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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55647331. #55649666, #55650366, #55651916, #55654001, #55662191, #55663076 are all replies on the same post.

Ganjolfio wrote: Not an improvement. Chaotic, ugly and not even as far intuitive like the old one was. My eyes are bleeding. Now let me cry properly the old site. Cya.
SilentWarriorr wrote: +666. i hope that main admin/s here are not stinky retards as many others done such or so redesign and will keep the old layout in some way... (as old site or an option in setting or other method)
sopmac45 wrote: Well, do you have a constructive and positive feedback so they can improve what you obviously see it is "ugly" or are you just crying and whining like a baby ? Go ahead, give us your feedback and if it is something valid, I am pretty sure the Nexus staff will include it in their to-do-list. Any valid feedback? Your brain does not tick any idea? Sayonara then !!
Maru007 wrote: Constructive and positive feedback is that the old layout is an improvement on the new. What's not hard to understandard about that?
SilentWarriorr wrote: constructive feedback...? Really? ok.
Just learn one truth: you shall not touch what is already working very good.
_Maybe_ implement one of the small improvement (to searh engine or whatever) but that's all.
Seems you're not in hard programming, or you're just that sort of new-glamorous "coders"
But. if you so like this "new" design - ok, sayonara then! go and use it on your (and who else like it)own and don't ever touch our old nexus.
sopmac45 wrote: 01 December 2017, 10:18AM
constructive feedback...? Really? ok.
Just learn one truth: you shall not touch what is already working very good.
_Maybe_ implement one of the small improvement (to searh engine or whatever) but that's all.
Seems you're not in hard programming, or you're just that sort of new-glamorous "coders"
But. if you so like this "new" design - ok, sayonara then! go and use it on your (and who else like it)own and don't ever touch our old nexus.

>> Well, If I am the owner of a site and I am paying with my own money, don't you think I have the right to do whatever I f*** want with my site? That's in the first place. Second, I am a programmer but you are the one giving your negative opinion so why don't you tell the Nexus Staff how to change the design and improve it because so far and based on what Dark0ne said, we are not going back to the old one? Any ideas genius?
None ... and I wonder why that is !!
waswar1 wrote: You're wining as much as he is, sopmac45. To accuse him of whining and proceed to whine about his truthful statements yourself is completely stupid, remarkably stupid. You must reconsider your posts more often.

Furthermore, if you think that their comments are not constructive, you are utterly foolish. The old design was superior. Telling the owners of the website to use a superior design is constuctuve. Maybe you should take your deconstructive replies to their constructive comments elsewhere, instead?

Ganjolfio, SilentWarriorr, and Maru007, please continue. Dark0ne must reconsider this awful redesign. He should demand every dollar back from the horrendous designer who made this abominably ugly "re"design. To call it a redesign is an insult to all redesigns. It should be called an inferioredesign.

What makes the old design superior to the new design? list down pros and cons, just stating its chaotic, ugly & non intuitive is not a solid case to convince me the old one was superior to the new one let alone the owners.

I'm one of the early 90s kids who grew up when advancement in the internet was being made at a amazing speed, old nexus looks like a site from the 2000s patched with modern functionality.

Redesign is required every now and then to alleviate the servers which is running with new code to reduce cost of servers and make the site backend run much faster, also this is the dawn of the new generation of people growing up, its their age, their design style.

If people are against change and stuck with "if it aint broke, dont fix it" mentality, humanity would never progress. Edited by Arienas
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Put on my dark glasses, prepared to brave the headaches and really try to use this..., whatever. I ran into a problem, used "view all mods" and got out to page 25. Saw a mod that looked interesting, since there is no description on the outside of the mod page I had to open the page. Not what I thought it was, how do I get back to where I was on page 25. My browser return arrow took me back to page 1, where, interestingly enough I had to go all the way out and start all over again as the page advance numbers didn't work at that point. Adding frustration to headache, there is no where I could find to get simple answers, I thought I'd come to a place where I know a bunch of "know-it-alls" hang out, self included, to maybe get some help.
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The new site just seems like another attempt to modernize a site. The boxy look seems rather popular; although, I can't understand why. It's big and bulky, and overloads with too much content that jumps at the viewer.


