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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55255308. #55256923, #55257018, #55257068, #55257338, #55257343, #55259548, #55259848, #55259863, #55263213, #55263383, #55263583, #55271593, #55271953, #55272448, #55274748 are all replies on the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design. Since the nexusmods still is the best site for mods to me, i will stuck with you, but when the old design is shut down and only the new site is available, well.... i will stuck with you, but i will hate you forever at the same time for making me use the new design and i will hate myself for using it and not leaving nexus and i will hate everything from then on.
I hate the new design so much and i hate you for creating it.
I hate you.
CreeperLava wrote: Is there really a need to be so agressive towards what is ultimately not that important ?
r0ck7y wrote: i guess you need a day sleep before posting.
KSI Carbon Core wrote: So much hate for something so mundane.
Veritech100 wrote: Wow so much hate for such a small thing!
KensaiTonada wrote: I see you are not a financial supporter... so you're angry because something you get FREE is changing... what a putz.
blackninja50 wrote: I'm angry to so go die.
Crusader33 wrote: Kids and teenagers LOVE it !!!!!!! Adults all hate it !!!!! Such is life We well have are revenge while in the nursing home for the next generation of kids well change there's as well !!!!
Skauldomir wrote: You must not take change easily...
Keleigh3000 wrote: I hate it too. I'm a premium member, does my opinion count?
Dziggy wrote: The people saying they don't like the new design should really try to offer the Nexus Mods staff some actual constructive feedback. Simply saying that you don't like it is pointless. How can they improve the things that people don't like if they have no idea what those things are?
jsparks40 wrote: I think the OP is just being facetious people :P
sopmac45 wrote: Well, if you hate yourself I am pretty sure that you hate humanity .... you are going into the dark path. Be careful. It is a fact, that nobody can give what they do not have. If you hate in your heart, you will hate everything and everybody that surround you. Too bad !

Nothing is forever in this life whoever you are; you were a baby before, then you grew up and became a teen, then you will grow up more and become an adult and one day probably an old woman/man and at your end, you will pass away. Nothing is forever. Accepting that reality is the key to be calm and peaceful.
Spart117MC wrote: A good number of us did offer constructive criticism and we were called backwards idiots for not liking change.
schnubbel76 wrote: Interesting how much confusion about my hate is out there. It's not like my life crashes to pieces about this. I just hate the new design. And i am saying it.

@ Dziggy: Why should i offer the nexus team constructive feedback for their project, when there is absolutely no need to change it. It would be great if they would change it to be better, but that is not the case. Why should i support something, that makes things worse than they are. Makes no sense.
UhuruNUru wrote: My constructive feedback is the same, for both old, and new designs, and though the new is better in regards to my long standing complaint, it's just coincidentally better.

My complaint is simple, Most of the available space on my monitor is wasted on this site.
Why doesn't it resize the pages to fit my screen, whatever size that may be.

I don't mean titlebar/background, that does resize, I mean this subframe that contains all the actual content, and takes up little space;

In my case with standard 16/9 widescreen format;
Old site takes up about 30% of the available width.
New site takes up about 50% of the available width.

So new sites better then, if still inadequate, when I expect it to use all the width?

Actually it somehow manages to fit even less content into that larger screen area.

So despite being wider, I see less content without scrolling, due to a combination of much bigger images, tiles etc, combined with large areas of shere wasted space.

Take basic mod browsing, with "Tiles", view that shows most mods
Old - Even though a third of the available space is used by search options at the top, and totally wasted unerneath, I can get 21 full mod tiles on the screen
New - No search options to take a third of the screen here, but the size of each tile gives only 15 full mods.

I could live with the new layout better if it used my full screen area, though I do think a lot of the elements need shrinking a little as well.

So the new layout though wider, gives me less.
Just make the scrollable page the entire page, and design it for the only devices that need to use the site, PC's (Including Laptops).

I don't see any need to even care about mobile layout, but if you need one, make that a secondary system. We can't use the mods on mobiles, so I see no need to visit the mod site with such devices.

Forum's still a separate site, I assume.
That's better width, but even there it only uses 90% of the space, so could be better.
I've given this feedback numerous times, and it seems a no brainer to me.

Use all the width availble, and fit the site to that space, for all of us.

Are you like... a hater? Please clarify...
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In response to post #55290743.

Prismuth wrote:

I discovered on the new site it has download history, except it has things I don't remember downloading, and don't know WHY I would download, and in fact block them from my searches. I don't know if that was there before, but seeing them on my download page is freaking me out.


