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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55653076. #55653371, #55653481, #55654331 are all replies on the same post.

Niborino9409 wrote:





In response to post #55652381.
"Uh, nothing changed on the forum site..."

Why would you assume they were looking at this on the Forum side? I, and I am sure many others, have been commenting under the news post, and so are not seeing the Forum layout, but rather the new one.


Then that just makes it more ridiculous.

"I'm going to force myself to use the new site to post on the forums to increase my bile so I can dump it in the thread."

Block Increased To 61 *snappy drum-sound*

Seriously, if your "eyes hurt," why would you not just hit the singular link (no digging!) in the corner to flip to the forums?

Speech Increased to 49 *snappy drum-sound*




On that topic, I wasn't even aware this doubled as a news post until yesterday. :unsure: And I've not been on the old site since... don't even remember when I was last there.

Eolhin wrote: Yes, many people that commonly use the Forums are not really aware of the other view of the posts, and many people that usually use the web-pages and are not comfortable with Forums are not really aware of the Forum view. For myself, I can't live without reply nesting, which is why I rarely ever use the Forums, even if the layout and coloration there is now better.
Niborino9409 wrote: I don't know what reply nesting is. But I'm used to both sides of the site(forums/main site) so I can find my way around both.
Eolhin wrote: On the Forum side, all posts, regardless what they were in reply to, go in sequential order by the time/date it was posted, and it can be hard to find what a post was in reply to.

On the web side, if you have the correct configurations set in your settings, a reply to a post gets nested under the post it is in reply to (indented), and also bumps the post it was in reply to, thus keeping conversations much clearer, and making troubleshooting several problems at once much easier, which is usually what I am doing (in support of a mod). Thus it is a non-Forum feature I really can't do without. The Forums have much better color/size/image features when posting though, so I will venture to the dark side (literally, the background is much darker, not an insult) when I have to make a more graphical post. I wish the bright white posting box here was more like the nice dark one on the Forum side.

Ah, okay. Thanks for the explanation :)
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In response to post #55654246. #55654521 is also a reply to the same post.

drithius wrote: All my helpful file download descriptions... POOF! Unless users specifically expand the download tabs for more info, you have people downloading the wrong files. Which will happen. A lot.

My last straw really; So long, Nexus. You were great while you lasted. I have no interest in adding content for a site that is so horrendously dysfunctional.
cypher27 wrote: I would call this order or tidiness. ;)

Joking aside and only speaking for me, I find the download section way more clear as long as the misc-files are "hidden". For me it would even be ok if the optional files were hidden too, since I came to your mod page for the (main) mod. Additions should be clearly marked as such. If I want them, let me click on them and find out if these are for me or not.

I just took a look, all the files under Main Files and under Optional Files default to expanded, so the descriptions are visible. It is only the Old Files section that defaults to collapsed, with the description not immediately visible. That isn't too unreasonable. It is the download link on the front page (without going to the Files tab) that will mess people up, when there are multiple versions, for different conditions, or flavors of the mod. I haven't checked, but there may be some way to turn the front-page download off on a mod if you check the management options.
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In response to post #55654246. #55654521, #55654601 are all replies on the same post.

drithius wrote: All my helpful file download descriptions... POOF! Unless users specifically expand the download tabs for more info, you have people downloading the wrong files. Which will happen. A lot.

My last straw really; So long, Nexus. You were great while you lasted. I have no interest in adding content for a site that is so horrendously dysfunctional.
cypher27 wrote: I would call this order or tidiness. ;)

Joking aside and only speaking for me, I find the download section way more clear as long as the misc-files are "hidden". For me it would even be ok if the optional files were hidden too, since I came to your mod page for the (main) mod. Additions should be clearly marked as such. If I want them, let me click on them and find out if these are for me or not.
Eolhin wrote: I just took a look, all the files under Main Files and under Optional Files default to expanded, so the descriptions are visible. It is only the Old Files section that defaults to collapsed, with the description not immediately visible. That isn't too unreasonable. It is the download link on the front page (without going to the Files tab) that will mess people up, when there are multiple versions, for different conditions, or flavors of the mod. I haven't checked, but there may be some way to turn the front-page download off on a mod if you check the management options.

There are many mods with more then one possible main mod, for different conditions, so you can't assume that there will always be one mod file that is the main one.
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In response to post #55654246. #55654521, #55654601, #55654646 are all replies on the same post.

drithius wrote: All my helpful file download descriptions... POOF! Unless users specifically expand the download tabs for more info, you have people downloading the wrong files. Which will happen. A lot.

My last straw really; So long, Nexus. You were great while you lasted. I have no interest in adding content for a site that is so horrendously dysfunctional.
cypher27 wrote: I would call this order or tidiness. ;)

Joking aside and only speaking for me, I find the download section way more clear as long as the misc-files are "hidden". For me it would even be ok if the optional files were hidden too, since I came to your mod page for the (main) mod. Additions should be clearly marked as such. If I want them, let me click on them and find out if these are for me or not.
Eolhin wrote: I just took a look, all the files under Main Files and under Optional Files default to expanded, so the descriptions are visible. It is only the Old Files section that defaults to collapsed, with the description not immediately visible. That isn't too unreasonable. It is the download link on the front page (without going to the Files tab) that will mess people up, when there are multiple versions, for different conditions, or flavors of the mod. I haven't checked, but there may be some way to turn the front-page download off on a mod if you check the management options.
Eolhin wrote: @cypher27
There are many mods with more then one possible main mod, for different conditions, so you can't assume that there will always be one mod file that is the main one.

