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Redesign Launch - Stage 2 in progress


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In response to post #55925576. #55929271 is also a reply to the same post.




TeHCoQ wrote: new layout: increase scale of everything by 25% and make it look like windows 10.


UX is terrible. why the f*** does everything have to be so big.


at least the search feature is fixed. having to click the search field twice was annoying


please keep the option to use old layout once roadmap is complete.

Ethreon wrote: There will be no old layout option anymore.

well that would be incredibly lame.


if they refuse to offer old layout, at least add some scaling options.


I dont need everything to look like a big-button telephone you give old folks, or a mcdonalds cash register


but they probably won't, because this is how they effectively made their advertisement banners larger.



I agree with your idea on having scaling options "without" reducing text.


Consider this comparison of these two screenshots. One of the two is easier to browse because it is smaller "in these PC screenshots 1280x1024". I'm not suggesting to copy the design, just consider the differences in how simple a design can be and more beneficial for the community to use this great website. Personally Bethesda.net's light color background is easier for my eyes but I do know there are those that need the darker backgrounds, so with that in mind an option to change background colors would be VERY beneficial for the website viewers.




Bethesda site https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/images/687278


New Nexus design https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/images/18120


I will add that I examined the mobile designs between the two sites and will say that I don't mind the design for the Nexus "mobile" but Bethesda's was much more functional and scaled down as well.

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In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026, #55887056, #55887846, #55889711, #55892361, #55896501, #55903126, #55912996, #55918846, #55922706, #55933531, #55944111 are all replies on the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
Graslama wrote: Why?
schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f*#@ed by nexus.
I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.
slippyguy wrote: Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.
RestlessPilgrim wrote: Define "proper feedback" then because it's not like the numerous complaints aren't pretty clear! Didn't ask for it, don't like it, can't search properly, etc etc etc Just because people disagree with something you want to force on us doesn't make 'em wrong!
Ethreon wrote: Proper feedback - give feedback on the new version, either specifying what is wrong and you want changed, or what could be improved. The old one is not coming back.
"I hate it" is not really of any use to anyone.
schnubbel76 wrote: I dont see it in my responsibility to be "of use". I have just an opinion, i am very very sad about the changes that i mentioned and i dont want to be part of the thinktank for further changes. I want the old one back and as you say, that is not gonnna happen. So all is left to me is being frustrated and say it out loud, because somehow it helps me emotionally. At least more as if i just would remain silent. I know it is of no use. But it is not my duty to be of use for anybody. I have to endure the new design. So you have to endure my criticism. And i in return have to endure your criticism of my criticism. Circle of life.
LavaCroft wrote: If you're just going to complain for the complaining without even attempting to provide any kind of valuable feedback, I would create a Twitter account or something.

Freeloading complainers like you don't realize that you do indeed have the power to cause changes in the design of the website. However, only if you are actually able to verbally express yourself in a way that explains your grievances and what the developers could do to improve the situation. Stop crying, stop complaining, try and help the developers improve on the things you feel are bad.

It's a situation where nobody loses, everybody wins and the website improves.
schnubbel76 wrote: Lava Croft, ok, heres what the developers can do to improve the situation. Give us the option to switch back to the old website. Then im fine. No complaining anymore.
MARTMM3571 wrote: It would counter productive to run two versions of the site.
slippyguy wrote: Are you planning to pay for the development time spent supporting a legacy layout?
mcdanielskh wrote: You just sound like a big crying Baby that's scared of his new rattler and wants his old one back.
Give real input or shut the hell up!! Please.
schnubbel76 wrote: mcdanielskh I dont give a s#*! about what you think about me as a person or my behaviour. I said i hate the new layout. Whats the big deal. You dont have to like what im saying. You dont even have to read it or take part in this argument. You can say to me that you hate me, or that you think im a crying baby, you even can wish me to die on cancer. But dont you ever try to shut me up. I dont know where you are coming from, but in my country we are allowed to speak freely. You will never take that away from me.
mcdanielskh wrote: schnubbel76 I did say Please :)
Look, I don't hate you, and I seriously doubt that even you can whine enough to make anybody want to kill you. (Although I could be wrong).
I just wish you would take a anti-drama pill and move on for god's sake.

As far as where we are from, that's irrelevant, and I don't see how this has anything to do with freedom of speech. but FYI I am an American, and value freedom of speech.I have also been told to shut up many times in my life, usually because I need to be told to shut up. I am also not afraid to stand up and shout for what i believe when it is needed, like when it interferes with basic liberties like "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and no our founding fathers of the constitution were not talking about you personal happiness to have the Nexus page look just like you want or else. Do you not hear how "entitled" you sound? If you truly understand the meaning of "freedom of speech" you would also know that freedom of speech does not give you the right to disturb the peace and make a general nuisance/ass of yourself.

