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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55671511.

bigd4450 wrote: Put on my dark glasses, prepared to brave the headaches and really try to use this..., whatever. I ran into a problem, used "view all mods" and got out to page 25. Saw a mod that looked interesting, since there is no description on the outside of the mod page I had to open the page. Not what I thought it was, how do I get back to where I was on page 25. My browser return arrow took me back to page 1, where, interestingly enough I had to go all the way out and start all over again as the page advance numbers didn't work at that point. Adding frustration to headache, there is no where I could find to get simple answers, I thought I'd come to a place where I know a bunch of "know-it-alls" hang out, self included, to maybe get some help.

All I can suggest, until they fix the navigation, is when browsing mods, right-click on one you want to open, and open it in a new tab, thus not losing your place in the tab you are using for browsing.
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In response to post #55671511. #55676436 is also a reply to the same post.

bigd4450 wrote: Put on my dark glasses, prepared to brave the headaches and really try to use this..., whatever. I ran into a problem, used "view all mods" and got out to page 25. Saw a mod that looked interesting, since there is no description on the outside of the mod page I had to open the page. Not what I thought it was, how do I get back to where I was on page 25. My browser return arrow took me back to page 1, where, interestingly enough I had to go all the way out and start all over again as the page advance numbers didn't work at that point. Adding frustration to headache, there is no where I could find to get simple answers, I thought I'd come to a place where I know a bunch of "know-it-alls" hang out, self included, to maybe get some help.
Eolhin wrote: All I can suggest, until they fix the navigation, is when browsing mods, right-click on one you want to open, and open it in a new tab, thus not losing your place in the tab you are using for browsing.

Or scroll click.
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In response to post #55671511.




bigd4450 wrote: Put on my dark glasses, prepared to brave the headaches and really try to use this..., whatever. I ran into a problem, used "view all mods" and got out to page 25. Saw a mod that looked interesting, since there is no description on the outside of the mod page I had to open the page. Not what I thought it was, how do I get back to where I was on page 25. My browser return arrow took me back to page 1, where, interestingly enough I had to go all the way out and start all over again as the page advance numbers didn't work at that point. Adding frustration to headache, there is no where I could find to get simple answers, I thought I'd come to a place where I know a bunch of "know-it-alls" hang out, self included, to maybe get some help.

All I can suggest, until they fix the navigation, is when browsing mods, right-click on one you want to open, and open it in a new tab, thus not losing your place in the tab you are using for browsing.


^ That's how I do it anyway, so maybe that's why I've not noticed as many problems in that portion of the interface. Fact is, there's always a work-around, and believe it or not, Dark0ne is listening and and reading. Kudos to you ladies and gentlemen providing really detailed posts with suggestions for fixes--you may notice something the web designer missed and now she (?) is aware of it because of the detail in the posts.


Those are the kinds of feedback they're looking for.


And Ethreon's suggestion just shows that there are often multiple ways to work around something. The changes may be slow, but they are being implemented. If some of the posters here are as experienced in html and site coding as they make it seem, I'm sure Dark0ne would love to hear from you as you are valuable members of the community with expert knowledge of something that could help us all out.



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In response to post #55668576. #55669996, #55675386 are all replies on the same post.

Wintermane555 wrote: I hate this new layout. I keep closing the "View New Layout" bar at the top, because I prefer the old layout. Now, after I log onto my account, there is no option to keep the old layout. There is nothing under account preferences, and no other mention. How do I get my old layout back? Why not allow us the CHOICE of which one to use? One size does not fit everyone, and looking at the comments below it seems I'm not the only one. Many sites offer multiple layouts with the same content served up through the backend database. Why not allow us the option?

So, judging by the number of negative posts about the new layout, are you going to actually listen to your users, or just tell us to screw like most of the game developers? I'm curious since you seem to be rolling full steam ahead with "phase 2" regardless of the comments?
NickSheperd wrote: The site admin has already basically said "f*** you." And made the new layout mandatory. People are standing around, scratching their heads and wondering, "Why the new layout anyways?" No one really knows why they decided to up and change.

The saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Applies here perfectly. I can appreciate wanting to improve the looks of an older website, but sheesh. Needless to say, they went way overboard here and mucked the whole thing up.

TL'DR: We aren't getting the old layout back, no matter how many people on the site complain about it.
Ethreon wrote: 1. There's an entire bloody article stating the change comes and why. The testing grounds have been public for a few months now and you had and still have the possibility to offer ideas on how to improve the new layout. People scratching their head usually have nothing in it.

2. It was broken. They're not changing it cause Dark0ne has too much money and wants to throw it on nonsense.

I don't really pay attention to the news section because 9 times out of 10 it's stuff that I don't care about at all, so I likely missed that article, I'll go find it.

As for suggestions for improving the new layout? Easy, switch it back to the old one. If it was so "broken.", then why did it still function perfectly fine for the entire userbase?

Edited by NickSheperd
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Honestly I've seen some posts about people wanting to start a vote up, and I have to wonder why there wasn't an official vote advertised to the public to begin with. The initial posts about this redesign talk about the use of "focus groups" with over 10 million using this site, it's literally impossible to capture every single person's opinion. But starting with something as simple as a "Yes or No" straw poll would take literally 10 seconds of work from Dark0ne and would show which way the community is already leaning.


Either we're the loud minority and he has nothing to worry about, or we're not, and he has to move forward knowing the majority of people just don't want this redesign. Obviously not everyone is going to be happy no matter what happens but sheesh, if you're going to at least feign interest in public opinion with these "focus groups." Which likely don't include anyone who was just like, "Nah we don't need this." Then at least put forth a vote so the public can express it's opinion in a cohesive manner.


It simply doesn't make any sense to go "Okay guys we're gonna do this thing now and no matter how many people complain about it I'm just gonna continue on regardless." That's simply not how you maintain a positive relationship with your userbase.


Granted, all of this depends on Dark0ne actually giving s*** about maintaining said positive relationship. Which as we've seen with countless site admins over the years, they rarely do.


At best, he's just hoping for the inevitable cycle of "they'll *censored* and moan at first but eventually get over it and shut up." Which will probably will happen. However if this is how you treat your userbase they will remember.


And when the inevitable happens when someone comes along with a better, more accessible site that reminds people of what Nexus used to be, they'll remember how the site admin likes to treat the people who are responsible for his success.


Nexus might be a household modding name now, but far greater and far more successful companies have fallen. Especially with how volatile the modding scene is right now, it just doesn't seem like a smart move to piss off your audience.


But oh well.

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First, I prefer the old format - I don't like change; that is a bias that I am well aware of - so I have tried to cut the redesign slack and get use to it and not be ridiculously critical of it.


1. All of this rich media format make it stupidly slow - and this content is forced on you. Give us a mechanism to get non-rich format. Frankly if this happens most of the complaints will go away.

2. Using doubleclick to spy on premimum members

3. I do a search I then click on a mod - and then I hit the back button and I see a big gear slowly moving. (see #1)


[edit : syntax fix]





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