@Eolhin: Yes, I know - all the main files are visible. That is a good thing, for sure. Sorry if I was not clear enough. I just meant that - for me - everything but the main mod download(s) could be collapsed.

Ultimately it all comes down to the wording of the "headlines" of the optional or misc files which is completely in the hands of the mod author. ;) Edited by cypher27
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I'm not sure how many people actually prefer the new layout, but it's a lot less comfortable for me to use. It seems a bit cluttered and in your face. It's somewhat overwhelming and my muscle memory hates it, but I can deal with that. My main gripe is that the background colors need to be darkened a decent amount. Maybe this could be included as an option? The browsing area is quite wide too. Scrolling the page view out to about 80% helps a fair deal.

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First of all, thank you for the communication.


Secondly, I can say, that some elements of the new layout are crisp and clean. I can appreciate the effort that went into it.

As a professional I deal a lot with change management issues, and recognize that there will always be an element of a user community that does not like change, regardless.




This feels like it was solution in search of a problem. The corollary of "some don't like change just because it is change" is "change for the sake of change is not useful".

While the new layout is "crisp" it feels disjointed and scattered.


Yes, it looks more "modern" with all the nice square boxes etc. But was this really needed? I mean, if you just wanted to look more modern, you could have just replaced all the rounded buttons with square ones.


Honestly, I am sure people will get used to it - but upon first notice - it does not seem to offer any advantages (maybe the way screen shots are displayed?) - but the files, search results and comments all need work.



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In response to post #55655026.

Zillagan wrote:

I'm not sure how many people actually prefer the new layout, but it's a lot less comfortable for me to use. Its seems a bit cluttered and in your face. It's somewhat overwhelming and my muscle memory hates it, but I can deal with that. My main gripe is that the background colors need to be darkened a decent amount. Maybe this could be included as an option? The browsing area is quite wide too. Scrolling the page view out to about 80% helps a fair deal.

I completely agree. The new layout feels like it's just throwing everything in your face. It is very distracting and cluttered feeling, making it more difficult to locate what you're looking for. Thankfully, for the moment at least, the old nexus link is still working, but I doubt they will keep it up long term.
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Something has just blown my minds (both of them) regarding this new layout, because for the first time I have looked at it with my tablet.


Why is there no completely separate mobile version of the site front end, as in m.nexusmods.com?


All of the complaints I've seen, and had myself, for this site are worse on my iPad, with just a couple of redeeming qualities for mobile use, that mess up the site for PC use. I can't imagine what it would be like browsing for mods on a tiny little phone screen.


Most of the opportunities presented by a complete site redesign at this particular point in time have been completely wasted. You could have made a back end setup that exposed the right information to allow multiple front UIs, but no, this was not done, everyone gets the same mixed up mess on every platform.


Here's what I see on a 9.7" tablet screen, while looking at the same page on my 4k PC monitor:


Big, fat buttons with lots of space for fat fingers. Great on mobile, totally wasted on the PC.


Large menus with fast drop-downs that make browsing on mobile nice, but are a serious pain in the behind on a PC because they get in your way, constantly dropping down at unwanted times when your mouse passes over them, another retro feature that should have stayed dead with the early 2000s.


A big, fat empty field with a little, tiny banner ad below the search bar, taking up A THIRD OF MY SCREEN! No idea how it looks on the PC as I am logged in here.


Some fonts way too big, some way too small on the tablet, probably unreadable on a small phone, MUCH too big on the PC, would be even worse on a 1440p or 1080p screen.


All of the Endorsement, DLs, file size and version info at the bottom of the screen, so I have to swipe up.


Finally the menu for the mod shows up, but I need to swipe again for the description to show more than a tiny bit.


Huge swathes of oversized graphics where mod authors have gone way overboard in the description (yes, I know you didn't put them there, but you knew they were there and did this anyway).


Did it even occur to you that you needed more than one front end for modern users?


Edited by GlassDeviant
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I hope you guys will be adding an option to turn off the new site layout completely (beyond just moving the old layout onto a new url), because to be frank? It's far too cluttered and is just too in your face. Please for the love of all that is holy, just let users turn it off if they dislike it, because it still needs a lot of work to say the least.
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I'm in agreement with the group that the new layout is poorly designed. The only major thing wrong with the old layout is it didn't work well on Mobile and the style was somewhat dated. Otherwise, it was very well designed and functional.


The new site is responsive on mobile, but I agree the design needs to be vastly streamlined. It's way too cluttered. I mean, it just took me like 60 seconds to figure out on mobile how to get to a mod-page's discussion tab. The tab is selected using a drop-down box? How is that UX best practice?


There are so many poor design choices, from the all caps mod titles to the vastly over-cluttered game main page. A well designed website should draw the user in. This website now just scares me away every time I land on it.


Honestly, I was looking forward to the redesign because I felt the old one, while well designed, was somewhat dated. But you guys really missed this one, and it needs to be fixed before making it permanent.


Just saw in the comments about the old.nexusmods.com being available for now. Will use that for now.

Edited by jbvertexx
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