So ok, we all have heard how you just hate this new Nexus Layout, that you don't want to help make it better and that you just want to make noise and you feel you have a right to make as much noise as you want. Well friend, I will use my 1st amendment right to tell you that you are not standing up for your freedom of speech, you're just being a general a-hole. (oh BTW, you don't have a free speech right on the Nexus. The Nexus is very open in regard to speech, but they have the right to bounce you if they want. You can get your own web site if you want to say anything you want, but I digress..)
Now if you had actionable input for these great people here at the Nexus to work with and they were trying to shut you up, I would be standing right next to you being as loud with it as I can :)

Really though man, just chill bro. Don't take this stuff so seriously man. No one is attacking you personally. It's just words on a page man. If this stuff makes you wonder if people want to kill you, may I suggest seeing a Doctor for some medication or at least finding another hobby.

I am disturbing peace? Thats something i dont hear often :D

See, you may be right, this whole thing went out of control. But is that really my fault? Look how it started. I only wrote on sentence about my frustration. Thats it. Everyone could have ignore it, but they didn't. From the very beginning i was put into defending myself for saying that. And with every time i was defending my saying, i got more hate and had to defend myself more.
Everybody could have read my statement, think "ok, another whining a-hole" and go on. But no, it seems i had to be put in place and explaining myself for some reason.

So i am not convinced, that it was really me disturbing that peace. I felt more disturbed in my own peace with defending myself over and over again.
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new layout: increase scale of everything by 25% and make it look like windows 10.


UX is terrible. why the f*** does everything have to be so big.


at least the search feature is fixed. having to click the search field twice was annoying


please keep the option to use old layout once roadmap is complete.

Try reducing the browser size to 80%. Worked for me. Text is a little smaller, but nothing I can't handle.






In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026, #55887056, #55887846, #55889711, #55892361, #55896501, #55903126, #55912996, #55918846, #55922706, #55933531, #55944111 are all replies on the same post.




schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
Graslama wrote: Why?
schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f***ed by nexus.

I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.

slippyguy wrote: Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.
RestlessPilgrim wrote: Define "proper feedback" then because it's not like the numerous complaints aren't pretty clear! Didn't ask for it, don't like it, can't search properly, etc etc etc Just because people disagree with something you want to force on us doesn't make 'em wrong!
Ethreon wrote: Proper feedback - give feedback on the new version, either specifying what is wrong and you want changed, or what could be improved. The old one is not coming back.

"I hate it" is not really of any use to anyone.

schnubbel76 wrote: I dont see it in my responsibility to be "of use". I have just an opinion, i am very very sad about the changes that i mentioned and i dont want to be part of the thinktank for further changes. I want the old one back and as you say, that is not gonnna happen. So all is left to me is being frustrated and say it out loud, because somehow it helps me emotionally. At least more as if i just would remain silent. I know it is of no use. But it is not my duty to be of use for anybody. I have to endure the new design. So you have to endure my criticism. And i in return have to endure your criticism of my criticism. Circle of life.
LavaCroft wrote: If you're just going to complain for the complaining without even attempting to provide any kind of valuable feedback, I would create a Twitter account or something.


Freeloading complainers like you don't realize that you do indeed have the power to cause changes in the design of the website. However, only if you are actually able to verbally express yourself in a way that explains your grievances and what the developers could do to improve the situation. Stop crying, stop complaining, try and help the developers improve on the things you feel are bad.


It's a situation where nobody loses, everybody wins and the website improves.

schnubbel76 wrote: Lava Croft, ok, heres what the developers can do to improve the situation. Give us the option to switch back to the old website. Then im fine. No complaining anymore.
MARTMM3571 wrote: It would counter productive to run two versions of the site.
slippyguy wrote: Are you planning to pay for the development time spent supporting a legacy layout?
mcdanielskh wrote: You just sound like a big crying Baby that's scared of his new rattler and wants his old one back.

Give real input or shut the hell up!! Please.

schnubbel76 wrote: mcdanielskh I dont give a s*** about what you think about me as a person or my behaviour. I said i hate the new layout. Whats the big deal. You dont have to like what im saying. You dont even have to read it or take part in this argument. You can say to me that you hate me, or that you think im a crying baby, you even can wish me to die on cancer. But dont you ever try to shut me up. I dont know where you are coming from, but in my country we are allowed to speak freely. You will never take that away from me.
mcdanielskh wrote: schnubbel76 I did say Please :smile:

Look, I don't hate you, and I seriously doubt that even you can whine enough to make anybody want to kill you. (Although I could be wrong).

I just wish you would take a anti-drama pill and move on for god's sake.


As far as where we are from, that's irrelevant, and I don't see how this has anything to do with freedom of speech. but FYI I am an American, and value freedom of speech.I have also been told to shut up many times in my life, usually because I need to be told to shut up. I am also not afraid to stand up and shout for what i believe when it is needed, like when it interferes with basic liberties like "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and no our founding fathers of the constitution were not talking about you personal happiness to have the Nexus page look just like you want or else. Do you not hear how "entitled" you sound? If you truly understand the meaning of "freedom of speech" you would also know that freedom of speech does not give you the right to disturb the peace and make a general nuisance/ass of yourself.