Does the new site not have a way to delete these? Did the old? I don't want to have to close my account and start over because I don't know how these got here or how to make them go away and I just started MAKING mods so I can't do that and please help I'm having a panic attack

Edit: And they're gone now. ...I have no idea who did that but thank you.

IIRC Download history has been there for over 5 years. It also has had it's fair share of erroneous data in it. Nothing really to worry about with this since no one else can see it and just to point out the obvious, if you were worried about the nexus doing analytics to figure out who you were, you signed an agreement when you made an account. Might be best to go read the agreement instead of freaking out over a feature that's had bugs in it for awhile (not many people use it and trying to provide debug testing on a user side isn't possible anyways so it doesn't get fixed).

Not trying to silence the crowd, just trying to point out the obvious problem with "going on facebook to post that facebook is tracking everything you do", people don't care and will just ignore it because they like the service it provides. And that is why I still have not read the agreement or the privacy policy here! Because the nexus provides things I want =D
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In response to post #55290218. #55296213, #55297523 are all replies on the same post.

CursedSeal7 wrote: I really *really* dislike the whole "material design" fad that is essentially an excuse to build *only* a platform for mobile, and force desktop users to use it (which is sad for a website that is primarily used to download mods for desktop based games). Not only are you wasting vast amounts of screen space making images, buttons, and text larger than they need to be, but you're seriously hurting the UX when it comes to grouping things because of how spread out important things become when you're spacing them out as much as material design does.

I get that material design is really popular right now, but that's because mobile is in general growing as a platform, and more people browse the web on mobile. The problem *here* is that you guys seem to have hired UI designers to design UIs, and not think about their audience for whom they're designing. When your primary use case is to serve up information concisely on a primarily desktop based platform, material design is a horrible choice. The old site isn't perfect, but it's worlds better about this specific issue. You could do a lot better by just taking the current site and actually using the full width of the screen, rather than the middle third. I'd like to reiterate: I'm here to download mods for my PC games, not Candy Crush. I have a 16:9 display, not a 9:16 display(w:h). Stop wasting all of that screen real estate and stop wasting peoples time scrolling past all the empty boxes.
calscks wrote: "material design is a horrible choice"
> assuming it's material design
> doesn't know what material design is

"an excuse to build *only* a platform for mobile"
> claiming a web design fundamentals 101 as a "fad"
> assuming a clean redesign is targeted for mobile users
> i'm really *really* starting to wonder if it's 2017 or 1997

i could've agreed with that most elements in the new website is taking up too much space making less information displayable without scrolling, but the way you form your opinions are so bad, almost as if you're trying to boss around the nexusmod's developers, while asserting everything as "material design" making it hell lot obvious you are severely lacking of adequate knowledge on the purpose of re-design which has been addressed by site owner dozens of time, fitting just right for a very arrogant, self-entitled and short-sighted person hated by most majority. Nexus Mods is by far one of the places with most self-centred individuals, sadly to say that. action of judging and demanding are what makes so many mod authors to lock their post sections or hide their mods and now we can see it finally targets the entire site.
Balx2 wrote: Come now calscks, at least CursedSeal7's complaint had something to it other then "rawr I hate nexus cause it changed, I so angry, no speak good, anger. anger, raraw" etc etc

fad platform... Oh you mean like how websites are only building a javascript webpage instead of both? Where have I seen this before? Youtube!
1997 was a good year! The 1996 Telecommunications act was passed and actually did something back then! Oh and I bought my first gameboy with money I had saved for a year! (I was 6-7) But besides that, the site doesn't really serve a purpose on mobile. I have a feeling that the increase in traffic on mobile is actually because of youtube (and the fact that it's mobile friendly with 3 different versions, an app, the mobile page, and the desktop). Dark hasn't come out and disclosed what mobile users are actually doing and what pages are being hit most with mobile devices. If people are just replying to comments (the old forums look great on mobile, tried it out when this new layout started... No I mean the FORUM site that is boring and hasn't changed in well over 5 years -- except maybe the provider a few times), if they are using the search page to look for mods (WTF?), or are just going straight to a mod page then leaving without doing anything (indicates link followers like youtube trolls).
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In response to post #55288618. #55289223 is also a reply to the same post.

Arnhem wrote: I only have one question.

Ethreon wrote: Your question has already been answered in previous articles.

Awww don't be like that.