The basic of any good design is can the user find content. Yes. It checks out there.

The second is how fast can they find content. It depends, but I'd say it's about the same as the old. It checks out.


There's no change to the actual searching of content. It's rather the aesthetic is rather displeasing to my eyes. There's something about cookie-cutter web sites that are boxy and big that bother me, and Nexus used to stand out. Now it looks like another Window 10 program.


It's most likely never going to change, so...well hello big boxy web site. I'll have to get used to you.

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The new layout is just awful, I'm sorry but everyone I know just dislikes the new design. Please just let us keep the old layout it's just better and everyone already knows it. At least keep the old.nexusmods even after you finish launching the new design.
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In response to post #55669781.

Jebbalon wrote:

Not very constructive on the feedback here. Folks need to get used to the only constant in the universe - Change -

It took very short amount of time for me to get used to the new layout. I have suggested a couple issues I have had with it, and most have been addressed. (social media links need to say "Nexus" not "Us")

It takes time to get all the folds ironed out.

If you don't like it you need to explain - in detail - what it is you don't like and offer a suggestion as to how it can be better.

The old site IS going away, and they are working on the new design now. So, now would be good time to get your suggestions on improvement out there. Threats to leave along with the old design is not being constructive.

My 2 copper ... given!



> Folks need to get used to the only constant in the universe - Change -

Terrible argument. Change for the sake of change isn't needed. Change for the sake of improvement is.

Even in nature, if a creature changes to something that is less efficient than it's peers, it dies more easily.

There's no need for anyone to explain why they preferred the old site, anymore than there is a need for anyone to explain why they prefer the walls of their bedroom to have an specific color.

Instead, it's the job of the painter guy who's painting the bedroom a new color to convince the people that the new color is a better choice. And no, "Let's paint your bedroom because change is a constant in the universe and as such we can't have the same bedroom color" is not an argument at all.
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I'll try to keep to constructive feedback on this. While I'm not a fan of the new interface, a lot of it could be rather easily resolved, I believe, without having to do a total roll-back.


Let's start at the top of my list.


1: While I appreciate the new "Two top hot files" strategy, it feels way clunkier than the old Nexus Mods Hot Files, with 6 small images that, when hovered over with the mouse, would give a blurb of information. Now, only the top two mods have any information about them at all, and the lower five just tell me the name of the mod. In my opinion, this is a huge step backward in design, because now the only way to get any information about a mod we may be interested in is to click on it. The old design at least gave a blurb of information when we hovered over it.


How would I fix this problem? Let's split the difference. Give us both more mods in the hot files (a Top 10 instead of Top 7) by reducing all of the mods down to the smaller picture size. It's big enough to get the core point across. Then, when you hover over it, give us the short-description of the mod. This, I feel, would both increase usability (Top 10 instead of an arbitrary Top 7) and put all of the mods on an equal playing field.


2: This may just be me, but I like a little "white space" to the sides of my content. Why? I use middle-click scrolling. Right now, if I middle-clicked on the main Nexus home page, I'm more likely to open a new tab than I am to activate middle-click scrolling.


How would I fix this? Add a few pixels' worth of white space, maybe about the size of the Messages or Settings button, to either side of the page to create a 'safe zone' for either clicking, or scrolling through on a tablet device.


3: The New Mods list is just way too big. No, seriously, it is. They're nearly as big as the Top Mods, but they contain information. This is sad, that the top mods get less information than the latest stuff pushed out by mod authors. Perhaps condense this down to image sizes the same as the current "Middle 5" hot mods and relocate it back to the right hand side of the screen in an ordered list. This big-chunky-grid layout would be better suited for using my phone with gardening gloves on, not a 22-inch 1680x1050 screen.


4: Put the news page back where it was, to the left side of the New Mods list. Right now, it's under the Images section (I'll get to this in a moment) and thereby it's nearly invisible. In fact, if I hadn't accidentally clicked on my scroll bar when trying to aim for that narrow 'safe zone' to scroll down, I wouldn't even have known it was there. I'd think Site News is more important than a bunch of pictures anyway.