So ok, we all have heard how you just hate this new Nexus Layout, that you don't want to help make it better and that you just want to make noise and you feel you have a right to make as much noise as you want. Well friend, I will use my 1st amendment right to tell you that you are not standing up for your freedom of speech, you're just being a general a-hole. (oh BTW, you don't have a free speech right on the Nexus. The Nexus is very open in regard to speech, but they have the right to bounce you if they want. You can get your own web site if you want to say anything you want, but I digress..)

Now if you had actionable input for these great people here at the Nexus to work with and they were trying to shut you up, I would be standing right next to you being as loud with it as I can :smile:


Really though man, just chill bro. Don't take this stuff so seriously man. No one is attacking you personally. It's just words on a page man. If this stuff makes you wonder if people want to kill you, may I suggest seeing a Doctor for some medication or at least finding another hobby.

I am disturbing peace? Thats something i dont hear often :D


See, you may be right, this whole thing went out of control. But is that really my fault? Look how it started. I only wrote on sentence about my frustration. Thats it. Everyone could have ignore it, but they didn't. From the very beginning i was put into defending myself for saying that. And with every time i was defending my saying, i got more hate and had to defend myself more.

Everybody could have read my statement, think "ok, another whining a-hole" and go on. But no, it seems i had to be put in place and explaining myself for some reason.


So i am not convinced, that it was really me disturbing that peace. I felt more disturbed in my own peace with defending myself over and over again.





I think we need this stickied--Useful feedback is defined by fortune.com as:

  • Is highly specific.
  • Contains advice that’s applicable beyond the project at hand. It carries wisdom you can apply toward future projects.
  • Is encouraging. While critical, it is never so harsh that the creator decides to give up.

Part of the problem I have with some of the feedback (and the only reason I haven't multiquoted dozens, if not hundreds of such posts and put their authors on blast is because that would be shameless flaming) is that it is not encouraging to read. No one who designs something for someone wants to hear, "Dood, ur site sux," because that is no different than saying, "Dood, u suck." These designers are pouring bits of themselves into this, much the same way a mod author pours a bit of himself into each mod. That would be like telling Brumbek that SMIM sux because you don't like his FOMOD.


How ridiculous is that?


So when giving feedback, find something specific you don't like about the new site, and more importantly, say how you would do things differently in your feedback to offer useful suggestions to the designers. It's not rocket science to look back over the thread and see which posts got acknowledged by Dark0ne. And doing that would prevent a lot of the acrimony in this thread.



In response to post #55920996. #55929276 is also a reply to the same post.




sniperfodder wrote: I think my biggest complaint with the new design is I can't permanently enable it. When I follow links from the NMM they show up in the old version. The other problem is the "Try the new version" link re-directs to the main page, instead of redirecting to the page you were on when you clicked the try new version banner.
Ethreon wrote: Possible bug ?

Not 100% sure, but I think you are experiencing an issue discussed and rectified with a tip on the first discussion thread.

I'll explain briefly: (BUT, this doesn't answer why you cannot permanently enable it btw... it just handles the address change issue)


I had the issue where all my bookmarks were not working due to the new address. And my complaint at the time was along your lines where many bookmarks etc were pointing to the "old address".


A user mentioned a workaround, that has worked flawlessly for me, and others I would assume.

Not only did this allow me to keep all my hundreds of bookmarks... but it also dealt with any "old link" anywhere on the internet pointing to the old web address.


I use FireFox myself.

The "addon" is called "ReDirector".

Anytime I click an old bookmark (without the rd in the address), it adds the info and processes the request and takes me to the right page.


In fact, I suggested that info/post be stickied (it wasn't), as I was sure it would help many others.

Of course, that is if you are okay with browser addons.


A quick google fu search shows it available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and possibly others as well.

In fact, see below & go there and read up on it. It supports a few browsers.... and is the one I use.



Good luck.


Frickin' genius. Thanks for this! It should be stickied as a workaround in the meantime. :)

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In response to post #55956336.

twowolves80 wrote:

new layout: increase scale of everything by 25% and make it look like windows 10.

UX is terrible. why the f*** does everything have to be so big.

at least the search feature is fixed. having to click the search field twice was annoying

please keep the option to use old layout once roadmap is complete.

Try reducing the browser size to 80%. Worked for me. Text is a little smaller, but nothing I can't handle.