Gotta make up some shenanigans and tell him it's to support for the mobile traffic that has increase by 18% in the last year and that Dark doesn't make enough money to support multiple versions of the website. And Dark doesn't care if it consumes more resources and hates the people of Australia because they allowed really shitty ISPs to ruin the internet and thinks they should rebel.

I did say I was making this up right?
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*presses ~*

MaxandmovRef.SetAV intelligence 1

GREETING: *Insert topic here*

Maxandmov: Me cri. Ugh!!

*presses ~ again*

MaxandmovRef.SetAV intelligence 8


Tbh, I am sad. I don't know, it's just as it's been with our social network down here - it wasn't so good at the start, but people always get used to changes.

I'll miss your design ye' olde' NexusMods. </3


p.s. Insert all previously named complaints regarding new interface, obviously. I don't want to spoil it to NexusMods lads, they've been doing good as far as I can see for the most of the time.

Edited by Maxandmov
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People will always complain, because no one can satisfy all their wishes. I think the new design should a bit polished: something place here, something there, something must have a bigger font (e.g. last comment date time on "My mods page"), etc.Thanks for that you are moving forward.
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In response to post #55274993. #55279503, #55279608, #55282488, #55284263 are all replies on the same post.

Jeir wrote:

Thankfully I haven't yet been forced to use the 'new site' (probably until I clear my cache). I don't like it, and given I don't browse this site on a tiny 5inch touchscreen, everything being huge (and easy to poke with fingers) does not and will never appeal to me.

For those who keep saying 'say what you don't like and how to fix it, don't just keep complaining', we have. There have been numerous threads. But, okay, I will.


Not UI related:

- Let us have an option to turn off adult mods for the front page, and the front page only.

- Let us block and favourite tags. If we favourite a certain tag, then a mod with that tag will appear, no matter what other tags the mod has that we've blocked.

- Add/remove/change some tags, such as how I suggested here, although that's a little outdated now. The follower/companion tags would be nice.



- Return the font back to 13px. The 15px font either hurts my eyes (no, really) or makes me feel like I need to stand up and move away from my screen/decrease the zoom on the page to around 80%. This is especially relevant on the 'Recent Activity'/Recent Uploads page for some reason.

- Give option for smaller images. All images are currently 2-3x bigger than needed.

- Decrease wasted space above/below text and links. The box around a link (such as in the tracking centre/recent activity/etc.) makes it 2-3x larger than needed, especially when not using touchscreen.


Tracking Centre:

- Give an option for no images in the tracking centre. Half the time images have nothing to do with the mod in question anyway.

- Remove the game name from the tracking centre if viewed on the site for that game.

- Remove unnecessary titles. I know I'm in the tracking centre. I don't need to be told three times that that is where I am. The small title at the top is fine.

Result: This turns into this. Now I can see 16 mods instead of 8. Sadly, because I used uBlock to remove the unwanted elements instead of a CSS plugin of some kind, it just gets restored when the page reloads.


Mod Page:

I 'cheated' and used an existing browser plugin.

Result: This turns into this. Everything is condensed, and people can actually see there's more below that 'about this mod' section. Only thing it needs is for the tags to go back into its own tab.



Dark1Nova wrote: Would you mind sharing the browser plugin used? Because if Nexus insists on using these huge images and wasted space, the only way i'm ever going to browse the site is if I have a plugin like that.
Jeir wrote: Here. It's a 'Stylish' plugin, and there are a few others available.
Dark1Nova wrote: Oh thank you, that makes it look so very much better!
zidders wrote: Thank you!

I've installed the change you made but I'm not noticing a difference comparing the site side by side.
To hide the images with ublock continuously, you can add a wildcard after the thumbnail directory you can add this to your filters in ublock
If the option doesn't become available in the final release you can change the filter to
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In response to post #55274993. #55279503, #55279608, #55282488, #55284263, #55304058 are all replies on the same post.

Jeir wrote:

Thankfully I haven't yet been forced to use the 'new site' (probably until I clear my cache). I don't like it, and given I don't browse this site on a tiny 5inch touchscreen, everything being huge (and easy to poke with fingers) does not and will never appeal to me.

For those who keep saying 'say what you don't like and how to fix it, don't just keep complaining', we have. There have been numerous threads. But, okay, I will.


Not UI related:

- Let us have an option to turn off adult mods for the front page, and the front page only.

- Let us block and favourite tags. If we favourite a certain tag, then a mod with that tag will appear, no matter what other tags the mod has that we've blocked.

- Add/remove/change some tags, such as how I suggested here, although that's a little outdated now. The follower/companion tags would be nice.