5: Condense the images down into a small-form list again, placed under the right-side-located New Mods List. Where they're at right now, they force site news to the bottom, making it possible to miss important things if you are just looking at a glance. In fact, if you wanted to keep the images as they are now, then place them under the News and New Mods list (which, theoretically, should be side by side as they were in the older layout, it just worked a lot better that way) and they'll fit right in.


6: The contrast between the old site and the new one is... Not pleasant. Your primary background gray is a little too bright. As a whole, you could darken the whole site and it'd just come out a little bit better.


7: Personally, I think the decision to, on reduced size windows/monitors (I don't use the full width of a 1680x1050 screen on my browser windows because I have other applications running, so my window runs at 3/4 of the screen width), completely blank out the background with a flat, boring 50% gray at 100% opacity, well, I think it's an eyesore. What is the point of having a background image if you're just going to cover it up with the same gray that my cheap vinyl office chair has? Either reduce the opacity or remove the background gray from areas it doesn't need to be in. It'll give the site some personality back, instead of looking like another Social Media Site clone. It'll also make it easier to recognize if you're on the Skyrim Nexus, the Fallout 3 Nexus, the Fallout New Vegas Nexus, or whether someone's link accidentally sent you to the Special Edition Skyrim Nexus or Fallout 4 Nexus.


8: You know, there's a reason most text boxes are white, and you type in black. There's also a reason that almost no one uses a white text-box that makes you type in gray. It's hard on the eyes, especially on a dark layout. If you're going to be fancy and change up the text boxes to be different, a black text box with a 30% gray should do well. But it'd require a darker background to make sense.


9: Big chunky buttons are great for mobile use. Since when did mobile games allow modding? Are smartphones and tablets now powerful enough to run Skyrim, Fallout 4, and the other games you're supporting mods for? No? Then why is the site optimized for mobile devices? If you took all of the "button blocks" at the top (the game, mods, images, videos, updates, and Support) and squeezed them down by half (You can do it, this wouldn't hurt desktop usability at all, and mobile users would also still be able to hit these buttons), you could fit the search bar right next to it, and give back quite a bit of screen space. Right now, it reminds me of those old 90's and 00's era toolbars everyone had to remove from Grandma's web browser every time the "computer is running slow again." In fact, if you wanted to be really fancy, I'd bet you could get the button blocks, search bar, and the top bar all into the same space with only a little bit of trickery.


How would I do it? Split the logo, so that the symbol takes you to the Nexus Home, but the words take you to the Game Home (the one for your Skyrim/Fallout/etc.). Because we've already moved the news back to where it should be, just under the Hot Mods, offset left, the News button can be removed. Put "Install" over "NMM (0.63.14)" and shrink that button a little. This means you have two extra buttons left, Forums and Chat. Modernize these to fit in with Game, Mods, Images, Videos, Updates, and Support, put them at the end of the list, tack Install NMM at the end of that, and you've got a nice bar of buttons. Between the bar of buttons and the Nexus Mods logo/text, fit the search bar, now made acceptably small. Then the top bar would be nice, thin, and modern. It'd be a little cluttered, but right now, the whole site is cluttered, so it'd match just fine.

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In response to post #55668576. #55669996 is also a reply to the same post.

Wintermane555 wrote: I hate this new layout. I keep closing the "View New Layout" bar at the top, because I prefer the old layout. Now, after I log onto my account, there is no option to keep the old layout. There is nothing under account preferences, and no other mention. How do I get my old layout back? Why not allow us the CHOICE of which one to use? One size does not fit everyone, and looking at the comments below it seems I'm not the only one. Many sites offer multiple layouts with the same content served up through the backend database. Why not allow us the option?

So, judging by the number of negative posts about the new layout, are you going to actually listen to your users, or just tell us to screw like most of the game developers? I'm curious since you seem to be rolling full steam ahead with "phase 2" regardless of the comments?
NickSheperd wrote: The site admin has already basically said "f*** you." And made the new layout mandatory. People are standing around, scratching their heads and wondering, "Why the new layout anyways?" No one really knows why they decided to up and change.

The saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Applies here perfectly. I can appreciate wanting to improve the looks of an older website, but sheesh. Needless to say, they went way overboard here and mucked the whole thing up.

TL'DR: We aren't getting the old layout back, no matter how many people on the site complain about it.

1. There's an entire bloody article stating the change comes and why. The testing grounds have been public for a few months now and you had and still have the possibility to offer ideas on how to improve the new layout. People scratching their head usually have nothing in it.

2. It was broken. They're not changing it cause Dark0ne has too much money and wants to throw it on nonsense.
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I have been...somewhat moderate (relative to how I felt when posting) in my hopefully constructive criticism of the new site up until now, because I didn't want to be one of the people being ignored due to foaming at the mouth ranting and cussing, I wanted to contribute to making the new design (somehow) better, but what has happened today has completely blown my mind into tiny pieces.


After attempting to fix a problem where a forum post with more than two sets of spoiler tags does not display correctly in either the new mods site OR the OLD mods site, I have come to the conclusion that the developers of the Nexus either have a severe deficiency in their knowledge of how to code HTML properly, or they use code generating tools that produce obscene, bloated code and never examine the code for machine-generated issues (or don't know how to) to find and fix the sort of mistakes auto-generated code is invariably full of. Because that's what looks like happened here, I've seen it before countless times.


I opened the problematic post for the first time on the mods site and what confronted me made me want to vomit just a little. A text block consisting of many short lines of ini file entries had DIV TAGS ON NEARLY EVERY LINE INCLUDING LINE SPACING! What the heck? There should be ONE set of div tags with br tags or, at MOST, p tags to separate lines! Div tags are for DIVISION of blocks of text, not LINE SPACING!


I can't even begin to figure out what is wrong with the handling of more than two sets of spoiler tags in a post when the code for handling the text within posts is so badly written. Actually that's not true, I could do it, I've dealt with this sort of auto-generated junk before. What I can't do is look at this mess for long enough to get the job done.


(Edited for less vehemence and vitriol)


Edited by GlassDeviant
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@GlassDeviant; Placing spoilers within spoilers within spoilers within a single post works fine for me.




Like this:



Nesting them doesn't appear to cause any issues.



I have been...somewhat moderate (relative to how I felt when posting) in my hopefully constructive criticism of the new site up until now, because I didn't want to be one of the people being ignored due to foaming at the mouth ranting and cussing, I wanted to contribute to making the new design (somehow) better, but what has happened today has completely blown my mind into tiny pieces.

After attempting to fix a problem where a forum post with more than two sets of spoiler tags does not display correctly in either the new mods site OR the OLD mods site, I have come to the conclusion that the developers of the Nexus either have a severe deficiency in their knowledge of how to code HTML properly, or they use code generating tools that produce obscene, bloated code and never examine the code for machine-generated issues (or don't know how to) to find and fix the sort of mistakes auto-generated code is invariably full of. Because that's what looks like happened here, I've seen it before countless times.

I opened the problematic post for the first time on the mods site and what confronted me made me want to vomit just a little. A text block consisting of many short lines of ini file entries had DIV TAGS ON NEARLY EVERY LINE INCLUDING LINE SPACING! What the heck? There should be ONE set of div tags with br tags or, at MOST, p tags to separate lines! Div tags are for DIVISION of blocks of text, not LINE SPACING!

I can't even begin to figure out what is wrong with the handling of more than two sets of spoiler tags in a post when the code for handling the text within posts is so badly written. Actually that's not true, I could do it, I've dealt with this sort of auto-generated junk before. What I can't do is look at this mess for long enough to get the job done.

(Edited for less vehemence and vitriol)








And multiple independent spoilers work as well:




This is another example.




Same on the new mod sites design. Tested by posting multiple spoilers in the comments for one of my own mods. :cool:


So maybe the specific post you looked at was corrupted by something else? :huh:

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