In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026, #55887056, #55887846, #55889711, #55892361, #55896501, #55903126, #55912996, #55918846, #55922706, #55933531, #55944111 are all replies on the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
Graslama wrote: Why?
schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f***ed by nexus.
I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.
slippyguy wrote: Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.
RestlessPilgrim wrote: Define "proper feedback" then because it's not like the numerous complaints aren't pretty clear! Didn't ask for it, don't like it, can't search properly, etc etc etc Just because people disagree with something you want to force on us doesn't make 'em wrong!
Ethreon wrote: Proper feedback - give feedback on the new version, either specifying what is wrong and you want changed, or what could be improved. The old one is not coming back.
"I hate it" is not really of any use to anyone.
schnubbel76 wrote: I dont see it in my responsibility to be "of use". I have just an opinion, i am very very sad about the changes that i mentioned and i dont want to be part of the thinktank for further changes. I want the old one back and as you say, that is not gonnna happen. So all is left to me is being frustrated and say it out loud, because somehow it helps me emotionally. At least more as if i just would remain silent. I know it is of no use. But it is not my duty to be of use for anybody. I have to endure the new design. So you have to endure my criticism. And i in return have to endure your criticism of my criticism. Circle of life.
LavaCroft wrote: If you're just going to complain for the complaining without even attempting to provide any kind of valuable feedback, I would create a Twitter account or something.

Freeloading complainers like you don't realize that you do indeed have the power to cause changes in the design of the website. However, only if you are actually able to verbally express yourself in a way that explains your grievances and what the developers could do to improve the situation. Stop crying, stop complaining, try and help the developers improve on the things you feel are bad.

It's a situation where nobody loses, everybody wins and the website improves.
schnubbel76 wrote: Lava Croft, ok, heres what the developers can do to improve the situation. Give us the option to switch back to the old website. Then im fine. No complaining anymore.
MARTMM3571 wrote: It would counter productive to run two versions of the site.
slippyguy wrote: Are you planning to pay for the development time spent supporting a legacy layout?
mcdanielskh wrote: You just sound like a big crying Baby that's scared of his new rattler and wants his old one back.
Give real input or shut the hell up!! Please.
schnubbel76 wrote: mcdanielskh I dont give a s*** about what you think about me as a person or my behaviour. I said i hate the new layout. Whats the big deal. You dont have to like what im saying. You dont even have to read it or take part in this argument. You can say to me that you hate me, or that you think im a crying baby, you even can wish me to die on cancer. But dont you ever try to shut me up. I dont know where you are coming from, but in my country we are allowed to speak freely. You will never take that away from me.
mcdanielskh wrote: schnubbel76 I did say Please :smile:
Look, I don't hate you, and I seriously doubt that even you can whine enough to make anybody want to kill you. (Although I could be wrong).
I just wish you would take a anti-drama pill and move on for god's sake.

As far as where we are from, that's irrelevant, and I don't see how this has anything to do with freedom of speech. but FYI I am an American, and value freedom of speech.I have also been told to shut up many times in my life, usually because I need to be told to shut up. I am also not afraid to stand up and shout for what i believe when it is needed, like when it interferes with basic liberties like "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and no our founding fathers of the constitution were not talking about you personal happiness to have the Nexus page look just like you want or else. Do you not hear how "entitled" you sound? If you truly understand the meaning of "freedom of speech" you would also know that freedom of speech does not give you the right to disturb the peace and make a general nuisance/ass of yourself.

So ok, we all have heard how you just hate this new Nexus Layout, that you don't want to help make it better and that you just want to make noise and you feel you have a right to make as much noise as you want. Well friend, I will use my 1st amendment right to tell you that you are not standing up for your freedom of speech, you're just being a general a-hole. (oh BTW, you don't have a free speech right on the Nexus. The Nexus is very open in regard to speech, but they have the right to bounce you if they want. You can get your own web site if you want to say anything you want, but I digress..)
Now if you had actionable input for these great people here at the Nexus to work with and they were trying to shut you up, I would be standing right next to you being as loud with it as I can :smile:

Really though man, just chill bro. Don't take this stuff so seriously man. No one is attacking you personally. It's just words on a page man. If this stuff makes you wonder if people want to kill you, may I suggest seeing a Doctor for some medication or at least finding another hobby.

I am disturbing peace? Thats something i dont hear often :D

See, you may be right, this whole thing went out of control. But is that really my fault? Look how it started. I only wrote on sentence about my frustration. Thats it. Everyone could have ignore it, but they didn't. From the very beginning i was put into defending myself for saying that. And with every time i was defending my saying, i got more hate and had to defend myself more.
Everybody could have read my statement, think "ok, another whining a-hole" and go on. But no, it seems i had to be put in place and explaining myself for some reason.

So i am not convinced, that it was really me disturbing that peace. I felt more disturbed in my own peace with defending myself over and over again.





I think we need this stickied--Useful feedback is defined by fortune.com as:

  • Is highly specific.
  • Contains advice that’s applicable beyond the project at hand. It carries wisdom you can apply toward future projects.
  • Is encouraging. While critical, it is never so harsh that the creator decides to give up.

Part of the problem I have with some of the feedback (and the only reason I haven't multiquoted dozens, if not hundreds of such posts and put their authors on blast is because that would be shameless flaming) is that it is not encouraging to read. No one who designs something for someone wants to hear, "Dood, ur site sux," because that is no different than saying, "Dood, u suck." These designers are pouring bits of themselves into this, much the same way a mod author pours a bit of himself into each mod. That would be like telling Brumbek that SMIM sux because you don't like his FOMOD.

