site sux balls! I hate it!"]
  • Couch your criticism in "I" statements to speak from your own experience and also to show how the other person's actions are affecting you or your situation. For example, "I feel that this report could have been improved. I wanted to see a clearer discussion of major ideas so that we could have a better sense of where we need to go from here."
  • Avoid "you" statements that directly blame the individual receiving criticism. For example, instead of saying "Your report failed to effectively convey the main ideas," try saying "This report could have been more specific in terms of the main ideas." [...as opposed to saying, "Ermergerd! I'm leavin' the site because you made it useless!"]

Remember, kids...





Edited by twowolves80
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In response to post #55652361.

cypher27 wrote: Hm... I might be one of a few or even the only one, but I really do like the new design and/or layout and functions. Never again I want to miss the possibility to scroll through the images of a mod with my mouse wheel. I like how you can see the required mods for a mod on top of the first page now. I like the (bigger? more smooth?) font.

I must say that I am a fan of "flat" designs in general, like in Windows 10 or since iOS 7. It just feels more modern and for me at least, more usable - the website simply feels "faster". But as I said at the beginning of the comment, I might be alone with these feelings... :D

I like it too! But didn't know you could scroll through the images :ohmy: In the gallery or? Edited by Niborino9409
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In response to post #55652381.

twowolves80 wrote:

Even typing this is painful to look at.

Uh, nothing changed on the forum site...



just dug through a couple pages of comments skimmed through them!
listen to your people! don't pull an EA

I love the new site design. Yeah, it's not as good as it should be, and yeah, there are some improvements crying out for improving, but you know what? Don't care. I'm not here to oooh and aaah over the site aesthetics, I'm here to support the community out of love for that community, not the site. Just like grandpa in the nursing home, you still go to visit him even if you don't like his surroundings.

My responsibility as a member of the community is to hold my fellow members up, for one, and two, hold them responsible so that they don't get in trouble. Lead by example. That sort of thing. I thought I was doing a rather fine job by pointing out, hey, you don't have to be a dick if you don't like something. Point it out, explain why you don't like it and what you think could be done to improve it. (That last part is important, believe it or not) Point out good feedback (even if it's feedback I don't necessarily agree with) and give out kudos to those who made the effort to forge their dislike into a usable tool for the admins to use to make changes for the better. How?

For those who need a refresher course, don't worry, I got you. Here is a wikihow page (with pictures, too!) on giving constructive criticism. You'll want to pay attention to part 2, in particular, section 5:

Avoid negative language, blaming and personal attacks. This will reduce the likelihood that the recipient of your critique will respond in a defensive or angry manner.
  • Avoid harsh, evaluative language, such as "you're wrong" and "your idea is stupid." [Gee, like members saying, "This site sux balls! I hate it!"]
  • Couch your criticism in "I" statements to speak from your own experience and also to show how the other person's actions are affecting you or your situation. For example, "I feel that this report could have been improved. I wanted to see a clearer discussion of major ideas so that we could have a better sense of where we need to go from here."
  • Avoid "you" statements that directly blame the individual receiving criticism. For example, instead of saying "Your report failed to effectively convey the main ideas," try saying "This report could have been more specific in terms of the main ideas." [...as opposed to saying, "Ermergerd! I'm leavin' the site because you made it useless!"]

Remember, kids...





"Uh, nothing changed on the forum site..."

Why would you assume they were looking at this on the Forum side? I, and I am sure many others, have been commenting under the news post, and so are not seeing the Forum layout, but rather the new one.
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In response to post #55652361. #55652396 is also a reply to the same post.

cypher27 wrote: Hm... I might be one of a few or even the only one, but I really do like the new design and/or layout and functions. Never again I want to miss the possibility to scroll through the images of a mod with my mouse wheel. I like how you can see the required mods for a mod on top of the first page now. I like the (bigger? more smooth?) font.

I must say that I am a fan of "flat" designs in general, like in Windows 10 or since iOS 7. It just feels more modern and for me at least, more usable - the website simply feels "faster". But as I said at the beginning of the comment, I might be alone with these feelings... :D

One suggestion though: Maybe it would be possible to scroll through all (!) pictures of a mod? I mean not only the 20 or something per page because often there are hundreds of pictures and backing out of the viewer disturbs the "flow". Or is this already a supporter or premium function? To be clear: I mean the scrolling function with the mouse wheel when viewing the mod pictures with the newly built-in picture viewer.
Niborino9409 wrote: I like it too! But didn't know you could scroll through the images :ohmy: In the gallery or?

Niborino, the pictures I am talking about are the pictures of a specific mod. Since all the gallery pictures (in the general media section) are individual posts, you cannot scroll through them. Would be nice though...
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In response to post #55652361. #55652396, #55652556 are all replies on the same post.

cypher27 wrote: Hm... I might be one of a few or even the only one, but I really do like the new design and/or layout and functions. Never again I want to miss the possibility to scroll through the images of a mod with my mouse wheel. I like how you can see the required mods for a mod on top of the first page now. I like the (bigger? more smooth?) font.

I must say that I am a fan of "flat" designs in general, like in Windows 10 or since iOS 7. It just feels more modern and for me at least, more usable - the website simply feels "faster". But as I said at the beginning of the comment, I might be alone with these feelings... :D

One suggestion though: Maybe it would be possible to scroll through all (!) pictures of a mod? I mean not only the 20 or something per page because often there are hundreds of pictures and backing out of the viewer disturbs the "flow". Or is this already a supporter or premium function? To be clear: I mean the scrolling function with the mouse wheel when viewing the mod pictures with the newly built-in picture viewer.
Niborino9409 wrote: I like it too! But didn't know you could scroll through the images :ohmy: In the gallery or?
cypher27 wrote: Niborino, the pictures I am talking about are the pictures of a specific mod. Since all the gallery pictures (in the general media section) are individual posts, you cannot scroll through them. Would be nice though...

-double post- sorry! Edited by cypher27
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Niborino, the pictures I am talking about are the pictures of a specific mod. Since all the gallery pictures (in the general media section) are individual posts, you cannot scroll through them. Would be nice though...


Yeah, those are what I meant as well. I'll have to try it! :D Meant mod gallery


Edit: Oh my god it works! :laugh: :cool:

Edited by Niborino9409
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In response to post #55652656.

Niborino9409 wrote:


Niborino, the pictures I am talking about are the pictures of a specific mod. Since all the gallery pictures (in the general media section) are individual posts, you cannot scroll through them. Would be nice though...


Yeah, those are what I meant as well. I'll have to try it! :D Meant mod gallery


Edit: Oh my god it works! :laugh: :cool:

Have fun scrolling! :D
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