- Return the font back to 13px. The 15px font either hurts my eyes (no, really) or makes me feel like I need to stand up and move away from my screen/decrease the zoom on the page to around 80%. This is especially relevant on the 'Recent Activity'/Recent Uploads page for some reason.

- Give option for smaller images. All images are currently 2-3x bigger than needed.

- Decrease wasted space above/below text and links. The box around a link (such as in the tracking centre/recent activity/etc.) makes it 2-3x larger than needed, especially when not using touchscreen.


Tracking Centre:

- Give an option for no images in the tracking centre. Half the time images have nothing to do with the mod in question anyway.

- Remove the game name from the tracking centre if viewed on the site for that game.

- Remove unnecessary titles. I know I'm in the tracking centre. I don't need to be told three times that that is where I am. The small title at the top is fine.

Result: This turns into this. Now I can see 16 mods instead of 8. Sadly, because I used uBlock to remove the unwanted elements instead of a CSS plugin of some kind, it just gets restored when the page reloads.


Mod Page:

I 'cheated' and used an existing browser plugin.

Result: This turns into this. Everything is condensed, and people can actually see there's more below that 'about this mod' section. Only thing it needs is for the tags to go back into its own tab.



Dark1Nova wrote: Would you mind sharing the browser plugin used? Because if Nexus insists on using these huge images and wasted space, the only way i'm ever going to browse the site is if I have a plugin like that.
Jeir wrote: Here. It's a 'Stylish' plugin, and there are a few others available.
Dark1Nova wrote: Oh thank you, that makes it look so very much better!
zidders wrote: Thank you!
pacfish wrote: I've installed the change you made but I'm not noticing a difference comparing the site side by side.
To hide the images with ublock continuously, you can add a wildcard after the thumbnail directory you can add this to your filters in ublock
If the option doesn't become available in the final release you can change the filter to

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In response to post #55257103. #55257298, #55258328, #55258513, #55258928, #55259153, #55259388, #55259853 are all replies on the same post.

Darth Sidious wrote: I hope you will give us the option to keep the old design, I find it much more readable and more pleasant to use.
EHPDJFrANKy wrote: I think just the same. It would be really much appreciated.
Haladoon wrote: Same here. The new design is too damn huge. I also am not a fan of the new navigation, but it's just something I'll try to get use to as a modder and user. I know they are working hard on it. Even though, I personally don't think it's necessary from a visual perspective.
gentester wrote: I hope so as well. I really dislike the new design I did give it a fair go I think but reverted pretty quickly, it just doesn't feel as user friendly and welcoming. Sometimes 'New' isn't necessarily synonymous with 'Better'
TheOblivionCrew1 wrote: This happened the last time they did an update, when the current design(2012-2017 era, if I recall correctly when it was implemented) was the "new" design. We said the same thing then, didn't change the course of action unfortunately. On the whole it was rather strange, because the original layouts of the Nexus felt very PC friendly. The new designs got shifted for "multiple/universal" platforms, meaning mobile, which doesn't make any sense because there's no community for modding on any platforms other than PC(and the consoles have been hamstrung by Bethesda controlling the content and site for it, so I don't factor them in).

Maybe it's just a result of amateur web-building, and site layout design(maybe no one is a visual artist or professional in user-friendly design, which I can understand), but after some years of doing this I really question why they keep shooting for redesigns that don't seem to improve usability, all against frequent calls by their users to go back to the old layouts.
VictorDragonslayer wrote: The new design is good for viewing pictures, but awful for reading mod description and comments - they are too wide. Is it text length, overall gamma or whatever, but my eyes feel uncomfortable when I read something on the new design. It's still better than "Mom, I learned JS!" Bethesda.net, which is hard to navigate, but hiding changelog under "Logs" tab was a mistake - very few people will find it.
KamranMackey wrote: They probably won't. And IMO, there's nothing really wrong with the new design. I find it to be a lot more modern and easier to look at than the old design. The old design was alright, but I think the new one is so much better.
VictorDragonslayer wrote:
easier to look at

To look at pictures - yes, but, as I said, reading texts became harder, IMO. If people complain about readability, then it means that:
1) they are crybabies and should be disregarded;
2) font size/colour may not suit all users, so you may try to give several options to choose from.
Sadly, developers considered only the first option.

This was already answered by staff, moderators, admins (Dark), already. They will not be keeping the old design as the cost to maintain both versions of the site is "too costly"

The other problem with that is formatting issues for content creators between old and new site.
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