How ridiculous is that?

So when giving feedback, find something specific you don't like about the new site, and more importantly, say how you would do things differently in your feedback to offer useful suggestions to the designers. It's not rocket science to look back over the thread and see which posts got acknowledged by Dark0ne. And doing that would prevent a lot of the acrimony in this thread.



In response to post #55920996. #55929276 is also a reply to the same post.

sniperfodder wrote: I think my biggest complaint with the new design is I can't permanently enable it. When I follow links from the NMM they show up in the old version. The other problem is the "Try the new version" link re-directs to the main page, instead of redirecting to the page you were on when you clicked the try new version banner.
Ethreon wrote: Possible bug ?

Not 100% sure, but I think you are experiencing an issue discussed and rectified with a tip on the first discussion thread.
I'll explain briefly: (BUT, this doesn't answer why you cannot permanently enable it btw... it just handles the address change issue)

I had the issue where all my bookmarks were not working due to the new address. And my complaint at the time was along your lines where many bookmarks etc were pointing to the "old address".

A user mentioned a workaround, that has worked flawlessly for me, and others I would assume.
Not only did this allow me to keep all my hundreds of bookmarks... but it also dealt with any "old link" anywhere on the internet pointing to the old web address.

I use FireFox myself.
The "addon" is called "ReDirector".
Anytime I click an old bookmark (without the rd in the address), it adds the info and processes the request and takes me to the right page.

In fact, I suggested that info/post be stickied (it wasn't), as I was sure it would help many others.
Of course, that is if you are okay with browser addons.

A quick google fu search shows it available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and possibly others as well.
In fact, see below & go there and read up on it. It supports a few browsers.... and is the one I use.

Good luck.


Frickin' genius. Thanks for this! It should be stickied as a workaround in the meantime. :)

modifying browser zoom is a global setting for the browser, not just this webpage.
that is not a solution.

new font doesn't scale well either with browser zoom.

much like how web gmail offers 'comfortable' 'cozy' and 'compact' layout options, something similar would be good here.
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In response to post #55956336. #55957456 is also a reply to the same post.

twowolves80 wrote:

new layout: increase scale of everything by 25% and make it look like windows 10.

UX is terrible. why the f*** does everything have to be so big.

at least the search feature is fixed. having to click the search field twice was annoying

please keep the option to use old layout once roadmap is complete.

Try reducing the browser size to 80%. Worked for me. Text is a little smaller, but nothing I can't handle.






In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026, #55887056, #55887846, #55889711, #55892361, #55896501, #55903126, #55912996, #55918846, #55922706, #55933531, #55944111 are all replies on the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
Graslama wrote: Why?
schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f***ed by nexus.
I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.
slippyguy wrote: Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.
RestlessPilgrim wrote: Define "proper feedback" then because it's not like the numerous complaints aren't pretty clear! Didn't ask for it, don't like it, can't search properly, etc etc etc Just because people disagree with something you want to force on us doesn't make 'em wrong!
Ethreon wrote: Proper feedback - give feedback on the new version, either specifying what is wrong and you want changed, or what could be improved. The old one is not coming back.
"I hate it" is not really of any use to anyone.
schnubbel76 wrote: I dont see it in my responsibility to be "of use". I have just an opinion, i am very very sad about the changes that i mentioned and i dont want to be part of the thinktank for further changes. I want the old one back and as you say, that is not gonnna happen. So all is left to me is being frustrated and say it out loud, because somehow it helps me emotionally. At least more as if i just would remain silent. I know it is of no use. But it is not my duty to be of use for anybody. I have to endure the new design. So you have to endure my criticism. And i in return have to endure your criticism of my criticism. Circle of life.
LavaCroft wrote: If you're just going to complain for the complaining without even attempting to provide any kind of valuable feedback, I would create a Twitter account or something.

Freeloading complainers like you don't realize that you do indeed have the power to cause changes in the design of the website. However, only if you are actually able to verbally express yourself in a way that explains your grievances and what the developers could do to improve the situation. Stop crying, stop complaining, try and help the developers improve on the things you feel are bad.

It's a situation where nobody loses, everybody wins and the website improves.
schnubbel76 wrote: Lava Croft, ok, heres what the developers can do to improve the situation. Give us the option to switch back to the old website. Then im fine. No complaining anymore.
MARTMM3571 wrote: It would counter productive to run two versions of the site.
slippyguy wrote: Are you planning to pay for the development time spent supporting a legacy layout?
mcdanielskh wrote: You just sound like a big crying Baby that's scared of his new rattler and wants his old one back.
Give real input or shut the hell up!! Please.
schnubbel76 wrote: mcdanielskh I dont give a s*** about what you think about me as a person or my behaviour. I said i hate the new layout. Whats the big deal. You dont have to like what im saying. You dont even have to read it or take part in this argument. You can say to me that you hate me, or that you think im a crying baby, you even can wish me to die on cancer. But dont you ever try to shut me up. I dont know where you are coming from, but in my country we are allowed to speak freely. You will never take that away from me.
mcdanielskh wrote: schnubbel76 I did say Please :smile:
Look, I don't hate you, and I seriously doubt that even you can whine enough to make anybody want to kill you. (Although I could be wrong).
I just wish you would take a anti-drama pill and move on for god's sake.

