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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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So far so good for the most part.


The only thing so far that has been irritating is that when you go to the a tab like Popular(30) or Popular(All Time), the link at the bottom to 'View More' should start you out on page 2 (provided both pages show the same number of items).

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Am not too unhappy so far with the new design. Only thing I'd like to see is our user name top right would be made into a quick-link to our profile and the possibility to add more than eight games to our favourites, like, at least twelve. That's it. The rest isn't as overseeable as the old design, but it's just a matter of getting used to.

Agreed. The new site design is just horrible.

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I hate this new layout. I keep closing the "View New Layout" bar at the top, because I prefer the old layout. Now, after I log onto my account, there is no option to keep the old layout. There is nothing under account preferences, and no other mention. How do I get my old layout back? Why not allow us the CHOICE of which one to use? One size does not fit everyone, and looking at the comments below it seems I'm not the only one. Many sites offer multiple layouts with the same content served up through the backend database. Why not allow us the option?


So, judging by the number of negative posts about the new layout, are you going to actually listen to your users, or just tell us to screw like most of the game developers? I'm curious since you seem to be rolling full steam ahead with "phase 2" regardless of the comments?

Edited by Wintermane555
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I also dislike the new layout and would appreciate if the option to use the old one could remain.


Regardless, this has been one of my favorite websites for many years and I'm grateful for everything. :)

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Not sure whether this has anything to do with the new layout or whether this has been mentioned, but I track many mods and have not received any updates for days. I have changed no settings and have spot checked a couple of mods and there have been new comments posted.

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Not very constructive on the feedback here. Folks need to get used to the only constant in the universe - Change -

It took very short amount of time for me to get used to the new layout. I have suggested a couple issues I have had with it, and most have been addressed. (social media links need to say "Nexus" not "Us")

It takes time to get all the folds ironed out.

If you don't like it you need to explain - in detail - what it is you don't like and offer a suggestion as to how it can be better.

The old site IS going away, and they are working on the new design now. So, now would be good time to get your suggestions on improvement out there. Threats to leave along with the old design is not being constructive.

My 2 copper ... given!



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In response to post #55668576.

Wintermane555 wrote: I hate this new layout. I keep closing the "View New Layout" bar at the top, because I prefer the old layout. Now, after I log onto my account, there is no option to keep the old layout. There is nothing under account preferences, and no other mention. How do I get my old layout back? Why not allow us the CHOICE of which one to use? One size does not fit everyone, and looking at the comments below it seems I'm not the only one. Many sites offer multiple layouts with the same content served up through the backend database. Why not allow us the option?

So, judging by the number of negative posts about the new layout, are you going to actually listen to your users, or just tell us to screw like most of the game developers? I'm curious since you seem to be rolling full steam ahead with "phase 2" regardless of the comments?

The site admin has already basically said "f*** you." And made the new layout mandatory. People are standing around, scratching their heads and wondering, "Why the new layout anyways?" No one really knows why they decided to up and change.

The saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." Applies here perfectly. I can appreciate wanting to improve the looks of an older website, but sheesh. Needless to say, they went way overboard here and mucked the whole thing up.

TL'DR: We aren't getting the old layout back, no matter how many people on the site complain about it. Edited by NickSheperd
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I hate this new layout. I keep closing the "View New Layout" bar at the top, because I prefer the old layout. Now, after I log onto my account, there is no option to keep the old layout. There is nothing under account preferences, and no other mention. How do I get my old layout back? Why not allow us the CHOICE of which one to use? One size does not fit everyone, and looking at the comments below it seems I'm not the only one. Many sites offer multiple layouts with the same content served up through the backend database. Why not allow us the option?


So, judging by the number of negative posts about the new layout, are you going to actually listen to your users, or just tell us to screw like most of the game developers? I'm curious since you seem to be rolling full steam ahead with "phase 2" regardless of the comments?

Dude, it was just the holidays not that long ago, and the next set of holidays is coming up. On top of that, there seems to be one person doing the actual implementation of the design to the site itself, per what Dark0ne has said in the past in this thread and elsewhere. Plus, Vortex is coming out, and I'm pretty sure we're not the web designer's only client. How about having a little patience?


The site admin has already basically said "f*** you." And made the new layout mandatory. People are standing around, scratching their heads and wondering, "Why the new layout anyways?" No one really knows why they decided to up and change.

That is untrue. Back before the new site was even available, Dark0ne had a thread up asking for ideas and whatnot. He has been posting pretty regularly here and elsewhere and keeping announcements up to date on the forums. And in this thread I know for a fact he has said that good feedback that can be implemented most likely will be implemented. They're still tinkering. So I don't see how this translates to a site-wide screw you to all the members. The only one I've seen post here has been Dark0ne and he's not a admin, he's the owner. Furthermore, he didn't make the new layout mandatory, had you read more than two or three pages. You can still change it back until it's gone for good in your settings. And the default Nexus page switched only after almost three months of letting us try it out, while there were feedback threads up in the forums.


Your generality is thus meritless and adds nothing to the thread of any use.

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