As far as where we are from, that's irrelevant, and I don't see how this has anything to do with freedom of speech. but FYI I am an American, and value freedom of speech.I have also been told to shut up many times in my life, usually because I need to be told to shut up. I am also not afraid to stand up and shout for what i believe when it is needed, like when it interferes with basic liberties like "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and no our founding fathers of the constitution were not talking about you personal happiness to have the Nexus page look just like you want or else. Do you not hear how "entitled" you sound? If you truly understand the meaning of "freedom of speech" you would also know that freedom of speech does not give you the right to disturb the peace and make a general nuisance/ass of yourself.

So ok, we all have heard how you just hate this new Nexus Layout, that you don't want to help make it better and that you just want to make noise and you feel you have a right to make as much noise as you want. Well friend, I will use my 1st amendment right to tell you that you are not standing up for your freedom of speech, you're just being a general a-hole. (oh BTW, you don't have a free speech right on the Nexus. The Nexus is very open in regard to speech, but they have the right to bounce you if they want. You can get your own web site if you want to say anything you want, but I digress..)
Now if you had actionable input for these great people here at the Nexus to work with and they were trying to shut you up, I would be standing right next to you being as loud with it as I can :smile:

Really though man, just chill bro. Don't take this stuff so seriously man. No one is attacking you personally. It's just words on a page man. If this stuff makes you wonder if people want to kill you, may I suggest seeing a Doctor for some medication or at least finding another hobby.

I am disturbing peace? Thats something i dont hear often :D

See, you may be right, this whole thing went out of control. But is that really my fault? Look how it started. I only wrote on sentence about my frustration. Thats it. Everyone could have ignore it, but they didn't. From the very beginning i was put into defending myself for saying that. And with every time i was defending my saying, i got more hate and had to defend myself more.
Everybody could have read my statement, think "ok, another whining a-hole" and go on. But no, it seems i had to be put in place and explaining myself for some reason.

So i am not convinced, that it was really me disturbing that peace. I felt more disturbed in my own peace with defending myself over and over again.





I think we need this stickied--Useful feedback is defined by fortune.com as:

  • Is highly specific.
  • Contains advice that’s applicable beyond the project at hand. It carries wisdom you can apply toward future projects.
  • Is encouraging. While critical, it is never so harsh that the creator decides to give up.

Part of the problem I have with some of the feedback (and the only reason I haven't multiquoted dozens, if not hundreds of such posts and put their authors on blast is because that would be shameless flaming) is that it is not encouraging to read. No one who designs something for someone wants to hear, "Dood, ur site sux," because that is no different than saying, "Dood, u suck." These designers are pouring bits of themselves into this, much the same way a mod author pours a bit of himself into each mod. That would be like telling Brumbek that SMIM sux because you don't like his FOMOD.

How ridiculous is that?

So when giving feedback, find something specific you don't like about the new site, and more importantly, say how you would do things differently in your feedback to offer useful suggestions to the designers. It's not rocket science to look back over the thread and see which posts got acknowledged by Dark0ne. And doing that would prevent a lot of the acrimony in this thread.



In response to post #55920996. #55929276 is also a reply to the same post.

sniperfodder wrote: I think my biggest complaint with the new design is I can't permanently enable it. When I follow links from the NMM they show up in the old version. The other problem is the "Try the new version" link re-directs to the main page, instead of redirecting to the page you were on when you clicked the try new version banner.
Ethreon wrote: Possible bug ?

Not 100% sure, but I think you are experiencing an issue discussed and rectified with a tip on the first discussion thread.
I'll explain briefly: (BUT, this doesn't answer why you cannot permanently enable it btw... it just handles the address change issue)

I had the issue where all my bookmarks were not working due to the new address. And my complaint at the time was along your lines where many bookmarks etc were pointing to the "old address".

A user mentioned a workaround, that has worked flawlessly for me, and others I would assume.
Not only did this allow me to keep all my hundreds of bookmarks... but it also dealt with any "old link" anywhere on the internet pointing to the old web address.

I use FireFox myself.
The "addon" is called "ReDirector".
Anytime I click an old bookmark (without the rd in the address), it adds the info and processes the request and takes me to the right page.

In fact, I suggested that info/post be stickied (it wasn't), as I was sure it would help many others.
Of course, that is if you are okay with browser addons.

A quick google fu search shows it available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and possibly others as well.
In fact, see below & go there and read up on it. It supports a few browsers.... and is the one I use.

Good luck.


Frickin' genius. Thanks for this! It should be stickied as a workaround in the meantime. :)

TeHCoQ wrote: modifying browser zoom is a global setting for the browser, not just this webpage.
that is not a solution.

new font doesn't scale well either with browser zoom.

much like how web gmail offers 'comfortable' 'cozy' and 'compact' layout options, something similar would be good here.

Browser zoom is per page, not global.
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It's going to take some getting used to that's for sure. As far as I can see there are some recurring themes in the criticism. A few valid ones are the font, colours, scaling and borders. That's just some fine tuning. If you have the old & new side by side you'll see pretty much nothing has changed. Just get over that frustration of your favourite site looking different after a decade without a new paint job. Edited by rizlakingsize
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In response to post #55956336. #55957456, #55958306 are all replies on the same post.

twowolves80 wrote:

new layout: increase scale of everything by 25% and make it look like windows 10.

UX is terrible. why the f*** does everything have to be so big.

at least the search feature is fixed. having to click the search field twice was annoying

please keep the option to use old layout once roadmap is complete.

Try reducing the browser size to 80%. Worked for me. Text is a little smaller, but nothing I can't handle.






In response to post #55865556. #55876431, #55886026, #55887056, #55887846, #55889711, #55892361, #55896501, #55903126, #55912996, #55918846, #55922706, #55933531, #55944111 are all replies on the same post.

schnubbel76 wrote: I hate the new design so much
Graslama wrote: Why?
schnubbel76 wrote: I've explained it so much, i write every other day that i hate that. It is not good structured, it looks flat, i miss or dont find some old funtions, the colors are crap, the buttons are crap, it feeles unintuitive, i just dont like it, no i hate it and i will never understand why they felt the need to change it in the first place. It was good as it was. Never touch a working system. If only they would have made it better, but that is not the case. Nothing is better at all. At least not for the user. Maybe there were technical reasons to do this crap. But to me as a user, i feel f***ed by nexus.
I know i am not able to change it and nobody will listen to me or my feelings about this and at least it is not my website, it is theirs, so nobody will give a single f*** about my opinion, but what i can do is tell them every other day, that i hate it forever and ever and i hate the nexus team for changing it. They need to know even if nobody cares. In a democracy, thats the least i can do. Using my right to stand up and say "I hate you". So thats what i do.
slippyguy wrote: Give some proper feedback and your opinion will be taken into account.
RestlessPilgrim wrote: Define "proper feedback" then because it's not like the numerous complaints aren't pretty clear! Didn't ask for it, don't like it, can't search properly, etc etc etc Just because people disagree with something you want to force on us doesn't make 'em wrong!
Ethreon wrote: Proper feedback - give feedback on the new version, either specifying what is wrong and you want changed, or what could be improved. The old one is not coming back.
"I hate it" is not really of any use to anyone.
schnubbel76 wrote: I dont see it in my responsibility to be "of use". I have just an opinion, i am very very sad about the changes that i mentioned and i dont want to be part of the thinktank for further changes. I want the old one back and as you say, that is not gonnna happen. So all is left to me is being frustrated and say it out loud, because somehow it helps me emotionally. At least more as if i just would remain silent. I know it is of no use. But it is not my duty to be of use for anybody. I have to endure the new design. So you have to endure my criticism. And i in return have to endure your criticism of my criticism. Circle of life.
LavaCroft wrote: If you're just going to complain for the complaining without even attempting to provide any kind of valuable feedback, I would create a Twitter account or something.

Freeloading complainers like you don't realize that you do indeed have the power to cause changes in the design of the website. However, only if you are actually able to verbally express yourself in a way that explains your grievances and what the developers could do to improve the situation. Stop crying, stop complaining, try and help the developers improve on the things you feel are bad.

It's a situation where nobody loses, everybody wins and the website improves.
schnubbel76 wrote: Lava Croft, ok, heres what the developers can do to improve the situation. Give us the option to switch back to the old website. Then im fine. No complaining anymore.
MARTMM3571 wrote: It would counter productive to run two versions of the site.
slippyguy wrote: Are you planning to pay for the development time spent supporting a legacy layout?
mcdanielskh wrote: You just sound like a big crying Baby that's scared of his new rattler and wants his old one back.
Give real input or shut the hell up!! Please.
schnubbel76 wrote: mcdanielskh I dont give a s*** about what you think about me as a person or my behaviour. I said i hate the new layout. Whats the big deal. You dont have to like what im saying. You dont even have to read it or take part in this argument. You can say to me that you hate me, or that you think im a crying baby, you even can wish me to die on cancer. But dont you ever try to shut me up. I dont know where you are coming from, but in my country we are allowed to speak freely. You will never take that away from me.
mcdanielskh wrote: schnubbel76 I did say Please :smile:
Look, I don't hate you, and I seriously doubt that even you can whine enough to make anybody want to kill you. (Although I could be wrong).
I just wish you would take a anti-drama pill and move on for god's sake.

As far as where we are from, that's irrelevant, and I don't see how this has anything to do with freedom of speech. but FYI I am an American, and value freedom of speech.I have also been told to shut up many times in my life, usually because I need to be told to shut up. I am also not afraid to stand up and shout for what i believe when it is needed, like when it interferes with basic liberties like "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" and no our founding fathers of the constitution were not talking about you personal happiness to have the Nexus page look just like you want or else. Do you not hear how "entitled" you sound? If you truly understand the meaning of "freedom of speech" you would also know that freedom of speech does not give you the right to disturb the peace and make a general nuisance/ass of yourself.

So ok, we all have heard how you just hate this new Nexus Layout, that you don't want to help make it better and that you just want to make noise and you feel you have a right to make as much noise as you want. Well friend, I will use my 1st amendment right to tell you that you are not standing up for your freedom of speech, you're just being a general a-hole. (oh BTW, you don't have a free speech right on the Nexus. The Nexus is very open in regard to speech, but they have the right to bounce you if they want. You can get your own web site if you want to say anything you want, but I digress..)
Now if you had actionable input for these great people here at the Nexus to work with and they were trying to shut you up, I would be standing right next to you being as loud with it as I can :smile:

Really though man, just chill bro. Don't take this stuff so seriously man. No one is attacking you personally. It's just words on a page man. If this stuff makes you wonder if people want to kill you, may I suggest seeing a Doctor for some medication or at least finding another hobby.

I am disturbing peace? Thats something i dont hear often :D

See, you may be right, this whole thing went out of control. But is that really my fault? Look how it started. I only wrote on sentence about my frustration. Thats it. Everyone could have ignore it, but they didn't. From the very beginning i was put into defending myself for saying that. And with every time i was defending my saying, i got more hate and had to defend myself more.
Everybody could have read my statement, think "ok, another whining a-hole" and go on. But no, it seems i had to be put in place and explaining myself for some reason.

So i am not convinced, that it was really me disturbing that peace. I felt more disturbed in my own peace with defending myself over and over again.





I think we need this stickied--Useful feedback is defined by fortune.com as:

  • Is highly specific.
  • Contains advice that’s applicable beyond the project at hand. It carries wisdom you can apply toward future projects.
  • Is encouraging. While critical, it is never so harsh that the creator decides to give up.

Part of the problem I have with some of the feedback (and the only reason I haven't multiquoted dozens, if not hundreds of such posts and put their authors on blast is because that would be shameless flaming) is that it is not encouraging to read. No one who designs something for someone wants to hear, "Dood, ur site sux," because that is no different than saying, "Dood, u suck." These designers are pouring bits of themselves into this, much the same way a mod author pours a bit of himself into each mod. That would be like telling Brumbek that SMIM sux because you don't like his FOMOD.

How ridiculous is that?

So when giving feedback, find something specific you don't like about the new site, and more importantly, say how you would do things differently in your feedback to offer useful suggestions to the designers. It's not rocket science to look back over the thread and see which posts got acknowledged by Dark0ne. And doing that would prevent a lot of the acrimony in this thread.



In response to post #55920996. #55929276 is also a reply to the same post.

sniperfodder wrote: I think my biggest complaint with the new design is I can't permanently enable it. When I follow links from the NMM they show up in the old version. The other problem is the "Try the new version" link re-directs to the main page, instead of redirecting to the page you were on when you clicked the try new version banner.
Ethreon wrote: Possible bug ?

Not 100% sure, but I think you are experiencing an issue discussed and rectified with a tip on the first discussion thread.
I'll explain briefly: (BUT, this doesn't answer why you cannot permanently enable it btw... it just handles the address change issue)

I had the issue where all my bookmarks were not working due to the new address. And my complaint at the time was along your lines where many bookmarks etc were pointing to the "old address".

A user mentioned a workaround, that has worked flawlessly for me, and others I would assume.
Not only did this allow me to keep all my hundreds of bookmarks... but it also dealt with any "old link" anywhere on the internet pointing to the old web address.

I use FireFox myself.
The "addon" is called "ReDirector".
Anytime I click an old bookmark (without the rd in the address), it adds the info and processes the request and takes me to the right page.

In fact, I suggested that info/post be stickied (it wasn't), as I was sure it would help many others.
Of course, that is if you are okay with browser addons.

A quick google fu search shows it available for Firefox, Chrome, Opera and possibly others as well.
In fact, see below & go there and read up on it. It supports a few browsers.... and is the one I use.

Good luck.


Frickin' genius. Thanks for this! It should be stickied as a workaround in the meantime. :)

TeHCoQ wrote: modifying browser zoom is a global setting for the browser, not just this webpage.
that is not a solution.

new font doesn't scale well either with browser zoom.

much like how web gmail offers 'comfortable' 'cozy' and 'compact' layout options, something similar would be good here.
Ethreon wrote: Browser zoom is per page, not global.

with chrome, you can set global via settings.

if you are suggesting that I ctrl+minus 2x every time I visit this website, that's an even more ridiculous workaround. Edited by TeHCoQ
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